Born: April 2, 1955, Dobele, Latvia
- Phase Transitions in Ferroelectrics and Ferroelastics
- Electrooptical Properties of Ferroelectrics in the Infrared
- Laser Induced Phase Transitions and Structure Modifications in Thin Films of
Ferroelectrics and Silicides
- Electroconductive Carbon Black - Polymer Nanocomposites as Sensormaterials and their
Electrical and Mechanical Properties
- Physics of Materials, Emerging Engineering Materials
- Physics of New Materials
- Emerging Engineering Materials
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, and English
- Physicist, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, 1978
- Postgraduate, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 1988
Professor in Physics of Materials, Riga Technical University, 2005
Professor in Solid State Physics, Riga Technical University, 1999
Dr. habil. phys., Institute of Solid State Physics, University
of Latvia, 1999, diploma C-Dh Nr000208
Associate Professor, Riga Technical University, 1999
Docent, Riga Technical University, 1993
Dr.phys. (Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute of Solid State Physics, University
of Latvia, 1989
Professional Experience:
Riga Technical University (RTU), Chair of Physics until 1994, Institute of Technical Physics since 1994
- Professor in Physics of Materials, RTU, 2005
- Director, Institute of Technical Physics , RTU, 1999 -
- Professor in Solid State Physics, 1999
- Chairman of RTU Senate, 2003 2006
- Associate Professor, RTU, 1999
- Docent, RTU, 1993 - 1999
- Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, RTU, 1978 - 1993
- Visiting Scientist, University of Vienna, Institute of Experimental Physics, Austria
- Workshop The regional train-the-trainers course on nuclear
materials for Customs trainers of Eastern and Central Europe Seibersdorf
Research Center, Austria, June,1997
- European Graduate School Germany/Polen/Latvia Workshop Materials and design
aspects of surfaces and interfaces, Institut fuer Werkstofftechnik Kunststof-
und Recyclingtechnik, Kassel Universitaet, Germany , December, 2002
- Bilateral agreement for the academic year 2004/2005 Socrates programme: Higher Education
(ERASMUS), topic taught " Physics of Materials" , University of Vienna,
Institute of Experimental Physics, Austria, September, 2004.
Lectures abroad:
- Electric conductive polymer-carbon black nanocomposites as sensor materials.
-University of Kassel (Germany), December 13, 2002
- Alternating-curent electrical properties of elastomer-carbon nanocomposites. - Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, September1, 2003
- Polymer electroconductive nanoparticle composites as functional materials for strain
sensors. - University of Vienna (Austria), July 17, 2004.
Honours and Awards
- Scientist of the Year 2007 of Riga Technical University, 2007
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004, diploma Nr K-248
- Professor of Riga Technical University, 2000, diploma Nr 16.
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Head of Promotion Council 'RTU P-18' in Materials Science, speciality - Engineering
of Materials (Dr.sc.ing.) and Physics of Materials (Dr.phys.), 2004
- COST (European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) expert In
DC: Materials, Physical and Nanosciences, 2006 -
- Member, Latvian Physics Society, 1999 -
- Member, Latvian Union of Scientists, 2000 -
- Member, Latvian Universities Professors Association, 2000 -
- Member of the Senate of Riga Technical University, 2001 -
- Member of European Materials Research Society, 2003 -
- Member, Editorial Board of Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University
Material Science and Applied Chemistry , 2001 -
- Member of Scientific Advisory Committee of Fourth and Fifth Int. Workshop on
New Approaches to High-Tech: Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science
and Engineering, (NDTCS-2000, NDTCS-2001), St.-Petersburg, 2000, 2001
Riga Technical University:
- Physics (for undergraduate)
- Structure and Properties of Materials (for undergraduate)
- Physics of New Materials (for undergraduate)
- Materials Science (for postgraduate)
- Physics of Nanostructured Materials (for postgraduate)
- Physics of Sensormaterials and Smart Materials (for postgraduate)
Recent/Representative Publications
Selected Scientific Papers:
- M.Knite, K.Ozols, G.Shakale, V.Teteris. Polyisoprene and high structure carbon
nanoparticle composite for sensing organic solvent vapours. - Sensors and Actuators B:
Chemical, 2007, V126, pp. 209-213.
