January 11, 1956, Riga, Latvia
Scientific interests:
- main field
: Atomic and Molecular Physics , Laser Spectroscopy of Atoms and Small
- other fields
: Didactics of Physics
Current research interests:
Coherent processes in laser excitation of atoms and possible applications, electric
field maping, atomic spectroscopy in sum-micron optical cells.
Latvian, English, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1979
- Dr.phys. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), St.
Petersburg University, Russia, 1986
- Dr. habil. phys., University of Latvia, 1995
in-service training:
- Department of Physics Peking University, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China, 1987
- Department of Physics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 1991
- USIA international program "University administration in the United States",
Washington, USA, 1993
- Assistant, Engineer, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor - Department of Physics,
University of Latvia, 1979 -
- Visiting Professor and Research Fellow, Royal Society, University of Sussex, UK, 1996
- Research Fellow, International project "Interaction of Oriented Molecules",
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research,University of Bielefeld, Germany, 1996 1997
- Visiting professor, Oklahoma University, USA, 1998
- Visiting professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 2003
- Head of the Chair of Experimental Physics, University of Latvia, 1994
- Professor, University of Latvia, 1995 -
- State Professor, Latvian Council of Science , 1997 -
- Head of the Department of Physics, University of Latvia, 1997 2002
- Director, Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy 1998 2003
- Chairman of the Senate, University of Latvia 1998 -
- Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia, 2002 -
- Head, Center of Excellence for Basic Research in Nanoscale Physics and Application,
Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, University of Latvia, 2003 -
- Rector, University of Latvia, 2007
Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Memberships of Professional Societies
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- Member, Senate of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2001 -
- Hanle Prize, Alexander von Humbolt Foundation, Bonn, Germany, 1992
- Member, Latvian Physical Society
- Member, American Physical Society
- Member, Institute of Physics (United Kingdom)
- Member, Contact Group of Nordic - Baltic Physical Societies
- Expert, European Physics Education Network
- Member of the Expert Committee, Latvian Council of
- Member, Latvian Council of Science, 2003 -
Board Member, International
Physics Olympiads, 1996 -
Board Member, European
Physics Education Network EUPEN (Socrates Network), 1993-2003
- National Representative, World Federation of Physics Competitions ,
2002 -
Monographs - 2; papers in referred journals - 89; communications to scientific meetings
- 95; text books and teaching materials - 8
Recent/Representative Publications
- M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber, Optical Polarization of Molecules. 1995, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 306 p.; second ed. 2005, 322 p. (ISBN-10: 0521673445/
ISBN-13: 9780521673440)
- M.Auzins, K.Blush, R.Ferber, F.Gahbauer, A.Jarmola, M.Tamanis. Electric field induced
symmetry breaking of angular momentum distribution in atoms. - Physical Reviews
Letters, 2006, vol. 97, 043002 (4), arXiv.org.physics/0603194.
- E.B.Alexandrov, M.Auzinsh, D.Budker, D.F.Kimball, S.M.Rochester, V.V.Yashchuk. Dynamic
effects in nonlinear magneto-optics of atoms and molecules. J.Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol.22,
No1/January, 2005, pp.7-20.
- M.Auzinsh. Manipulation of atoms and molecules with laser radiation and external fields.
In: Theory of Chemical Reaction Dynamic (Eds. A.Lagana, G.Lendvay), NATO
Science Series C, Kluwer, New Yorks, 2004, pp.447-466.
- D.H.Sarisyan, V.Papoyan, T.S.Varzhapetyan, K.Blush, M.Auzinsh. Effekt Zeemana na
sverhtonkoi structure atomnoi linii D1 submikronnogo sloya parov 87 Rb. Optika I
Spektroskopiya, 2004, vol.96(2), pp.229-235.
- J.Alnis, K.Blushs, M.Auzinsh, S.Kennedy, N.Shafer-Ray, E.R.I.Abraham. The Handle effect
and level crossing spectroscopy in Rb vapour under strong laser excitation. Journal
of Physics. Molecular and Optical Physics, 2003, vol. 36(6), pp.1161-1173.
