Born: July 5,1948, Riga, Latvia
- Biomechanics of Human Cardiovascular System. Investigation of Biomechanical features and
structure of Human Blood Vessels and Heart Valves
- Biomaterials. Ingrowths processes and Biocompatibility of New Artificial Substitute of
Biological Tissue: morphofunctional and biomechanical investigations of composite material
- Biomechanics of Bones and Spine. Biomechanical properties and structure of Bone, Joint
and Cartilage
- Functional, Structural and Biomechanical research of Human Upper Part of a Digestive
- Tissue Engineering of Human Cardiovascular System
- Latvian Population Senescence and Life Quality: Biomedical and Social Aspects.
Languages: English, Latvian, Russian
Riga Medical Institute (Faculty of Medicine), 1973
- Dr.med. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in western countries), Kaunas
Medical Academy, Lithuania, 1983
- Dr.habil.med.(Doctor of Science in former USSR), Latvian Medical Academy, Riga, 1998.
Professor, Riga Stradins University, 2004 -
Vice-rector for Science, Riga Stradins University, 1998 -
Associate Professor, Latvian Medical Academy, 2001 -
Head of Scientific Department, Latvian Medical Academy, 1995-1998
Senior Researcher, Latvian Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, 1985 - 1995
Researcher , Laboratory of Biomechanics, Institute of Polymer Mechanics, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1975-1985
Neurologist, Riga Emergency Hospital, 1973-1975
Assistant, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 1966-1967
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Coordinator of EU 5th and 6th Framework ERA-NET-AGE
- Member of the Latvian Council of Science
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for Medical Sciences
- Member of doctoral, promotion and special purpose financing commission of LCS
- Member, State Commission of Scientific Qualification
- Member, Latvian Association of Professors
- Chair, Council of Science, Riga Stradins University
- Chair, Promotion Council (Medical Biomechanics), Riga Stradins University
- Member of Council, Faculty of Postgraduate studies, Riga Stradins
- Chair of Editorial Board, Proceedings of the Riga Stradins University
- Member of Editorial Board, Journal Acta Chirurgica Latviensis
- Coordinator, Doctoral programs in Karolinska Institute, Sweeden
- Observer, The Joint Committee of the Nordic Medical Research Councils
- Member of the Board of Foundation for medical education and research support
- Member of Board of Latvian hallmark
- Member of European Society of Biomechanics
- Member of European Society of Tissue Engineering
- Member of Advisory Council for medical science of the Ministry of Health
Recent / Representative Publications
Total number of Publications - 109
- J.Saulgozis, I.Ozolanta. Biomechanical nonuniformity of proximal part of human femur. - Mechanics
of Composite Materials, 1996, pp. 581 - 587.
- J.Saulgozis, I.Ozolanta, I.Pontaga. Elaboration of computerized bone fracture
investigation system based on acoustic microscope. - In: Text book - Biomechanics and
Biomedical Engineering., Swansea, U.K., pp.132 - 138.
- I.Ozolanta, G.Tetere, B.Purinya, V.Kasyanov. Changes in the mechanical properties,
biochemical contents and wall structure of the human coronary arteries with age and sex. -
Medical Engineering and Physics, 1998, vol. 20, pp.525 - 533.
- V.Keris, I.Ozolanta, G.Enina, V.Kasjanov, H.Aide, V.Bricis. Biomechanical and structural
assessment of transluminal angioplasty. - Medical Engineering and Physics, 1998,
vol. 20, pp.339 - 346.
- V.Kasyanov, I.Ozolanta, B.Purinya. Peculiarities of the biomechanical properties of
human coronary arteries. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 1999, vol. 2,
- I.Ozolanta, V.Kancevich, B.Purinya, A.Kadiss, V.Kasyanov. Mechanical and structural
investigation of new compliant textile grafts. - Medical and Biological Engineering and
Computing, 1999, vol. 37, pp.302-304.
- Kasyanov V, Ozolanta I.,. Purinya B, Mironov V.. Structure and mechanical properties of
the human carotid artery as a composite: Does small diameter vascular graft and tissue
engineered blood vessels must be compliant and composite. - International
Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science, 2001,vol.3, N 3/4, pp. 97-104.
- Kasyanov V., Ozolanta I., Kadish A., Ozols A., Stradins P. Feature of Biomechanical
Behaviour and Structure of the Arterial Wall as a Compliant Biocomposite Material. - Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical
University. Material Science and Applied Chemistry, 2001, vol.2, pp.15-26.
