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Professor, Dr.habil.phys. Eugene KOTOMIN Head of Department for Theoretical Physics and Computer Modelling, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 8 Kengaraga str., LV-1063 Riga, Latvia Phone: +371 6718 7480 |
Born: September 20, 1949, Vilnius, Lithuania
Total citations: 7100
Citation H-index: 43
Number of papers in refereed journals: 470
Number of communications/poster at scientific meetings: 470
Number of books and book chapters - 17, 12 review articles
Number of invited talks at International Conferences: 45
Main interest
Current research activities are focused on:
Education (degrees, dates, universities)
Career/Employment (employers, positions and dates)
Member of the organising committees of the following International conferences:
Research support and agency
Recent selected publications
1. Evarestov R.A., Kotomin E.A., Ermoshkin A.N. Molecular models of point defects in wide-gap solids. -Riga: Zinatne, 1983. -287 p.
2. Kantorovich L.N., Kotomin E.A., Kuzovkov V.N., Tale I.A., Shluger A.L., Zakis Yu.R. Models of defect processes in wide-gap solids. -Riga: Zinatne, 1991. -320 p.
3. Kotomin E.A. and Kuzovkov V.N. Modern Aspects of Diffusion-Controlled Processes: Cooperative Phenomena in Bimolecular Reactions, North Holland, Elsevier Publ. (vol. 34 in a series of Comprehensive Chemical Kinetics),1996.620 p.
4. Catlow C.R.A. and Kotomin E.A. (eds.) Computational Materials Science, IOS press, Amsterdam, Berlin, Oxford, Tokyo, Washington, DC, 2003, 420 pp. (NATO Science series III: Computer and Systems Sciences, vol. 187).
5. Sickafus K. and Kotomin E.A. (eds.). Radiation Effects in Solids, 2006, NATO ASI Science Series II. Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, Vol. 235.
6. Kuzovkov V.N., Kotomin E.A., Zvejnieks G., Li K.D., Ding T.H., Wang L.M. Void Superlattice Formation in Electron Irradiated Insulating Materials.Book chapter II in: Advances in Materials Science Research , vol. 2, 2011, pp. 191-216 (Nova Science Publishers, ed. Maryann C. Wythers).
7. Heifets E., Kotomin E.A., Mastrikov Yu., Piskunov S., and Maier J. Book chapter Thermodynamics of ABO3 perovskite surfaces. -- In: Thermodynamics-Intective study (InTech Open Access Publishers), 2012, p.491-518.
E.A. Kotomin, R. Merkle, Yu.A. Mastrikov, M.M. Kuklja, and J. Maier, Energy Conversion: Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. First-Principles Modeling of Elementary Processes. - Chapter 6 in book: Computational Approaches to Energy Materials (eds. A.Walsch, A.Sokol, C.R.A. Catlow, Wiley), 2013, p. 149-186.
Review Articles
8. Doktorov A.B., Kotomin E.A. Theory of Tunnelling Recombination of Defects Stimulated by Their Motion. (I). General formalism. -Phys. Stat. Solidi (b), 1982, 114, No.1, p.9-14.
9. Kotomin E.A., Doktorov A.V. Theory of Tunnelling Recombination of Defects Stimulated by Their Motion. (II). Three Recombination Mechanisms. -Phys. Stat. Solidi (b), 1982, 114, No.2, p.287-318.
10. Kalnin Yu.H., Kotomin E.A. Radiation-induced aggregation of immobile Frenkel defects in solids. -Probl. of atom. Sci. and techn., Kharkov phys.-techn. Inst., 20, 1984, p.18-34.
11. Kuzovkov V.N., Kotomin E.A. Kinetics of bimolecular reactions in condensed media. -Rep. on Progr. in Physics, 1988, 51, No.12, p.1479-1524.
12. Millers D.K., Grigorjeva L.G., Kotomin E.A., Artjushenko V.G. Butvina L.N. Radiation-induced processes in crystals and fibers made of silver halides. Latv.St.Univ. Preprint. 1988. P.70.
13. Vinetsky V.L., Kalnin Yu.R., Kotomin E.A., Ovchinnikov A.A. Radiation-induced Frenkel defect aggregation in solids. -Sov.phys.-uspekhi, 1990, 33, No.10, p.793-811.
14. Kotomin E.A., Kuzovkov V.A. Phenomenological theory of the recombination and accumulation kinetics of radiation defects in ionic solids. -Rept. Progr. Phys., 1992, 55, p.2079-2202.
15. Eglitis R., Kotomin E.A., Borstel G. Large scale computer modeling of point defects, polarons and pervoskite solid solutions. Defects and Diffusion Forum, 2004, 226-228, p. 169-180.
16. Zhukovskii Yu., Kotomin E.A., Evarestov R.A., Ellis D.E. Periodic Models in Quantum Chemical Simulations of F Centers in Crystalline Metal Oxides. - Int. J. Quantum Chem., 2007, 107, p.2956-2985.
17. Kotomin E.A. and Popov A.I. The kinetics of radiation-induced point defect aggregation and metallic colloid formation in ionic solids. In: Radiation Effects in Solids, NATO ASI Science Series II. Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (Eds. K. Sikafus and E.A. Kotomin), 235, p. 153-192.
18. M.M. Kuklja, E.A. Kotomin, R. Merkle, Yu.A. Mastrikov, and J. Maier, Combined theoretical and experimental analysis of processes determining cathode performance in solid oxide fuel cells. - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, p. 5443-5471.
Reviewer for more than 40 basic research journals, including
Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B and E, Nature Materials, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, J. Applied Physics, Solid State Ionics, Surface Science, Applied Surface Science, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Physica Status Solidi, Physica B, J Luminescence, Chemistry of Materials, J Physical Chemistry, J Physical Chemistry Letters, J. Physics: Condensed Matter, Solid State Communications, Chemical Physics, Philos. Magazine, Applied Physics Letters, J. Materials Chemistry, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional materials, Chemical Physics Letters, Computational Materials Science, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, J. Alloys and Compounds, Energy and Environmental Science.
Last update 10.09.2015