- M.Knite, G.Shakale, I.Klemenoks, K.Ozols, V.Teteris. Investigation of mechanism of
organic solvent vapours sensing effect in polyisoprene-highstructure carbon black
composite. - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2007, V 93, 012031, 7 pages.
- M.Knite, V.Tupureina, A.Fuith, J.Zavickis, V.Teteris. Polyisoprene - multi-wall
carbon nanotube composites for sensing strain. - Materials Science & Engineering C
, 2007, V 27, pp.1125-1128.
- M.Knite, I.Klemenoks, G.Shakale, V.Teteris, J.Zicans.Polyisoprene-carbon
nanocomposites for application in multifunctional sensors. - Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, 2007, V 434/435, pp. 850-853.
- M.Knite, A.Hill, V.Bovtun, V.Teteris, A.Solovjovs, G.Shakale, et al.
Polymer-nanostructured carbon composites as multifunctional sensor materials; design,
processing, and properties. - Latvian J. Physics & Technical Sci., 2006,
N 2 (1), pp. 15-29.
- M. Knite, A.J.Hill, S.J. Pas, V.Teteris, J.Zavickis. Effects of plasticizer and
strain on the percolation threshold in polyisoprene-carbon nanocomposites: positron
annihilation lifetime spectroscopy and electric resistance measurements. - Materials
Science & Engineering C , 2006, V 26, , pp.771-775.
- M.Knite,V.Tupureina, A.Dzene, V.Teteris, A.Kiploka, J.Zavickis. Influence of plasticizer
on the improvement of strain sensing effect in polymer- carbon nanocomposites.
Chemical Technology, 2005, No 2(36), pp. 5-10.
- M.Knite,V.Teteris, I.Aulika, H.Kabelka, A.Fuith. Alternating-current properties of
elastomer-carbon nanocomposites. - Advanced Engineering Materials, 2004, V 6, N
9, p. 746-749.
- M.Knite,V.Teteris, A.Kiploka, I.Klemenoks. Reversible tenso-resistance and
piezo-resistance effects in conductive polymer-carbon nanocomposites. - Advanced
Engineering Materials, 2004, V 6, N 9, p. 742-746.
- M.Knite,V.Teteris, A.Kiploka, J.Kaupuzs. Polyisoprene-carbon black nanocomposites as
strain and pressure sensor materials. - Sensors and Actuators. A: Physical, 2004,
V 110/1-3, pp.143-150.
- M.Knite, V.Teteris, A.Kiploka. The effect of plasticizing agent on strain-induced
change of electric resistivity of carbon-polyisoprene nano-composites. - Materials
Science & Engineering C , 2003, V 23/6-8, , pp.787-790.
- M.Knite, G.Mezinskis, L.Shebanovs, I.Pedaja, A.Sternbergs. CO2
laser-induced structure changes in lead zirconate titanate Pb(Zr0.58Ti0.42))3 sol-gel
films. - Applied Surface Science, 2003, V208-209C, pp.378-381.
- M.Knite, V.Teteris, B.Polyakov, D.Erts. Electric and elastic properties of
conductive polymeric nanocomposites on macro- and nanoscales. - Materials Science &
Engineering C, 2002, V19, Iss.1-2, pp.15-19.
- M.Knite, L.Shebanovs, V.Snitka. Laser induced chemical reactions and surface
patterning in Co-Si and Co-Ti-Si films: investigations by X-ray diffraction and atomic
force microscopy. - Proc. SPIE , 2001, vol.4157, pp.208-211.
