Professor Ruvin FERBER Department of Physics,
University of Latvia
Raina bulvaris 19
Riga, LV 1586
Phone: +371 7033754
Fax: +371 7033751
E-mail: ferber@latnet.lv
ruvins.ferbers@lu.lv |
Born: December 13, 1946, Riga, Latvia
- Experimental and theoretical studies of diatomic molecules by optical methods;
- Molecules in external electric and magnetic field: basic properties and applications;
- Foundations of physics.
Languages: Russian, Latvian, English
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics) 1971
- Postgraduate, University of Latvia, 1975-1978
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), University
of Latvia, 1979
- Dr.habil. phys. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), St-Petersburg (Leningrad) State
University, 1988
- In service training, Department of Atomic Physics, Utrecht University (the Netherlands),
- Senior technician, Engineer, Division of Experimental Physics, Department of Physics,
University of Latvia, 1971-1977;
- Assistant professor (1978-1984), Associate professor (1984-1989) and Professor (1989 -)
Division of Experimental Physics, Department of Physics, University of Latvia
- Head of the Laboratory of Optical Polarizatoin of Molecules at the Institute of Atomic
Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia, 1994 -
Honors and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2006
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Hanle prize, 1992
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Latvian Scientist Union, 1992
- Member, Latvian Physical Society, 1999
- Member, American Physical Society, 1993
- Chairman, The Habilitation and Promotion Council in Physics, University of Latvia,
University of Latvia:
- Optics (Basic Physics course)
- Atomic Physics (Basic Physics course)
- Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules
- Evolution of Physics
Research Projects:
- R.Ferber (Principal Investigator). Separation of First and Second Order Zeeman and Stark
Effects in Electronically Excited Diatomic Molecules. International Science Foundation
(New York) Long-Term Research Grants Program (1994-1995).
- R.Ferber (Project Coordinator). Lasers, Atoms and Molecules: Dynamical Interactions. European
Community PECO Collaboration grant at EU HCM (Networks) program (1995-1997).
- R.Ferber (Project Coordinator). Laser-Molecule Interaction in Strong Fields. Collaborative
Project with Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1997.
- R.Ferber (Project Coordinator). Perturbation Studies in Diatomic Alkali Molecules by
Optical Multiple Resonance Spectroscopy. USA National Research Council Twinning
Program with Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, (1997 - 1999).
- R.Ferber (Co-ordinator of Latvian Part of Project) Photodisociation Dynamics of Alkali
Halide Molecules by Sub-Doppler Spectroscopy of Polarized Atomic Photofragments. NATO
Collaborative Linkage Grant (2001-2002)
- R.Ferber (Head of Project). Studies of Radiative, Magnetic and Electric Properties of
Diatomic Molecules Using Laser Spectroscopy Methods in External Fields. Latvian
Council of Science (1997-2000).
- R.Ferber (Head of Project). Structure and Dynamics of Diatomic Molecules: Experiment and
Theory. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004).
- R.Ferber (Head of Project). Laser Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules and Atoms in
External Fields. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
Recent/Representative Publications:
- M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber, Optical Polarization of Molecules. 1995, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 306 pp.; second ed. 2005, 306 pp.
Articles in Scientific Journals:
- A.V.Stolyarov, I.P.Klincare, M.P.Auzinsh, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber. Rotational magnetic
moment of the Na2 molecule in A1S+u state:
Perturbation effects. - J.Chem. Phys.,1992, vol.96, pp.3510-3522.
- M.P.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. J-selective Stark orientation of molecular rotation in a beam.
- Phys.Rev.Lett., 1992, vol.69, pp.3463-3466.
- R.S.Ferber, Ya.A.Harya, A.V.Stolyarov. Intensities and electronic transition strengths
of seven Te2 visible and IR band systems. - J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Trans.,
1992, vol.47, pp.143-158.
- A.V.Stolyarov, I.P.Klincare, M.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber. Observation of A1S+u~b3Pu
interaction in g factors of weakly coupled Na2 A1S+u
state levels. - J.Chem. Phys., 1993, vol.98, pp.826-835.
- M.P.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber, Emergence of circularity at linear polarized excitation of
molecules. - J.Chem.Phys., 1993, vol.99, pp.5742-5747.
- I.P.Klincare, A.V.Stolyarov, M.P.Auzinsh, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber.
Alignment-orientation conversion by quadratic Zeeman effect: Analysis and observation for
Te2. - J.Chem. Phys., 1993, vol.99, pp.5748-5753.
- E.A.Pazyuk, A.V.Stolyarov, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber. Global deperturbation analysis from
energetic, magnetic and radiative measurements: Application to Te2. - J.Chem.
Phys., 1993, vol.99, pp.7873-7887.
- M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber, A.V.Stolyarov. Separation of quadratic and linear external field
effects in high J quantum beats. - J.Chem.Phys., 1994, vol.101, pp.5559-5565.
- E.A.Pazyuk, A.V.Stolyarov, I.V.Ushakov, R.S.Ferber. Propagation of molecular constant
variations into Franck-Condon type integrals. - J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Trans.,
1995, vol.53, pp.565-579.
- M.Auzinsh, A.V.Stolyarov, M.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber. Magnetic field induced
alignement-orientation conversion: Non-linear energy shift and predissociation in Te2
B1u state. - J.Chem.Phys., 1994, vol.105, pp.37-49.
- I.Jackowska, W.Jastrzæbski, R.Ferber, O.Nikolayeva, P.Kowalczyk. Reanalysis of the A1S+u
state of Na2 by polarization labelling spectroscopy. - Mol.Phys., 1996,
vol. 89, pp.1719-1724.