- Vanags I., Petersons A., Ose V., Ozolanta I., Kasyanov V. Biomechanical properties of
oesophagus wall under loading in adult humans. - Proc. Latv. Acad. of Sciences,
B, 2002, Nr.1/2, vol. 56, pp. 52-57.
- Dekhtyar J., Derjugina I., Katashev A., Katasheva J., Ozolanta I., Tatarinov A,
Evaluation of the size of local bone injuries by means of ultrasound. - Polish J.Med.
Phys .& Eng., 2002, vol. 8, N 3, pp. 165-171.
- Kasyanov V. Ozolanta I., Purinya B., Ozols A., Kancevich V.,. Compleance of a
bicomposite vascular tissue in longitudinal and circumferential directions as a basis for
creating artificials substitutes. - Mechanics of Composite Materials,
2003, vol. 39, N 4., pp. 347-358.
- Vanags I., Petersons A., Ose V., Ozolanta I., Kasyanov V., Laizans J., Vjaters E.,
Gardovskis J., Vanags A. Biomechanical properties of oesophagus wall under loading. - J.
Biomechanics, 2003, vol. 36, pp. 1387-1390.
- Stradins P., Lacis R., Ozolanta I., Purina B., Ose V., Feldmane L., Kasyanov V.
Comparison of biomechanical and structural properties between human aortic and pulmonary
valve. - European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery, 2004, vol. 26, pp.634-639.
- Vanags I., Petersons A., Ozolanta I., Kasyanov V., Ose V., Laizans J., Gardovskis J.,
Vanags A. Anisotropy of Biomechanical Properties of Oesophagus, Trachea and Main Bronchi
under Loading in Longitudinal and Circumferential Directions. - Acta Chirurgica
Latviensis, 2004 (4), pp. 66-70
- Abola Z., Petersons A., Ozolanta I., Pilmane M. Esophageal neuropeptide-containing
innervation and apoptosis in case of atresia in premature and mature children.- Neuropeptides,
2005, vol 39, issue 5 (European Neuropeptide Club 15th annual meeting.-
Abstracts.- Riga, 2005.- P.67)
- Kasyanov V., Isenburg J., Draughn R. A., Hazard S., Hodde J., Ozolanta I., Murovska M.,
Halkes S. B., Vrasidas I., Liskamp R. M.J., Pieters R. J., Simionescu D., Markwald R. R.
and Mironov V. Tannic Acid Mimicking Dendrimers as a Small Intestine
Submucosa Stabilizing Nanomordant. - Biomaterials, 2006,issue 5, pp.745-751
Patents of Latvia
- I.Ozolanta, B.Purinya, V.Kasyanov. Method of evoluation of vascular transplantat.
Nr.12299, 1999.
- V.Kasyanov, I.Ozolanta, B.Purinya, V.Kancevicha. Woven vascular graft. Nr.12341, 1999.
- V.Kasyanov, B.Purinya, R.Lacis, I.Ozolanta. Artificial aortic heart valve, Nr. 12488,
Research Projects
- Investigation of Biomechanical Features of Human Coronary , Main Brain Arteries and
Developing of Novel Vascular grafts. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 2001).
- Peculiarities of the Structure of the Heart Aortic and Pulmonary Trunk Valves that
Determine the Possibility to Use Them in the Reconstruction of the Aortic Valve. Latvian
Council of Science (2000 - 2001)
- Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Degenerative Diseases of Spine and Femur. Latvian
Council of Science (1997-2001)
- Functional, Structural and Biomechanical Researches of the Upper Part of
the Alimentary Tract in Children and Adults and Usage of the Obtained Outcomes in a
Surgical Gastroenterology . Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2004)
- I.Ozolanta (Head of Joint Project). Latvian Population Senescence and Life Quality
: Biomedical and Social Aspects. Latvian
Council of Science (2002-2005)
- I.Ozolanta (Head of Project). Functional, Structural and Biomechanical
Research of Upper Part of a Digestive Tube for Children and Adults and Usage of the
Obtained Outcomes in a Surgical Gastroenterology. Latvian Council of Science (2001-2004)
- I.Ozolanta (Head of Project). Morphofunctional, Biomechanical and
Histochemical Investigations of Esophagus and Stomach Walls on Patients of Different Age
Groups with Surgery Related Upper Digestive Tract Diseases. Latvian Council of
Science (2005- )
Last update 15.03.2006