Born: January 4, 1929, Jekabpils district, Latvia
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Plasma Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Compounds
- New Ceramics, Cermet Materials and Coatings
- Inorganic Phosphorus and Nitrogen Compounds - their Synthesis, Structure and Application
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English
- University of Latvia ( Faculty of Chemistry), 1952
- Dr. chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Riga
Technical University, 1962
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry:
- Researcher, 1955 - 1968
- Head, Laboratory of High Temperature Synthesis, 1969 - 1997
- Deputy Director for Science, 1970 -1984
- Director, 1984 -1997
- Professor, 1994 -
- Leading Researcher, 1997 -
Latvian Academy of Sciences:-
- Vice-president, 1992-1994, 1998-2001
- President, 1994-1998
- Chairman of the Fund, 2001 -
- Visiting Professor, Institute of Physics, Electronics, and Chemistry, Metz University
(France), 1994, 1995
- Visiting Professor, Tsinghua Beijing University (China), 1994
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences , 1989
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences , 1992
- Member, Academia Scientarum et Artium Europaea, 1995
- Professor, 1994
- Honorary Doctoral Degree Dr.h.c. (Chemistry), Riga Technical University, 1996
- USSR Council of Ministers First Award, 1975
- Latvian SSR State Prize , 1980
- Solomon Hiller Medal, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, 1996
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Gustavs Vanags Award (Chemistry), 1998
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium Award, 1975, 1978, 1982, 1985, 1988
- The Three Stars Order (Republic of Latvia), 1998
- State Emeritus Scientist, 2001
- The Latvain Academy of Sciences Grand Medal, 2002
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint Stock Company ''Grindex'' Prize, 2002
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Senate, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992 - ; Chairman, 1994 - 1998
- Member, Latvian Council of Science, 1991-1996;
Chairman, 1993 -1994
- Editor-in-chief for Latvian Journal of Chemistry, 1984 -
- Member, Advisory Board for Mechanics of Composite Materials (Riga, in Russian)
- Member, Advisory Board for journal Materials Science(Vilnius, Lithuania, in English)
- Member, Latvian Council of Higher Education, 1996-2000
- Member, European Materials Research Society
- Member, Latvian Materials Society
- Member, Association of Baltic Materials Societies
- Member, National Geographic Society
- Member, Latvian Chemical Society
- Member, Association of Latvian Intellectuals
- T.Millers. Synthese und Eigenschaften ultradisperser Pulver schwerschmelzenden
Verbindungen. (Plenary lecture). - VII Internazionale Arbeitstagung
"Festkörperchemie und Keramik", Holzhau (Deutschland) , 9-12 November, 1988.
- T.Millers, J.Grabis, I.Zalite. Ultrafine Powders of the refractory Materials in the
Composite Development. (Plenary lecture). - International Composites Conference MICC
90, Moscow, 1990.
- T.Millers. Composites with ultrafine powders of refractory compounds. (Plenary lecture).
- The 2nd European East-West Symposium on Materials and Processes MatTech-91,
Helsinki, 1991.
- T.Millers. Plasmasynthese keramischer Pulver. (Plenary lecture). - XLIII Berg- und
Hüttenmannischer Tag, Freiberg, 1992.
- T.Millers. Materials on the basis of ultrafine refractory compounds powders. (Invited
lecture). - E-MRS Fall Meeting "Materials under extreme conditions and nanophase
materials", Strasbourg, France, November 3-5, 1992.
- T.Millers. Plasmatechnische Herstellung ultradispersen Keramikpulver und deren
Anwendung. (Plenary lecture). - DECHEMA Diskussiontagung, Frankfurt, 1995.
- T.Millers, J.Ronis, A.Vitola. Synthesis, structure and properties of materials in the
system P-N-O.(Plenary lecture). - 3rd International Symposium on Inorganic Phosphate
Materials, Lille, France, September 14-16, 1999.
- T.Millers. Plasma, chemistry, and advanced materials (Academic lecture). - The
General Meeting of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, November 28, 2002.
Riga Technical University:
- Plasma Chemistry and Technology, 1971-1996
- Inorganic Chemistry. High-Temperature Compounds, 1988-1995
Tsinghua Beijing University, China:
- Plasma Chemistry and Technology, 1994
Recent/Representative publications
- T.Millers, A.Vitola. Phosphorus-Nitrogen Inorganic Compounds, 1986, Riga: Zinatne, 208
pp. (in Russian).
- T.N.Millers, A.A.Kuzjukevics. Micromonocrystals of refractory compounds: composition,
structure and properties. - Progr. Crystal Growth & Charact., 1988, vol. 16,
pp. 367-438.
- T.Millers. Materials synthesis on the basis of ultrafine refractory compound powders .
- Materials Science and Engineering, 1993, A 168.
- A.Kuzjukevics, K.Ishizaki, J.Grabis, T.Millers. Hot pressing of TiN-alumina composites.
- J. Cer. Soc. Japan,1994, vol. 102, pp. 225-230.
- L.Cera, T.Millers. Surface acid-base properties of plasma prepared composite oxides in
aqueous solution. - Latv. J. Chem., 1994, N 2, pp. 160-165.
- J.Ronis, B.Bondars, A.Vitola, T.Millers, J.Schneider, F.Frey. Crystal structure of the
phosphorous oxynitride P4ON6. - J.Solid State Chem., 1995, vol. 115, n 1, pp.
- T.Millers, H.König. Plasmatechnische Herstellung ultradispersen Keramikpulver und deren
Anwendung. - DECHEMA, Frankfurt, 1995, s. 41-45.
- A.Vitola, J.Ronis, V.Avotins, T.Millers. Structure of inorganic phosphorous-nitrogen
tetrahedral compounds. - Latv. J. Chem., 1997, N 1, pp. 52-59.
- L.Cera, M.Berzins, T.Millers. Charge development at the interface in Si-C-N composite
aqueous suspensions. - Latv. J. Chem., 1997, N 2, pp. 64-71.
- T.Millers, J.Ronis, A.Vitola. Synthesis, structure and properties of materials in the
system P-N-O. - J. Inorg. Phosphorus Chem., Phosphorus Research Bull., 1999,
vol. 10, pp. 690-695.
- T.Millers. Plasma, chemistry, and advanced materials. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci,
B, 2004, vol. 58, N 2, pp. 76-80.
Research Projects
- T.Millers (Head of Project). Synthesis and Properties of Compounds in System P-N-O-M.
Latvian Council of Science (1990-2000).
- T.Millers (Head of Project). Application of Ultra Fine Powders in Advanced Engineering
Ceramics. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
- T.Millers (Head of Project). Development of Theoretical Aspects for Obtaining Materials
on the Basis of Ultrafine Powders. Latvian Council of Science (1991- 1993).
- T.Millers ( Head of Subprogram). State Importance Research Program " Resources of
the Entrails of the Earth in Latvia and Their Utilisation". Latvian Council of
Science (1997-2000).
- T.Millers (Head of Subprogram). State Importance Research Program "Development of
the Reliability, Strength and Protection of Materials". Latvian
Council of Science (1997-2000).
- T.Millers (Head of Project). Verarbeitbarkeit von plasmatechnisch hergestellten
Nanokomposit-Pulvern. Volkswagenstiftung (1995-1996).
Last update 17.11.2004