- R.Ferber. A missing link: What lies behind de Broglies "periodic
phenomenon"? - Foundation of Physics Letters, 1996, vol.9, pp. 575-586
- M.Tamanis, M.Auzinsh, I.Klincare, O.Nikolayeva, A.V.Stolyarov, R.Ferber. NaK D1P
electric dipole moment measurement by Stark level crossing and e-f mixing
spectroscopy. - J.Chem.Phys., 1997, vol.106, pp.2195-2204.
- R.Ferber, P.Kowalczyk, W.Jastrzæbski. Line intensities in V-type polarization labelling
spectroscopy of diatomic molecules. - J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Trans., 1997,
vol.58, pp.53-60.
- M.Tamanis, M.Auzinsh, I.Klincare, O.Nikolayeva, R.Ferber, E.A.Pazyuk, A.V.Stolyarov and
A.Zaitsevskii. NaK L -doubling and Permanent Electric Dipoles
in Low Lying 1P States: experiment and theory. -
Physical Review A, 1998, vol. 58, No 3, pp. 1932 - 1943.,
- M. Tamanis, M. Auzinsh, I. Klincare, O. Nikolayeva, R. Ferber, A. Zaitsevskii, E.A.
Pazyuk, and A.V. Stolyarov, Lifetimes and Transition Dipole Moment Functions of NaK Low
Lying Singlet States: empirical and ab initio approach. - J. Chem. Phys., 1998,
vol. 109, p. 6725
E.A.Pazyuk, A.V.Stolyarov, A.Zaitsevskii, R.Ferber, P.Kowalczyk, and C.Techteil.
Spin-orbit coupling in the D1P ~
d3P complex of 23Na39K.
- Molecular Physics, 1999, vol. 96, pp. 955-961.
- O.Nikolayeva, M.Auzinsh, M.Tamanis, and R.Ferber, Electric field induced
alignment-orientation conversion in diatomic molecules: analysis and observation for NaK.
- Journal of Molecular Structure, 1999, 480-481, pp.283-287.
- R. Ferber, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V. Stolyarov, A. Zaitsevskii, P. Kowalzcyk, Hongmin Chen, He
Wang and William C. Stwalley. The c3S +, b3P and a3S + states of NaK
revisited. - J. Chem. Phys., 2000, vol. 112, No 13, pp. 5740-5750.
- O. Nikolayeva, I. Klincare, M. Auzinsh, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber, E.A. Pazyuk, A.V.
Stolyarov, A. Zaitsevskii, and R. Cimiraglia. Permanent electric dipoles in B 1P and D 1P states
of NaRb: experiment and theory. - J. Chem. Phys., 2000, vol.113, pp.4896-4900
- M.Auzinsh, L.Jayasinghe, L.Oelke, R.Ferber, N.Shafer-Ray. Strobe imaging of electric
fields by depolarisation of Rydberg states of Hg. - J.of Phys. D: Applied Physics,
2001, vol.34, pp.1-6
- M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber, O.Nikolayeva, N.Shafer-Ray, M.Tamanis. Influence of the Stark
effect on the fluorescence polarization of X1 S ?
B1? - state laser-excited NaRb: application
to the direct imaging of electric fields. - J.of Phys. D: Applied Physics,
2001, vol.34, pp.624-630
- M.Tamanis, R.Ferber, A.Zaitsevskii, E.A.Pazyuk, A.V.Stolyarov, Hongmin Chen, Jianbing
Qi, Henry Wang, William C.Stwalley. High-resolution spectroscopy and channel-coupling
treatment of the A1S + - b3P
complex of NaRb. - J. Chem. Phys., 2002, vol.117, pp.7980
- A.Zaitsevski, R.Ferber, R.Cimiraglia. Ab initio quasirelativistic calculations on
angular momentum and magnetic couplings of molecular electronic states.- Chem. Phys.
Lett., 2002, vol.356, pp.277-283.
- O.Docenko, M.Tamanis, R.Ferbers, A.Pashov, H.Knockel, E.Tiemann. Spectroscopic studies
of NaCs for the ground state asymptote of Na+Cs pairs. European Physical Journal
D, 2004, vol.31, pp.205-211.
- O.Docenko, M.Tamanis, R.Ferber, A.Pashov, H.Knöckel, E.Tiemann. The D1? state
of the NaRb molecule. European Physical Journal D, 2005, vol.36, pp.49-55.
(Highlight Paper)
- A.Pashov, O.Docenko, M.Tamanis, R.Ferber, H.Knöckel, E.Tiemann. Experimental
study of the long range interactions between a Na (3S) and Rb (3S)atom. - SPIE
Proceedings, 2005, 5830, p.236.
- W.Jastrzebski, P.Kortyka, P.Kowalczyk, O.Docenko, M.Tamanis, R.Ferber, A.Pashov,
H.Knöckel, E.Tiemann. Accurate characterization of the C(3)1S
+ state of the NaRb molecule. - European Physical Journal D, 2005,
- M.Auzinsh, K.Blush, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, A.Jarmola, M.Tamanis. Electric field induced
hyperfine level-crossings in (nD)Cs at two-step laser excitation: Experiment and theory. -
Optics Communications, 2006, vol. 264, pp. 331-341.
Family: Married since 1970, two children. My son is a medical doctor, my daughter
studies languages at the University of Latvia.
Avocations: History and philosophy of civilization, classics of world cinematography,
jazz music, fishing.
Last update 29.12.2006