Benedikts KALNACS
Dr. Benedikts KALNACS
Institute of Literature, Folklore and Arts,
University of Latvia
Akademijas laukums 1
Riga, LV-1050
LatviaTel.: +371 7 212872
Fax: +371 7 229017
E-mail: litfom@lza.lv; benedikt@inbox.lv
P rofessor
Liepaja Pedagogical Academy
Liela iela 14, Liepaja, LV - 3400, Latvia
Tel.: +371 340 7738
E-mail: litera@lieppa.lv |
Born: February 25, 1965, Riga, Latvia
- Comparative Literature
- Modern Drama
- History of Latvian Drama
- History of Latvian Literature
Languages: Latvian, English, German, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Philology) , 1988
- Dr. philol. (Latvian literature), Institute of Literature, Folklore and Arts,
Latvia, 1993
- Dr. habil. philol. (Latvian literature), University of Latvia, 1999
Academic Employment History
Director, Institute of Literature, Folklore and Arts, Riga, 1999-
Senior Scholar, Institute of Literature, Folklore and Arts, Riga, 1994-
Junior Scholar, Institute of Literature, Folklore and Arts, Riga, 1988 - 1994
Professor, Liepaja Pedagogical Academy, 2004 -
Associate Professor, Liepaja Pedagogical Academy, 2001 - 2004
Assistant Professor, Liepaja Pedagogical Academy, 1998 - 2001
Lecturer, Liepaja Pedagogical Academy, 1994 - 1998
- Research at the Free University (Freie Universität), Berlin, Germany for
the book "German Literature and Latvia, 1890 - 1945", 2004
- Fellow of the Seminar Shakespeare and the Renaissance: Art,
Literature and Music in Elizabethan England, University of Oxford, Great Britain ,
- DAAD Scholarship for comparative drama studies, Institute for
Interdisciplinary Baltic Studies, Wilhelms University, Münster, Germany, 2001
- Fellow of the Session 374 of the Salzburg Seminar, Shakespeare around the Globe,
Salzburg, Austria, 2000
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Institute for Interdisciplinary Baltic Studies, Wilhelms
University, Münster, Germany, 1999
- Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters grant for short-time studies at the Centre for
Ibsen-Studies, Oslo, Norway, 1996, 1997
- IREX short-time research grant at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 1995
Honours and Awards
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Chairman of the Baltic Assembly Prize National Jury, 2005
- Member of the Board, Latvian Council of Science, 2003 -
- Chairman of the Experts Commission in Linguistics, History of
Literature, Folklore Studies, Art Sciences, Latvian Council of Science, 2000
- Chairman of the Council of Promotion, Literature, Folklore, Art, and
Communication Studies, University of Latvia, 2000
- Member of Scientific Council, University of Latvia, 1999
- Member of Latvian Writers' Union, 1999
- Member of Riga Latvians Society, 1999 -
- Member of Scientific Council, Institute of Literature, Folklore and Arts, 1993
Liepaja Pedagogical Academy -
Theory and Analysis of Drama, 1996
20th Century Drama, 1998 -
Martin Ziverts Drama, 2001 -
Latvian Exile Literature, 1993 -
History of the Latvian Drama, 2002 -
Representative Publications
- Vacu literatura un Latvija, 1890 - 1945./ German Literature
and Latvia, 1890 -1945/ (With I.Daukste-Silasproge, M.Grudule, Z.Gutmane, J.Verdina)
- Riga: Zinatne, 2005 (in Latvian, Summary in German).
- Vines modernisms./ Modernism in Vienna/. - Liepaja: LiePA,
2005. (in Latvian).
- Latvieu drama. 20.gadsimta pirma puse./Latvian Drama.
The First Half of the 20th Century/ (With
V.Hausmanis.) - Riga: Zinatne, 2004 (in Latvian).
- Modernisma drama Vacija. /Modernist Drama in Germany/ -
Liepaja: LiePA, 2002 (in Latvian).
- Modernisma dramas aizsakumi./The Beginnings of
Modernist Drama/. Liepaja: LPA, 2001 (in Latvian).
- Ibsena zime /The Sign of Ibsen/. - Riga: Zinatne 2000 (in
- Tradicijas un novatorisms Martina Ziverta dramas
struktura./The Interplay of Traditional and Innovative Structures in M.Ziverts
Drama/. Riga: Zinatne 1998 (in Latvian, Summary in English).
- Julijs Petersons - verotajs laikmetu mainas./Julijs
Petersons/. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC 1996 (in Latvian)
- Search for Self and the Other in Latvian Modernism//At the End of the
World: Text, Motif, Culture. - Tallinn: The Under and Tuglas Literature Centre, 2005.
- Ekspresionisms vacu un latvieu
drama//Letonica, 2005, 12. - 1,5 a.l. (In Latvian. Expressionism in
German and Latvian Drama. Summary in English.)
