Dr.habil. sc. ing. Gundars Mezinskis
Head of the Institute of Silicate Materials,
Head of the Professors Group
Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry,
Riga Technical University14/24 Azenes Str.
Riga, LV 1048
Phone: +371 7089141
Fax: +371 7089141
E-mail: gundarsm@ktf.rtu.lv |
Born: February 14, 1953, Riga.
- Chemistry and technology of glasslike and ceramic materials
- Sol-gel chemistry and technology
- Synthesis of Nanomaterials by chemical methods
- Industry impact onto environment and corrosion of stone materials
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian, Italian
Riga Polytechnic Institute (Faculty of Chemical Technology), 1976 (Diploma of Engineer.
Specialty: Chemical Technology of Binder Materials).
Postgraduate, Riga Polytechnic Institute (Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of
Silicate Technology. Specialty: Technology of Silicate and High Temperature Melting
Non-Metallic Materials), 1980
Professor of the Riga Technical University, Latvia, 1999
Dr.habil.sc.ing,. Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia, 1998.
Docent, Riga Technical University, Latvia, 1993.
Dr.sc.ing.(Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Riga
Politechnical Institute, Riga, Latvia, 1981.
Riga Technical University
Laboratory assistant (1976-1977)
Junior Research Associate (1981-1983)
Senior Research Associate (1984-1992)
Docent (1994-1998)
Head of the Professors Group of the Technology of Silicate
Materials, 1999
Director of the Institute of Silicate Materials, 2000
University of Padova, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Materials
Section, Padova, Italy -
- Visiting Scientist, (total 10 month in 1988-1989)
Technical University of Clausthal, Institute of Inorganic Materials,
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
- Research Associate, (total 15 month in 1992-1999)
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of Promotion Council 'RTU P-02' in Chemical Engineering, 1998
- Member of the Technical Committee of the Building Materials Standardization, Latvia,
- Member, Latvian Universities Professors Association, 2000
- Member of Professors Council in Materials Science of the Riga Technical University, 2000
- Member of the Senate, Riga Technical University, 2002 - 2006
- Member of the Experts Committee of Latvian Council of
Science, 2002
- Member of Technical Working Group Ceramics of the European Integrated
Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau , Brussels, 2003 -
- Member of Promotion Council 'RTU P-18' in Materials Science, 2004 -
- Member of Expert Council of Latvian Building Materials Producers, Ministry of Economics
of Latvia, 2004
- Member of Editorial board of the journal Cheminc Technologie (Kaunas
Technological University) 2006
Riga Technical University:
- Inorganic Materials
- Chemistry and Conformity of Building Materials
- Silicate and Polymer Materials for Building
- Sol-gel Technology
- Chemistry and Technology of Silicate Materials
- Chemistry and Technology of Glass and Glassy Materials,
- Management of Materials Quality
- Environment Management Systems in Materials Production
- Investigation Methods of Inorganic Materials
- The Methods of Synthesis of Inorganic and Composite Materials
- Technologies of Nanomaterials
Research Projects
G.Mezinskis (Scientist in Charge, Head of the program: M.Kalnins). Improvement of
safety, durability and protection of materials and constructions. Latvian Council of
Science (1997 -2001)
G.Mezinskis (Head of the Project). Multicomponent micro- and nano-composites. Latvian
Council of Science (2001-2004)
G.Mezinskis (Scientist in Charge, Head of the program: M.Kalnins). Materials for
national economics: development of technologies, research of properties, design,
development of rational principles of use. Latvian Council of Science (2002 -)
G.Mezinskis (Head of the Project). Chemical technology of nanomaterials and structures
developed by laser radiation. Latvian Council of Science (2005- )
G.Mezinskis (Scientist in Charge, Head of the project: V.Kucera, Sweden) Model for
multi-pollutant impact and assessment of threshold levels for cultural heritage. EC
5th Framework Project. (2002- 2005)
G.Mezinskis (Scientist in Charge, Head of the project: E.Palcevskis, Latvia)
Bionanocomposite. EC EUREKA Project (2003-2004).
