Born: June 2, 1947, Riga, Latvia.
- New physiologically active substances for CNS, cardiovascular and malignant diseases
- Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds and amino acid analogues
- Action of new medicines: biochemical mechanisms
- Immunochemistry.
Originator of antiischaemic drug mildronate and anticancer immunostimulator leakadine.
Languages: Latvian, English, German, and Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Chemistry), 1969
- Dr. chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries),
Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga, 1976
- Thesis: "Methods of Synthesis of Functionalized 1-H and 1-NH2-Aziridines".
- Dr. habil. chem. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Leningrad
(Saint-Peterburg) University, Russia, 1988
- Thesis "Synthesis and Investigation of Aziridin-, Thiiran- Hydrazinocarboxylic
Acids as Physiologically Active Analogues of Natural Amino Acids".
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis:
- Engineer, 1969 -1970
- Senior Engineer, 1970 - 1971
- Head of Research group, 1971- 1985
- Head of Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry, since 1986
- Vice-director (for science), 1987-2004
- Director, since 2004
- Head, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, since 1992
- Professor (Chemistry), since 1994
- Postdoctoral studies, Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Munich (BRD),
- Institute of Organic Chemistry, University Goettingen (BRD), 1994
Honours and Awards
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1994
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1994
- Honorary Academician, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, 2006
- Latvian SSR State Prize for Science and Technology, 1988
- D.H. Grindel Medal for merits in the synthesis and investigations of drugs (company
" Grindex", Latvia), 1996
- S.Hillers Medal for contribution to the development of medicinal preparations (Latvian
Institute of Organic Synthesis), 1997
- Oswald Schmiedeberg Medal (Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia), 2001
- Gustav Vanags' Prize of Latvian Academy of Sciences for series of publications
"Synthesis and investigation of bioactive low-molecular NO-inductors and
donors", 2003
- Paul Walden's Medal for outstanding contribution to the development of medicinal
chemistry in Latvia and series of works devoted to the development of a new approach in
the creation of medicaments", 2003
- St.George Medal awarded by International rating Academy "Golden Fortune" in
collaboration with the ortodox church of the Ukraine for the succesful co-operation
between Latvia and Ukraine, 2004
- The Solomons Hillers Prize for outstanding achievments in biomedicine and the
design of new medications (a cycle of investigations "Synthesis, development and
introduction into practice of a cycloprotector with an original mechanism of action Mildronate)
, 2005
- Certificate and Golden Medal of World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
for long-term and highly productive work as inventor, 2005
- The Three Stars Order of the Republic of Latvia, 2006
- The Award of the Cabinet of Ministers, Republic of Latvia, 2006
Professional Activities and Memberships
- President , Latvian Chemical Society, 1994 - 2000
- Member of Council, Latvian Agency of Medicines, 1994 - 2002
- Member of Senate, Latvian Academy of Sciences, since 1994
- Member of Habilitation and Promotion Council, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis,
1991 - 1998
- Member, Editorial Board for Latvian Journal of Chemistry, since 1996
- Member, Editorial Board for Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences,
since 1998
- Member, Editorial Board for Molecules, since 2003
- Head of Library Council, Latvian Academy of Sciences, since 1998
- Member of Advisory Convent , Faculty of Material Sciences and Applied Chemistry, Riga
Technical University, since 2000
- Member of Steering Committee, company "Olainpharm", since 2003
- Member of American Chemical Society
- Medicinal Chemistry, Riga Technical University, since 1996
Recent/Representative Publications
Total number of publications - > 590, including 277 patents.
- I.Kalvinsh, K.H. Metten, R.Brückner. A novel pathway to alkenyl(trifluoro
methanesulfonates). Application to the conversion of sugar lactones into versatile
chirons. - Heterocycles, 1995, vol. 40, N 2, pp. 939-952.
- R.Vegners, I.Shestakova, I.Kalvinsh, R.M.Ezzell, P.A.Janmey. Use of a gel-forming
dipeptide derivative as a carrier for antigen presentation. - J.Pept. Sci., 1995,
vol. 1, pp. 371-378
- L.Fisera, R.Huisgen, I.Kalvinsh, E.Langhals, X.Li, et.al. New thione chemistry. -
Pure Appl. Chem., 1996, vol. 68, N 4, pp. 789-798.
- P.Trapencieris, I.Kalvins, E.Kupce, E.Lukevics. Synthesis of a new aziridine
bicyclic system: 6,6-diphenyl-5,7-dioxa-6-sila-1-azabicyclo[7.1.0]decane. - J. Chem.
