Academy of Sciences
Miera iela 31, Salaspils-1, LV 2169
Tel.: (371) 7901210. Fax: (371) 7901212
Director Dr. phys. A. LAPENAS
Chairman of the Scientific Council Dr. habil.phys. U. ULMANIS
The Nuclear Research Centre was founded in 1992 by separating the Nuclear Reactor and several laboratories from the Institute of Physics. Its main experimental base, the Salaspils Nuclear Reactor, is working since 1961. The thermal power of the reactor is 5 MW, the intensity of the gamma radiation loop 10-40 Gy/s.
The structure of atomic nuclei is investigated by nuclear spectroscopy methods (P. Prokofjevs, A. Afanasjevs, M. Balodis, J. Berzins, V. Bondarenko, N. Kramere, and L. Simonova) and fundamental properties of neutrons and correlations between nuclear models are theoretically studied (J. Tambergs and T. Krasta). Investigations are performed in co-operation with the Munich Technical University (Germany), Livermore National Laboratory (the USA), the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia), the Czech Institute of Nuclear Physics (Prague), and the Lund Technical University (Sweden).
Oxides solid solutions and radiation defects in dielectric crystals are investigated by methods of optical, magnetical, and structure analysis in co-operation with the Institute of University of Latvia Solid State Physics and the Institute of Metal Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (N. Mironova, U. Ulmanis, and V. Skvorcova).
Neutron activation analysis is realized to determine the concentration of heavy metals and toxic elements in objects of the environment, food, medicine, and inorganic and technological materials (D. Riekstina and O. Veveris).
Radioactive isotopes 99mTc and 127Xe for medical use are produced, radiation sterilization of medical instruments is performed, and the jewellery properties of natural mineral amber are improved.