G.Mezinskis (Scientist in Charge, Head of the project: Y. Dekhtyar, Latvia).Multifunctional
percolated nanostructured ceramics fabricated from hydroxylapatite. EC 6th Framework
Project (2004 - ).
Recent/Representative Publications
Selected Scientific Papers:
- Mezinskis G
. Solution and sol-gel technologies as dispersion and structure forming
methods of glass synthesis /G.Mezinskis, U.Sedmalis, Y.Valinieks // Proceedings
of the Academy of Sciences of Latvian SSR. Chemical Series. No. 5 (1986), p.
525-531. - in Russian.
- Mezinskis G
. Cadmium containing silicophosphate glasses synthesized by the sol-gel
method /G.Mezinskis, U.Sedmalis // Physico-chemical investigations of high
temperature melting non-metallic materials /ed. G. I. Zuravlov. Leningrad:
Leningrad Technological Institute, 1988. - P.136-143. - in Russian.
- Guglielmi M. Sol-Gel Preparation of Thick Glass and Glass-Ceramic Coatings /M.
Guglielmi, D. Festa, G.Mezinskis, C. Bartuli // Proc. of XY International Congress
on Glass, Leningrad, 1989 / ed. O.V.Mazurin. - Leningrad: Nauka Leningrad Branch, 1990. -
Vol.4, p. 74-80.
- Mezinskis G. Thick Sol-Gel Coatings // Latvian Journal of Chemistry,
1992, N 1, pp. 3-11.
- Guglielmi M. Rivestimenti Caramici spessi via Sol-Gel / M.Guglielmi, D.Festa, P.olombo,
G.Mezinskis// Atti del Congressoo. Omaggio Scientifico a renato Turriziani, Roma, 23-24
Aprile 1992. - Roma, 1992. - Vol. 2, pp. 347-356.
- Mezinskis G. Preparation of SiO2-TiO2-ZrO2
Gel Composition by Means of a Liquid Crystal Aproach/ G.Mezinskis, G.H.Frischat //
Chimica Cronica. New Series. - Vol. 23 (1994), p. 157-162.
- Mezinskis G
. Preparation and Optical Transmission of BaO-Fe2O3-TiO2-SiO2
Gel Compositions and Coatings / G.Mezinskis, G.H.Frischat // Advanced Materials in
Optics, Electro-Optics and Communication Technologies / ed. P.Vincenzini, G.C. Righini.
[S.l.]: Techna Srl., 1995. - P.193-200.
- Mezinskis G
. Studies of Sol-Gel Technology in Latvia // Proc. XYIIth International
Congress on Glass. - Beijing: International Academic Publishers, 1995. - P. 519-524.
- Mezinskis G
. Micro- and Nano- Structure of Fe2O3 - SiO2 Sol-Gel
Derived Coatings / G.Mezinskis, G..H. Frischat., E.Radlein // J. Sol-Gel Sci. and
Technol. - Vol. 8 (1997), p. 489-492.
- G.Mezinskis.
Development and prospects of sol-gel technology in Latvia.
Latvian Journal of Chemistry. - No. 2 (1997), p. 72-81. -in Latvian.
- Mezinskis G
. Sol-Gel Derived Thick Coatings: Preparation, Properties and Application
: [elecronic resource] / G.Mezinskis, O.Baumanis, I.Yuhnevicha // Proc. XVIII
International Congress on Glass, San Francisco, 5-10 July 1998. - 6 p. on CD-ROM,
Symposium: Science and Technology of Sol-Gels. E1: Structure Evolution in Gels,
Am.Cer.Soc., 1998.
- Mezinskis G
. The Modification of E-Glass Fibers for Concrete Reinforcement /
G.Mezinskis, I.Yuhnevicha //Proceedings of First Balkan Conference on Glass Science
& Technology, Volos, Greece, 9-10 October 2000. - Volos: University of Thessaly, 2000.