Res., 1996, pp. 142-143.
- A.Jirgensons, I.Kums, V.Kauss, I.Kalvins. A convenient reagent for
N-hydroxylation. - Synth. Commun., 1997, vol. 27, N 2, pp. 315-322.
- R.Huisgen, I.Kalwinsh, J.R.Moran, H. Nöth, J.Rapp. An unorthodox pathway to the
1,2-dithiin system. - Liebigs Ann./Recueil, 1997, pp. 1677-1684.
- O.Pugovics, V.Kauss, I.Kalvins, M.R.Gold. The synthesis of
(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl-(3-pyridylalkyl)ethers via
1-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)methyl pyridinium salts. - Synth.Commun., 1998,
vol. 28, N 12, pp.2227-2236.
- G.Veinberg, I.Shestakova, N.Grigan, D.Musel, I.Kanepe, I.Domrachova, I.Grigoryeva,
O.Zharkova, I.Turovskis, I.Kalvinsh, A.Strakovs, E.Lukevics. New biological
properties of tert-butyl cepalosporanate sulfones. - Eur. J. Med. Chem., 1998,
vol. 33, N 10, pp. 755-762.
- R.Huisgen, I.Kalvinsch, X.Li, G.Mloston. 1,3-Dipolar cycloadditions, 116: The
formation of 1,3-dithiolanes from aromatic thioketones and diazomethane. - The mechanism
of the Schonberg reaction. - Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2000, pp. 1685-1694.
- A.Jirgensons, V.Kauss, I.Kalvinsh, M.R.Gold, W.Danysz, C.G.Parsons,
G.Quack. Synthesis and structure-affinity relationshiops of 1,3,5- alkylsubstituted
cyclohexylamines binding at NMDA receptor PCP site. - Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2000,
vol. 35, pp. 1-11.
- I.Starchenkov, P.Trapencieris, V.Kauss, G.Jas, I.Kalvinsh. A convenient synthesis
of 5ß-cholestan-26-oic and 5ß-cholestan-26,27-dioic acids. - Steroids, 2000,
vol.65, pp. 143-147.
- G.Veinberg, M.Vorona, I.Shestakova, I.Kanepe, O.Zharkova, R.Mezapuke, I.Turovskis, I.Kalvinsh, E.Lukevics. Synthesis
and antitumor activity of selected 7-alkylidene substituted cephems - Bioorg. Med.
Chem., 2000, vol. 8, N 5, pp. 1033-1040.
- M.Dambrova, L.Baumane, A.Kiuru, I.Kalvinsh, J.E.S.Wikberg.
N-Hydroxyguanidine compound 1-(3,4-dimethoxy-2-chlorobenzylideneamino)-3-hydroxyguanidine
iInhibits the xantine oxidase mediated generation of superoxide radical . - Arch.
Biochem. Biophys, 2000, vol. 377, N 1, pp. 101-108.
- A.Lorenzen, Ch.Stanek, H.Lang , V.Andrianov, I. Kalvinsh ,
U.Schwabe. Characterization of a G protein-coupled receptor for nicotinic acid. - Molecular
Pharmacology, 2001,vol. 59, N 2, pp. 349-357.
- M.Dambrova, E.Liepinsh, I.Kalvinsh. Mildronate: cardioprotective action through
carnitine-lowering effect. - Trends Cardiovasc. Med., 2002, vol. 12, N 6, pp.
- M.Dambrova, O. Kirjanova, L. Baumane, E. Liepinsh,
L. Zvejniece, R.Muceniece, I.Kalvinsh, J.E.S.Wikberg. EPR investigation of
/in vivo/ inhibitory effect of guanidine compounds on Nitric Oxide production in rat
tissues. - Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2003, vol 54, N 3, pp.
- M.Dambrova, E.Liepinsh, O.Kirjanova, O.
Gorshkova , V.Kozlowski, S.Chlopicki , S.Uhlen, I.Liepina , R.Petrovska , I.Kalvinsh
. The methylester of gamma- butyrobetaine, but not gamma-butyrobetaine itself,
induces muscarinic receptor-dependent vasodilatation . - N-S Arch. Pharmacol.,
2003, vol. 11, N10, pp.