- M.Knite, V.Teteris, B.Polyakov, I.Klemenok and D.Erts. Effect of mechanical
deformation on the electrical properties of nanostructure carbon black superelastic
polymer composite. - Baltic Polymer Symposium 2001, Tallinn, Estonia, 2001,
- M.Knite, A.Krumins, D.Millers. Laser calorimetric study of fundamental
absorption edge in Pb,La(ZrTi)O3 (PLZT) perovskite ceramics. In:
"Defects and Surface-Induced Effects in Advanced Perovskites, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2000, vol.77, pp. 405-410.
- I.Klemenoks, M.Jansone, I.Klincare, J.Blums, A.Bluma, M.Knite. Physics III,
Wawe Optics, 2007, Riga:RTU, 174 pp. (in Latvian)
- I.Klemenoks, M.Jansone, I.Klincare, J.Blums, A.Bluma, M.Knite. Physics I,
Fundamentals of Mechanics. Fundamentals of Molecularphysics and Thermodynamics, 2006,
Riga: RTU, 201 pp. (in Latvian)
- J.Blums, M.Jansone, A.Kalnaca, A.Kiploka, I.Klemenoks, M.Knite, A.Krivics,
V.Novikovs, A.Medvids, A.Ozols. . Collected Problems of General Physics, 2006,
Riga: RTU , 274 pp. (in Latvian)
- I.Klincare, M.Jansone, A.Kiploka, I.Klemenoks, M.Knite, V.Novikovs. Laboratory Works
in Physics for Students of Technical University, 2003, Riga: RTU,172 pp. (in Latvian)
- M.Jansone, A.Kalnaca, J.Blums, A.Kiploka, I.Klemenoks, A.Medvids, M.Knite. Collected
Problems of General Physics, 2000, Riga: RTU , 247 pp. (in Latvian)
Recent Research Projects
- M.Knite (Head of Subcomponent; head of Joint Project " Innovative Structurally
Integrated Composite Materials: Design, Technology of production and Processing,
Longevity" - acad. M.Kalnins). Multifunctional Electroactive Composite Materials
Including Nanocomposites. Latvian Council of Science
(2006 --).
- M.Knite (Head of Subcomponent; Programme Director - acad. A.Sternbergs). State Research
Programme" Modern Functional Materials for Microelectronics,
Nanoelectronics,Photonics and Biomedicine and Constructive Composites and Technology
Development". Subcomponents: "Design, Development of Thermodynamically Active
Functional Nanocomposites and Its Properties", "Functional Micro- and
Nanocomposites as Sensors and Acustors: Design, Production and research of Physical
Properties" (2005 -- ).
- M.Knite (Head of Subcomponent; head of Joint Project " Nanomaterials and
Nanotechnologies" - acad.A.Sternbergs). Chemical Technology of Nanocomposites
and Their Physical Properties ( 2005 -- ).
- M.Knite (Head of the Project). Functional mikro- and nano-composites as sensormaterials:
design, development and examination of physical effects. Latvian
Council of Science (2004 2006).
- M.Knite (Responsible Executor from Riga Technical University; Head of Joint Project -
prof. A.Zeilinger /Austria/). Zuerkennung von budgetären Mitteln für eine Kooperation
des gründung befindlichen Aksademieinstitutes für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation in
Wien und Insbruck mit der Universität von Lettland in Riga und der Technischen
Universität Riga. - Academy of Science of Austria (2003-2006).
- M.Knite (Responsible Executor; Programme Director - prof. M.Kalnins). Materials
for National Economy: Development of technology, Testing of Characteristics, Designing,
Development of Reasonable Utilization Principles. Latvian Council of Science (2002
- M.Knite (Head of the Project). Active Polymer Composites and Multilayer Structures:
Elaboration, Properties and Iinduced Effects. Latvian Council of Science (2001
- M.Knite (Responsible Executor; Head of the Project - prof. G. Mezinskis).
Multicomponent Micro- and Nanocomposites. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - )
- M.Knite (Head of the Project) Investigation of Mechanism of Laser Induced Phase
Transitions in Silicides Multilayer Structures. Latvian Council of Science (1997
Last update 25.01.2008