- P. 205-210.
- Chooshooyev A. Fibrous Concrete Based on Valmiera Glass Fiber: [elecronic
resource] / A.Chooshooyev, G.Mezinskis // 7th International Conference
Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques. - Vilnius, 2001. - 4 p.
on CD ROM.
- Mezinskis G
. Environmental Influences on Cultural Heritage of Latvia : [elecronic
resource] / G. Mezinskis, L. Krage, M. Dzenis //Workshop Proceedings. ARIADNE 6.
Degradation of cultural heritage in surrounding environment, 20-26 October, 2001. - 14 p.
HYPERLINK "http://www.itam.cas.cz/~arcchip/ariadne_6.shtml"
- Knite M. CO2 laser-induced structure changes in lead zirconate titanate
Pb(Zr0.58Ti0.42)3 sol-gel films / M.Knite, G.Mezinskis, L.Shebanovs, I.Pedaja,
A.Sternbergs //Applied Surface Science. - Vol. 208-209 (2003), p. 378-381.
- Mezinskis G
. Multicomponent micro and nanocomposites / G.Mezinskis,
R.Shvinka, V.Shvinka, I.Pedaja // Advances in Science and Technology. 10th
International Ceramics Congress. Part C /ed. P.Vincenzini. - Faenza: Techna, 2003. - p.
- Knite M. CO2 laser-induced structure changes in PZT sol-gel films / M.Knite, G.Mezinskis,
L.Shebanovs, I.Pedaja, A.Sternbergs // Ferroelectrics. - Vol. 286 (2003), p.
- Juhnevica I.
Synthesis and properties of TiO2 and TiO2 -
SiO2 sol-gel coatings./ I.Juhnevica, G.Mezinskis
// Scientific Proceedings of RTU. Material Science and Applied Chemistry. - Vol.
5. (2003), p.146-158. -in Latvian.
- Mezinskis G
. Stone and concrete in the multi-assess project /G.Mezinskis, I.Sidrabe, T.Yates, R.Lusis // Cultural heritage in the city of
tomorrow. Developing policies to manage the continuing risks from air pollution /ed.
V.Kucera, J.Tidblad, R.Hamilton / Swedish Corrosion Institute. - 2004, p.135-143.
(Bulletin 110E).
- Mezinskis G.
Sol-gel preparation of PZT ceramics, and use of laser radiation for the
development of crystallization process./G. Mezinskis,
A. Hlopickis, M.Knite, D.Erts, I.Pedaja // Scientific Proceedings of RTU. Material
Science and Applied Chemistry.- Vol.8. (2004), p.54-62. -in Latvian.
- Mezinskis G.
Hydroxyapatite ceramics processing and pore structure
modification using hydrolyzed alkoxides solution. /
G.Mezinskis, I.Pavlovska, J.Jastrzembskis, D.Lazdina // Scientific
Proceedings of RTU. Material Science and Applied Chemistry.-Vol. 8. (2004),
p.63-74.-in Latvian.
- ahmenko G. Preparation and properties of concrete modified by polymer dispersion./
G. Sahmenko, A. Pludons, G.Mezinskis
// Scientific Proceedings of RTU.
Material Science and Applied Chemistry.- Vol.8. (2004), p.116-122. -in Latvian.
- Pavlovska I. Hydroxyapatite bioceramic materials properties and preparation methods/
I.Pavlovska, G.Mezinskis, D.Lazdina // Latvian
Journal of Chemistry.- No 2 (2005), p. 263-269. -in Latvian.
- Gaidukovs S. Preparation and properties of styreneacrylate
copolymer/montmorillonite nanocomposites / S.Gaidukovs, G.Valkovska, J.Zicans, G.Mezinskis,
V.Svinka //Chemical Technology. - Vol. 35, Nr.1 (2005), p. 35-40.
Last update 27.09.2006