Antonina SONDORE
Born: October 11, 1936, Russia
- General Anaesthesia
- Loco-regional Anaesthesia + Pain Therapy
- Intensive Care
- Disaster Medicine
- Education in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English
- Riga Medical Institute (Faculty of Medicine), 1960
- Post-graduate training course in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care at Riga District
Hospital 289, 1962
- Training course in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Leningrad Institute for Advanced
Medical Studies, 1964
- Fellowship in Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1965-1967
- Dr.med. (Anaesthesiology-Reanimatology) (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in
Western countries), Riga Medical Institute, 1970
- Anaesthetist, Latvian Republic Osteotuberculosis Hospital , 1960-1965
Riga Medical Institute/ Medical Academy of Latvia/ Riga Stradins University -
- Fellowship in Anaesthesiology-Reanimatology, 1965-1967
- Junior Researcher, Department of Experimental Surgery, 1967-1973
- Senior Researcher, Department of Experimental Surgery , 1973-1976
- Assistant, Department of Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology, 1976-1980
- Docent, Department of Anaesthesiology & Reanimatology, 1980 -2001; Associate
Professor, 2002 -
Honours and Awards
- Academician of European Academy of Anaesthesiology, 2002
- International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England. Sertificate of 3d May 2001
2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 21 Century in honour of an Outstanding
Contribution in the field of Anaesthesiology- Reanimatology
- 2000 Outstanding scientists of the 21st Century.Ed. Intern.Biograph. Centre,
Cambridge, 2002, First ed., p.350
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Member of World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists( WFSA)
- Member of European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA)
- Member of the Council of the European Society of Anaesthesiology ( ESA Council) for
- Member of the Board of presidents of the National Anaesthesia Societies Committee of the
European Society of Anaesthesiology ( ESA-NASC)
- Representative of Latvia in the UEMS-EBA ( Union European Medical Specialist
Committee-European Board of Anaesthesiology)
- Member of International Anaesthesia Research Society (IARS)
- President, Member of the Board, Latvian Association of Anaesthesiologists,
- Member of Latvian Society for Study and Therapy of Pain
- Member of the Sertification Committee of the Latvian Society for Study and Therapy of
- Coordinator of the Latvian Regional Centre of the Foundation for European Education in
- Director of the Latvian Centre European Diploma in Anaesthesiology-Intensive
- President of the 1st International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care,
6-10 th December, 2005, Riga.
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Medical Academy of Latvia
Emergency Medicine, Latvian Center of Disaster Medicine
Recent /Representative Publications
Altogether 265 publications, including 1 monograph, 5 textbooks, 9 educational issues,
1 invention.
2003-2005: 40 publications, 15 presntations at International Congresses.
- Basic Anaesthesia in Questions and Answers, Riga, 2001, 464 pp.
- Surgery (co-author) , Riga, 2001, pp. 98-103; 112-128; 128-142
- Tests for Emergency and Disaster Medicine (co-author), Riga,
- Trauma (co-author), Riga, 2001, pp 45-81; 325-345
- Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support ( co-author), Riga, 2003, pp.327-367
The management of airway and breathing. Riga, ed. Emergency medicine, centre,
1st ed., 2003, 327-367
- RESUSCITATION-ATDZIVINAANA. Chapter The management of airway and
breathing. Riga, ed. Emergency medicine centre, 2nd ed., 2004, 69 pp.
- Intensive therapy for hepatic coma (with co-auth). - Critical Care Medicine (USA), 1975,
36, pp. 220-229.
- Aspects of anaesthetic management of heterologous extracorporeal hepatic supports in
patients with acute liver failure (with co-auth.). - Resuscitation (London), 1975,
vol. 4, pp. 87-95.
- Donors' Problems in Organ Transplantation (co-auth. R.Rozenthal, V.Sobolev), 1987,
Riga: Zvaigzne, 167 pp. (in Russian).
- Anaesthesiological problems during renal transplantation (co-auth. V.Rozite). -
Latvian Physician, 1990, vol. 5, pp. 26-30 (in Latvian).
- Anaesthesia for renal transplantation in Latvia. ( co-auth. V.Rozite, I.Vitola,
I.Matulena). - 9th European Congress of Anaesthesiologists, 1993, Ierusalem, Israel.
- Midazolam in Anaesthesiology (co-auth. I.Vanags, E.Daugulis). - Latvian Physician, 1996,
vol. 1, pp. 42-45 (in Latvian).
- Nonsteroid Antiinflammatory drugs in Anaesthesiology. - Latvian Physician,1996,12,
pp. 870-873 (in Latvian).
- Clinical evaluation of total intravenous anaesthesia with midazolam - ketamin -
fenthanyl for gynaecological laparoscopy. - British J. Anaesthesia, 1996, vol.76,
suppl. 1.2., p. 11.
- Actualities in Anaesthesiology.Postoperative nausea and vomiting. Part I. Ethiology.- Jums,
kole'gi (For You, Colleague), 1997, 9, pp. 13-16.
- Actualities in Anaesthesiology. Postoperative nausea and vomiting. Part II. Prophylaxis
and treatment. - Jums, kole'gi (For You, Colleague), 1997, 10, pp. 28-32.
