Born: March 28, 1938, St.Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia
- Mathematical Theory of Reliability
- Fatigue Life
- Mathematical Statistics
- Aircraft Structure and Strength Analysis
Languages: Russian, English, Latvian, German.
Programming languages: MATLAB, SAS
- Riga Aviation Engineering Military School, cum laude, 1960
- Dr.sc.ing (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute
of Civil Aviation Engineering, Riga, 1965
- Dr.habil.sc.ing (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1974
- Professor, Department of Aircraft Structure & Strength Analysis Riga Aviation
University, 1977
- Visiting Researcher, Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University, (1975;
- Visiting Researcher, University of Wales Swansea ( Eur. Union TEMPUS program), 1996
- Professor, Head of Department of Aircraft Theory and Structure, Aviation
Institute of Riga Technical University, 1999-
- Professor, Department of Air and Motor Transport Theory and Construction, Riga Aviation
University, 1994-1999
- Head of Department of Aircraft Structure & Strength Analysis, Riga Aviation
University, 1974 -1994
[Design and Development of automated control systems: black box data processing (for
Ilyushin Aircraft Design Bureau, IL-86, IL-96); planning of aircraft structures periodic
inspection (for Ilyushin and Yakovlev Aircraft Design Bureaus]
- Head of Department of Economical-Mathematical Research; Deputy Director for Science,
Central Scientific Research Institute of Automated Control Systems of Civil Aviation,
Riga, 1965 -1974
[Design and Development of automated control system: Passenger flow forecasting for Aeroflot,
Honours and Awards
- Entry in :
- International "Who is Who of Intellectuals", 12th Edition
- Dictionary of International Biography, 26th Edition
- "Who is Who in Latvia", 1996
- Latvian SSR Honoured Scientist, 1983
- HoOrder Honour Decoration, 1971
- Medals: For Valiant Labour, 1970; Labour Veteran, 1985
Nomination for International Man of the Year for 1997/98 by the
International Biografical Centre of Cambridge
- Nomination for Great Mind of the 21 Century by American Biographical Institute
Inc., 2005.
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member, Latvian Professor's Association
Aviation Institute of Riga Technical University
(for undergraduate and postgraduate students):
- Aircraft Structure and Strength Analysis
- Reliability
- Mathematical Statistics and Experimental Design
- Markov Processes
Recent /Representative Publications
Totally: 228 publications, including 9 monographs
Main results are published in:
Paramonov Yu. and Andersons J., A family of weakest link models for fibers strength
distribution. Composite: Part A 38, 2007, pp.1227-1233.
Paramonov Yu., Andersons J. A new model family for the strength distribution of
fibers in relation to their length. - In: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.,
Translated from Mekhanika Kompozitnykh Materialov, 2006, Vol. 42, No.2, pp.179-192
Paramonov Yu.M., Kleinhof M.A., Paramonova A.Yu., Markov model of connection
between the distribution of static strength and fatigue life of a fibrous composite. In: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., Translated from Mekhanika
Kompozitnykh Materialov, September-October, 2006,Vol. 42, No.5, pp. 615-630,
Paramonov Yu., Kuznetsov A. Implementing p-set function for airframe inspection program
development. Communication of Dependability and Quality Management ",
2006, Vol. 9, No 1, pp. 51-55.
Paramonov Yu.M. Application of Mathematical Statistics to the Problem of Aircraft
Fatigue Life Estimation and Insurance, Riga: Riga Aviation University, 1992, 248p. (in
Paramonov Yu.M. Aircraft fatigue problem solution by use of modern mathematical
statistics methods. In: Aviation, Vilnius: Technika, 2002, pp. 83-96.
Paramonov Yu.M., Paramonova A.Yu. Inspection program development by the use of
approval test results. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety
Engineering, 2000, Vol. 7, No 4, pp. 301 308.
Paramonov Yu.M.,.Abramov V.I., Glagovsky A.A. Automated system for inspection panning. -
Computers and Industrial Engineering, October 1999, vol.37, N 1-2, pp.461-464
Paramonov Yu.M., Paramonova A.Yu.. Decision procedures of automated system for
inspection program development. - Computers and Industrial Engineering, October
1999, vol.37, N 1-2, pp.141-144
Paramonov Yu.M.. Unbiased quasi-bayesian estimation, - Probability Theory and Its
Applications, 1977, N2, pp.372-380 (in Russian)
Paramonov Yu.M.. Bayesian risk in two cases of sequantional analysis. - Probability
Theory and Its Applications, 1970, N2, pp.364-370 (in Russian)
Research Projects
- Yu.M.Paramonov (Head of Project). Safe Life Definition and Fatigue Crack Inspection
Program Development. Latvian Council of Science
- Yu.M.Paramonov (Head of Project). Specified Life Definition and Inspection Program
Development of Transport Structural Significant Items. Latvian
Council of Science (2001-2002 ).
- Yu.M.Paramonov (Head of Project) Aircraft Inspection Program Development. Latvian Council of Science (2002 - 2003)
- Yu.Paramonov (Head of Project). Aircraft Inspection Program Development by the Use of
Markov Chain Theory Latvian Council of Science
(2004 - )
- Yu.Paramonov (Head of Project). Reliability of Fatigue-prone Aircraft
Structure. Latvian Council of Science
(2005 - 2007)
Last update 04.10.2007