- Baltic Drama in the European Context: End of the 19th Century,
Beginning of the 20th
Century//Aktualas problemas literaturas zinatne. 9. Liepaja, 2004. 0, 6 a.l.
- Andreja Upia dramaturgija laikmeta konteksta//Paliekoais un
zudoais Andreja Upia darbos. R.:Petergailis, 2004. 0,6 a.l. (In Latvian.
Andrejs Upits' Drama in European Context.)
- Martin Ziverts un ekspresionisms//Meklejumi
un atradumi. 2004. R., 2004. (In Latvian. Martin Ziverts and Expressionism.)
- Postmodernais un klasiskais drama//Postmodernisms
teatri un drama. R.,2004. (In Latvian. Postmodern and Classical Drama.)
- Naturalisms drama//Meklejumi un atradumi. 2004.
R., 2004. (In Latvian. Naturalism in Drama.)
- Henrika Ibsena "Lellu nams" un
"Heda Gablere": dazas strukturas paraleles//Norvegu dramaturgija un tas
interpretacija Baltijas valstis. R.,2004. (In Latvian and Norwegian. Henrik Ibsen. "A
Doll's House" and "Hedda Gabler": a few parallels in structure.)
- Baltijas drama Eiropas konteksta: 19.gadsimta
beigas - 20.gadsimta sakums//Letonica, 2004, 10. 0, 5 a.l. (In Latvian. Baltic Drama in
the European Context. Summary in English.)
- Scandinavian and Finnish Literature of the 19th and Early 20th
Centuries// Ziemelu zvaigznajs. R.,2002. 0,5
- Henriks Ibsens// Ziemelu zvaigznajs. R.,2002. (In
Latvian. Henrik Ibsen.)
- Bjernstjerne Bjernsons// Ziemelu zvaigznajs.
R.,2002. (In Latvian. Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson.)
- Augusts Strindbergs// Ziemelu zvaigznajs. R.,2002. (In Latvian. August Strindberg.)
- Latvieu drama 30.gadu otraja puse:
Ideologija un maksla//Aktualas problemas literaturas zinatne. 7. Liepaja, 2002. (In
Latvian. Latvian Drama of the Second Half of the 1930s.)
- Egila nores telpa//Karogs, 2002, 4. (In
Latvian. Egils nore' Space.)
- Vacu modernisma dramaturgijas interpretacija
Latvija//Materiali par kulturu Latvija. R., 2002. (In Latvian. The Interpretation of
German Modernist Drama in Latvia.)
- Voldemars Zonbergs - Sauleskalns//Latvieu
rakstnieku portreti. Pozitivisti. - R.,2002. (In Latvian.)
- Modernas dramas zimes A.Caka dramatiskaja poema
Matiss, kausu bajars//Aleksandra Caka gadagramata. R.,2002. (In Latvian. The
Signs of Modern Drama in A.Caks' Dramatic Poem 'Matiss, kausu bajars'.)
- Return of the Human? Some Remarks on the Drama of the
1990s//Interlitteraria 7. Vol II. Tartu, 2002.
- H.Ibsens A Dolls House in Latvia: A Search for a
Feminine, Human, and National Identity. Proceedings. 9th International
Ibsen Conference. University of Bergen, 2001.
- Nezinamais Pauls Putnin. Karogs,
2001, 11. (In Latvian. The Unknown Pauls Putnin.)
- H.Ibsens Batijas kultura 19.gadsimta beigas,
20.gadsimta sakuma. Acta Baltica, 2001. (In Latvian. Henrik
Ibsen in the Baltic Culture, the End of the 19th, the Beginning of the 20th
- Poetikas laikmetigums Raina lugas
Speleju, dancoju un Daugava. Rainis radoo meklejumu
spoguli. R., 2001. (In Latvian. The Modernity of Poetics of Rainis
Speleju, dancoju and Daugava.)
- Vinas stasts? Dazu motivu paraleles H.Ibsena un
L.Stumbres drama. Feministica Lettica 2. R., 2001. (In Latvian.
Some Parallels of Dramatic Motifs in H.Ibsens The Lady from the Sea and
L.Stumbres The Dark-Haired Valet.)
- Jana Jurkana spoguli//Karogs, 2001, 10. (In
Latvian. Janis Jurkans' Miorrors.)
- Vacu dramaturgija un tas interpretacija Latvija
19.un 20.gadsimta mija. Karogs, 2001, 8. (In Latvian. German
Drama and its Interpretation in Latvia at the Turn of the 19th and the 20th
- Vina Stumbre. Dialogi// Karogs, 2001, 7.
- Elina Zalite. Latvieu rakstnieku portreti. Laikmetu krustpunktos.
R.,2001. (In Latvian. Elina Zalite.)
- Raksturi un konflikti Lindula lugas. Aktualas problemas
latvieu literaturas zinatne. 6. Liepaja, 2000. (In Latvian. Characters and Conflicts
in Lindulis Plays.)