- P. Prusi, M.Dambrova, V.Andrianov, E.Rozhkov
, V.Semenikhina , I.Piskunova , E.Ongwae, T.Lunstedt, I.Kalvinsh,
J.E.S.Wikberg. Synthesis and quantitative structure-activity relationship of
hydrazones of N-amino-N-hydroxyguanidine as electron acceptors for xantine oxidase.
- J.Med.Chem., 2004, vol. 47, pp. 3105-3110.
- D.Katkevica, P.Trapencieris , A.Boman, I.Kalvins
, T.Lundstedt. The Nenitzescu reaction: an initial screening of experimental
conditions for improvement of the yield of a model reaction. - J.Chemometrics,
2004, vol. 18, pp.183-187. (www.interscience.wiley.com. DOI: 10.1002/cem.863).
- P.W.Finn, M.Bandara, Ch.Butcher, A.Finn,
R.Hollinshead,N.Khan, N.Law, S.Murthy, R.Romero, C.Watkins, V.Andrianov, R.M.Bokaldere,
K.Dikovska, V.Gailite, E.Loza, I.Piskunova, I.Stachenkov, M.Vorona, I.Kalvinsh.
Novel sulfonamide derivatives as inhibitors of histone deacetylase. - Helvetica
Chimica Acta, 2005, vol. 88, pp. 1630-1643.
- N.Sjakste, A.Gutcaits , I.Kalvinsh. Mildronate: an antiischemic drug for
neurological indications. - CNS Drug Reviews, 2005, vol. 11, N 2, pp.151-168.
- Sesti C., Simkhovich B.Z., Kalvinsh I., Kloner R.A. Mildronate, a Novel FAtty
Acid Oxidation Inhibitor and Antoanginal Agent, Reduces Myocardial Infarct Size Without
Affecting Hemodynamics. - J.Cardiovasc.Pharmacol., 2006, vol. 47, N 3, pp.
- Sjakste N., Kalvinsh I. Mildronate: an Antiischemic Drug with Multiple
Indications. - Pharmacologyonline, 2006, 1: 1-18 .
- Kalvinsh I., Gutcaits A., Bagdoniene L., Labeikyte D., Trapencieris P., Sjakste
N. Hypothetical gamma-butyrobetaine esterase-dependent signal transduction system:
possible link to mildronate. - Medical Hypotheses and Research, 2006,
vol.3, N 3, pp. 803-812. (also available online at www.journal-MHR.com.)
- Chipens G., Ievina N., Kalvinsh I. Exons and introns of globin genes originated from repetitive
nucleic acids. - Latv. J. Chem., 2006, N 3, pp. 256-262.
Research Projects
- I.Kalvins (Head of Project). Synthesis of hypolipidemic agents and parcial agonists and
antagonists of NMDA receptors for the evaluation of new medicines. Latvian Council of
Science (1993-1996).
- I.Kalvins (Head of Project). Synthesis and investigation of carbocyclic amines. Latvian
Council of Science (1997-2000).
- I.Kalvins (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Baltic cancer cell collection. European
Community (1994-1996).
- I.Kalvins (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). The novel pathways to synthesis of
mitosenes. NATO Communication (1994-1997).
- I.Kalvins (Head of Project). Synthesis of polyfunctional alkoxyphenyldiazene oxides. TAIHO
Foundation (1995-1996).
- I.Kalvins (Head of the Latvian Part of Project). Development of rational drug design
methods for G-protein coupled receptors. Royal Academy of Sweden (1994-1997).
- I.Kalvins (Head of Project). Synthesis of steric hindered substituted cycloalkylamines
for nicotinic acethylcholine pharmacophore model investigations. Latvian Council of
Science (2001 - 2004).
- I.Kalvins (Head of Project). Stereoselective synthesis of aryl-, alkynyl-
and alkenyl- cyclohexanamines and their application. Latvian Council of Science
(2005 - ).
- I.Kalvins (Head of Project). Synthesis of functionalized indoles in the
development of novel nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Latvian Council of
Science (2005 - ).
- I.Kalvins (Head of Project).Synthetic analogs of native inhibitors of Zn
containing metalloproteases. Latvian Council of Science
(2005 - ).
- I.Kalvins (Head of Project). Original medicines and biocorrectors:
design, transport forms and mechanisms of action. Latvian State Research Program
(2005 - ).
- I.Kalvins (Head of Project). Network of support for development of SMEs
in high-tech industries. PHARE 2003 ESK Project (2005 - ).
- I.Kalvins (Head of Project). Research on sustainable development of
Latvian chemical and pharmaceutical industries (2006 - ).
Last update 07.02.2007