- V.Papoyan, D.H.Sarisyan, K.Blush, M.Auzinsh, D.Bloch, M.Ducloy. Magnetic field-induced
mixing of hyperfine states of Cs 62P3/2 level observed with a submicron vapour cell.
Laser Physics, 2003, vol.13, No 12, pp.1467-1477.
- A.V.Papoyan, M.Auzinsh, K.Bergmann. Nonlinear Handle effects in Cs vapour under strong
laser excitation. Eur.Phys. J., D., 2002, vol.21, pp.63-71.
- M.Auzinsh, R.Ferber, O.Nikolayeva, N.Shafer-Ray, M.Tamanis. Influence of the Stark
effect on the fluorescence polarization of X1 S ?
B1? - state laser-excited NaRb: application
to the direct imaging of electric fields. - J.of Phys. D: Applied Physics,
2001, vol.34, pp.624-630
- M.Auzinsh, L.Jayasinghe, L.Oelke, R.Ferber, N.Shafer-Ray. Strobe imaging of electric
fields by depolarisation of Rydberg states of Hg. - J.of Phys. D: Applied Physics,
2001, vol.34, pp.1-6
- J.Alnis, M.Auzinsh. Angular Momentum spatial distribution symmetry breaking in Rb by a
magnetic field. - Phys.Rev. A, 2001, vol.63, pp.023407
- Brian K. Kendrick, Lalith Jayasinghe, Steven Moser, Marcis Auzinsh. Neil Shafer-Ray,
Observation of predicted resonance studies in the H + D2 -> HD (v=
0, j= 7) + D reaction at a collision energy of 0.94 eV. - Phys. Rev.
Lett., 2000, vol.84, pp. 4325-
- Auzinsh M. The evolution and revival structure of angular momentum quantum wave packets
(Tutorial). - Can.J.Phys., 77, pp.491-503 (1999)
- M.Auzinsh, R.Damburg. A Simple Formula for Ground State Energy of a Two-Electron Atom. -
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, Nr. 5, pp.16 22
- O. Nikolayeva, M.Auzinsh, M.Tamanis, R.Ferber. Electric field induced alignment
orientation conversion in diatomic molecules: analysis and observation for NaK. - J.
Mol. Struct., 480 481, pp.283 287 (1999)
- M.Tamanis, M.Auzinsh, I.Klincare, O.Nikolayeva, R.Ferber, E.A.Pazyuk, A.V.Stolyarov,
A.Zaitsevskii. NaK Lambda - doubling and permanent electric dipoles in low lying Pi
states: experiment and theory. - Phys Rev. A, 58, pp.1932 1943 (1998)
- M.Tamanis, M.Auzinsh, I.Klincare, O.Nikolayeva, R.Ferber, O.Pazyuk, A.Stolyarov,
A.Zaitsevskii. Lifetimes and transition dipole moment functions of NaK low lying states:
empirical and ab initio approach. - J. Chem. Phys., 109, pp.6725 - 6735 (1998)
- M.Auzinsh. A single atom as quantum interferometer. - Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences Nr. 2, pp.39 - 50 (1998)
- K.Truhins, Zejad T. Al Wahabi, M.Auzinsh, Antony J. McCaffery. Polarization of emission
in asymmetric rotors. I. The effect of elastic collisions, electron and nuclear spin. - J.
Chem. Phys., vol. 106, pp.3477 - 3484 (1997)
- M.Tamanis, M.Auzinsh, I.Klincare, O.Nikolayeva, A.V.Stolyarov, R.Ferber. NaK D singled
Pi electric dipole moment measurements by Stark level crossing and e-f mixing
spectroscopy. - J. Chem. Phys., vol. 106, pp.2195 - 2205 (1997)
- M.Auzinsh. Angular momentum dynamics in magnetic and electric field: classical and
quantum approaches.- Canadian Journal of Physics, 75, pp.853 872 (1997)
- M.Auzinsh, A.V.Stolyarov, M.Tamanis, R.Ferber. Magnetic field induced alignment -
orientation conversion: Non-linear energy shift and predissociation in Te_2 B 1_u state.- J.