- Nora vai Lellu nams.
H.Ibsena lugas interpretacijas aspekti. Letonica, 1999, 2(4).
(In Latvian. Nora or A Dolls House. Aspects of Interpretation.)
- Latvieu drama 30.gadu otraja puse.
Latvieu drama 40.gadu pirmaja puse. Latvieu literaturas vesture, 2.sejums.
R.,1999. (In Latvian. Latvian Drama During the Late 1930s. Latvian Drama During the Early
1940s. History of Latvian Literature, Vol.2.)
- Edvards Vulfs 20.gadsimta sakuma dramas
konteksta. Materiali par literaturu, folkloru, makslu un arhitekturu. R., 1999. (In Latvian. Edvards Vulfs and the 20th Century Drama.)
- Aleksandra Grina dramatiskie darbi. Aleksandrs
Grins. Riga, 1999. (In Latvian. Aleksandrs Grins Plays.)
- Strindberga pieejamiba. Karogs, 1999, 1. (In Latvian. August Strindberg.)
- Ziemelu sapnis. H.Ibsena Pers Gints
Skandinavija, Eiropa un Latvija.- Letonica, 1998, 2. (In
Latvian. The Northern Dream: Henrik Ibsens Peer Gynt in Scandinavia, Europe,
and Latvia.)
- Pera Ginta un Branda motivu dialogs Martina
Ziverta drama. Aktualas problemas latvieu literaturas zinatne. 4. Liepaja, 1998.
(In Latvian. The Dialogue of Motifs of Peer Gynt and Brand
in M.ZivertsDrama.)
- Lelde Stumbre. Latvieu
rakstnieku portreti. 70.-90.gadu rakstnieki. Riga, 1998. (In Latvian. The Dramatist Lelde
- M.Ziverts un 20.gadsimta drama: paraleles un
krustpunkti. Materiali par literaturu un arhitekturu laikmetu kopsakaribas. Riga,
1997. (In Latvian. M.Ziverts and the 20th Century Drama.)
- M.Ziverts un romantisms. Aktualas problemas
latvieu literaturas zinatne. 2. Liepaja, 1996. (In Latvian. M.Ziverts and
- Tradicionalo dramas formu novatoriska
interpretacija Martina Ziverta dailrade. 1.Melodrama. "Cilveks grib dzivot".
Latvijas Zinatnu Akademijas Vestis, 1996, 4/5. (In Latvian. The Melodramatic Imagination
in M.Ziverts Play "A Man Wants to Live". Proceedings of the Latvian
Academy of Sciences. Section A. 1996, 4/5.)
- Tradicionalo dramas formu novatoriska
interpretacija Martina Ziverta dailrade. 2.Komedija. "Minhauzena precibas". LZA
Vestis, 1996, 6.(In Latvian. Innovative Use of Traditional Elements of Drama in
M.Ziverts Comedy "Münchhausens Wedding". Proceedings of the Latvian
Academy of Sciences. Section A. 1996, 6.)
- M.Ziverts un 20. gadsimta drama: paraleles un
krustpunkti./M.Ziverts and the 20th Century Drama. Conference Papers./ - Materiali par
literaturu un arhitekturu laikmetu kopsakaribas. R.,1997. (In Latvian).
Representative International Conference Papers
- The Changing Identities of Latvian Drama. - The Millenium in
Baltic Literatures: ecriture and/or Literature, Under and Tuglas Literary centre,
Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn. December 16-17,1999.
- Between Postcolonialism and the Postmodern: Latvian Drama in the decade of Transition. - Between the Bloc and the Hard Place. November 1999, University
of London.
- The experience of modernity in M.Ziverts Drama. - 3rd
Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, June, 1999, University of Stockholm.
- H.Ibsen's A Doll's House: Aspects of Its Interpretation in Latvia. - Nordic
Cultural Festival, April, 1997, University of Latvia, Riga.
- The Experience of Modernity in M.Ziverts' Drama. - AABS Conference on Baltic Sudies, June,
1996, Waltham College, Mass.
- Latvian Drama and the Theory of Modern Drama. - Aspazijas
Days, March, 1996, Baltoskandijos Akademija, Panevezys, Lithuania.
- M.Ziverts Chamber Plays: Their Relation to the Theatre of H.Ibsen and A.Strindberg. -
The First Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, June, 1995, University of Latvia,
- H.Ibsen and M.Ziverts. - The Third Ibsen Seminar, May, 1995, Baltoskandijos
Akademija, Panevezys, Lithuania.
Research Projects
- Kalnacs B.(Head of Project).Latvian Literature in the Context of World
Literature. Latvian Council of Science( 2001 -2004)
- Kalnacs B.(Head of Project).Latvian Literature in the Baltic and European
Context. Latvian Council of Science( 2005 - )
Last update 03.01.2006