- Acute Postoperative Pain. Part I . - Jums, kole'gi (For You, Colleague), 1998,
4, pp. 20-26
- Acute Postoperative Pain. Part II - Jums, kole'gi (For You, Colleague),
1998, 5, pp. 32-39.
- The clinical pharmacology of isoflurane and the first experience of its usage in Latvia
( co-auth. I.Vanags, I.Kokars). - Latvijas Arstu Zurnals (Latvian
Physicians Magazine), 1998, 5, pp. 33-36.
- The neuromuscular and clinical effects of miorelaxant mivacurium (co-auth. I.Vanags,
I.Kokars). Latvijas Arstu Zurnals (Latvian Physicians Magazine), 1998,
8, pp. 22-25.
- Diprivan (propofol)-the novel anaesthetic.Its choise in clinical practice
(co-auth.I.Vanags, I.Kokars). Latvijas Arstu Zurnals (Latvian
Physicians Magazine), 1998, 12, pp. 25-31
- Olfen ( Diclofenac Sodium) for postoperative analgesia after gynaecological surgery
(co-auth. I.Vanags, I.Kokars). - British J. Anaesth., 1998, vol. 80, N 5,
pp. 182-183.
- The anaesthesiological aspects of laparoscopic surgery. - Jums, kole'gi (For
You, Colleague), 1999, 4.
- The novel inhalation anaesthetic sevoflurane in anaesthesiological practice. -
Latvijas Arstu Zurnals (Latvian Physicians Magazine), 2000, 2, pp. 13-17.
- The anaesthesiological aspects of laparoscopy ( co-auth.I.Vanags). - Latvijas
Arstu Zurnals (Latvian Physicians Magazine), 2000, 4, pp. 44-45
- The actualities of the anaesthesiological management of gynaecological laparoscopy
(co-auth.I.Vanags.I.Kokars). - - AML/RSU Scientific Papers, Part I.
Surgery, Farmacy, Stomatology, 2000, pp. 27-30.
- The anaesthesiological aspects of Diabetes Mellitus.- Jums, kole'gi (For
You, Colleague), 2000, 9, pp. 4-14.
- Conscious sedation techniques with benzodiazepines during regional anaesthesia. -
In: 1st ESRA Baltic Meeting, 28-29 April 2000, Refresher Course
Lectures, Free Papers, Riga, 2000, pp. 13-20.
- The frequency ,complications and prophylaxis of pulmonary trombembolism
(co-auth.L.Feldmane, I.Strumpfa). - Latvijas Arstu Zurnals (Latvian
Physicians Magazine), 2001,12, pp. 11-15.
- The strategy of anaesthesiological practice in the treatment of postoperative pain
therapy. - In: The Treatment of Pain, Riga, 2001, pp. 62-67.
- Problems encountered for the anaesthesiologists training in Eastern Europe countries. - Minerva
Italica, 2001, vol. 67, Suppl.1, 5, 39-40
- The evaluation o the treatment methods of pain (co-auth. I.Vanags). - In: The
Treatment of Pain, Riga, 2001, pp. 68-71
- The evolution of human resourse needs in Europe (co-auth. Ph.Scherpreel, Lille, France).
- In: Best Practice&Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, 2002, vol.16, Nr 3,
pp. 443-457.
- Thirty years of clinical experience with hyperbaric oxygenation .- Acta Anaesth.
Scand., 2003, 116, pp. 98-99(co-auth.)
- Acute pain in treatment after gynaecological surgery with new methods in Latvia. - Acta
Anaesth.Scand., 2003, 116, vol.47, pp.108-109(co-auth.).
- Log-book or training portfolio.How to assess the practice skills of a rezident? - Proc.
13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, Paris, 2004, 18-23 th April, Nr. CO 79b.
- Risks to anaesthesia providers and occupational stress.- Proc. 13th World Congress
of Anaesthesiologists, Paris, 2004, 18-23 th April, Nr. S 181(co-auth.).
- Treatment of carbon monoxide with hyperbaric oxygen. - Proc. 13th World Congress of
Anaesthesiologists, Paris, 2004, 18-23th April, Nr.PO 966(co-auth.).
- Efficacy of rofecoxib ( VIOXX) in prophylaxis of acute postoperative pain. - Proc.
13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, Paris, 18-23th April 2004, Nr.PO 025
- Mortality and morbidity from carbon monoxide intoxication in Latvia during 2002- 2004
and effectiveness of HBO treatment at 182.4-202. 7 kpa for 60 minutes.- Proc. XV
International Congress of Hyperbaric Medicine, Barcelona, 7-10th September, P504(
- Mortality and pathomorphological findings caused by fatal Carbon Monoxide poisoning in
Riga during 2002-2004. - Rechtsmedizin, 2005, 4, p.339, P172( co-auth.).
- The use of entropy in the monitoring of the depth of anaesthesia. - European J.of
Anaesthesiology, 2005, vol.22, suppl. 34, 4, A88 ( co-auth.)
Research Projects:
- Anaesthesia for Gynaecological Laparoscopy (Head of Project - E.Daugulis). Latvian Council of Science (1996-1998).
- A.Sondore (Head of Project). Therapeutic Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygenation in
the Treatment of Posthypoxic and Postischemic Pathology. Latvian Council of
Science ( 2004 - 2006).
Married, 2 children, 3 grandchildren.
Last update 22.01.2006