Chem. Phys., vol.105, pp.37 - 49 (1996)
- M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. Emergence of circularity at linear polarized excitation of
molecules. - J. Chem. Phys., vol. 99 (8), pp.5742 - 5747 (1993)
- A.Stolyarov, I.P.Klincare, M.Ya.Tamanis, M.P.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. Rotational magnetic
moments of the Na_2 molecule A singled Sigma_u state: Perturbation effects. - J. Chem.
Phys., vol. 96 (5), pp.3510 - 3522 (1992)
- M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. J-selective Stark orientation of molecular rotation in a
beam. - Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 69 (24), pp.3463 - 3466 (1992)
- M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. Optical pumping of diatomic molecules in the electronic ground
state: Classical and quantum approaches. - Phys. Rev. A, vol. 43 (5), pp.2374 -
2386 (1991)
- M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. Optical polarisation of diatomic molecules. - Sov. Phys.
Uspekhi, vol. 33 (10), pp. 833 - 861 (1990)
- M.Auzinsh, K.A.Nasyrov, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber, A.M.Shalagin. Determination of the
ground-state Lande factor for diatomic molecules by beat-resonance method. - Chem.
Phys. Lett., vol. 167 (1,2), pp.129 - 135 (1990)
- M.Auzinsh, K.A.Nasyrov, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber, A.M.Shalagin. Resonance of quantum
beats in a system of magnetic sublevels of the electronic ground state of molecules. - Sov.
Phys. JETP, vol. 65 (5), pp.891 - 897 (1987)
- M.Auzinsh, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber. Zeeman quantum beats after optical depopulation of
the ground electronic state of diatomic molecules. - Sov. Phys. JETP, vol.63 (4),
pp.688 - 693 (1986)
- M.Auzinsh, M.Ya.Tamanis, R.S.Ferber. Observation of quantum beats in the kinetics of the
thermalization of diatomic molecules in the ground electronic state. - JETP Lett.,
vol. 42 (4), pp.160 - 163 (1985)
- M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber. Observation of quantum-beat resonance between magnetic sublevels
with delta M = 4. - JETP Lett., vol. 39 (8), pp.452 - 455 (1984)
- M.Auzinsh, R.S.Ferber, I.Ya.Pirags. K_2 ground-state relaxation studies from transient
process kinetics. - J. Phys. B, vol. 16, pp.2759 - 2771 (1983)
- M.Auzinsh, I.Ya.Pirags, R.S.Ferber, O.A.Shmit. Direct measurements of thermalisation
rate of ground state of K_2 molecules. - JETP Lett., vol. 31 (10), pp.554 - 557
Research Projects
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Project). Control of Collision and Radiation Dynamics in Atomic and
Molecular Systems. Latvian Council of Science
(2001 -2004)
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Project Nr 1977). Institute of Atomic Physics and
Spectroscopy. Centre of Excellence for Basic Research in Nanoscale Physics and
Applications. European Commission, Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme.
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Latvian Part of Project). State-to-State Energy Transfer Between
Ultracold H2S Molecules. NATO Collaborative Linkage grant with University of
Oklahoma (USA) and Israel Institute of Technology Technion (Israel) (2002 2004).
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Latvian Part of Project). Study and Application of High-Order Atomic
and Molecular Polarization Moments. NATO Collaborative Linkage grant with University of
California, Berkeley (USA) and Jagelonian University, Krakow (Poland). (2003-2005).
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Project). Coherent Processes in Atomic and Molecular Excitation with
Laser Radiation. Latvian Council of Science (2005
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Project). Study of Atomic Vapor Layers of Nanometric Thickness and
Atom-surface Interaction. INTAS (2007-2008)
- M.Auzinsh (Head of Project). Development of New Atomic Clocks Using Coherent Population
Trapping Resonances Excited by an Optical Frequency Comb. INTAS (2007-2008)
Last update 23.02.2007