Professor Edgars BERVALDS Leader of
Research Projects
within the Latvian Academy of Sciences
Akademijas laukums 1 - 205
Riga LV 1503
Phone: +371 722 7719
Fax: +371 782 1153
E-mail: berv@acad.latnet.lv |
Born: September 13, 1936, Mersrags, Latvia,
- Mechanics of Macromedium
- Optimization and Synthesis of Long Span Artificial Structural Systems, including
constructions of fully steerable large scale mirror antennae
- Numerical Simulation of Large Scale Structures of Universe
- Geometrical and Topological Properties of Real Space
Brief Description of Research:
- Designing, calculating and investigation of a new type structural systems with
considerably higher stiffness conditions steerable mirror antennae, 1959-1975
- Investigation of optimal design of large-scale mirror antennae constructions, working
out original computation algorithm and method and implementation in the last generation of
tiltable radiotelescopes in the ex-USSR, 1976-1990
- Working out a theory for synthesis of artificial builds making use of energetical
criteria; working out variational calculus method and application for large and super
large constructions; numerical modelling of large scale structures of Universe by
energetical criteria, 1991-2005
- Investigation and measuring of parameters of the VIRAC 32 meter and 16-meter antennae,
1994 - 2005
- Geometrical properties of natural and artificial micro- and macrostructures.
Languages: fluent Latvian, Russian; English (casual and
speciality), German (speciality).
- Riga Technical University (Faculty of Civil Engineering), 1960
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries),
St.Petersburg Institute of Civil Engineering, 1979
- Leader of Research Projects within the LAS, 2005 -
- Director and Chairman of the Scientific Council, Ventspils International Radio Astronomy
Centre (VIRAC), 1996 - 2005
- Head of 9 Latvian Council of Science research grants and 3 projects of Ministry of
Education and Science, 1991- ; Head of Latvian part of 2 international projects, 1997-1999,
2004 -2005.
- Supervisor of the former military 32-meter and 16-meter antennae conversion into
radiotelescopes and initiating scientific research on RT-32.
- Head of the Scientific Department of Radiotelescope Mechanics; Professor in Macro-Medium
Mechanics, Radioastrophysical Observatory, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1981-1996.
- Chief Engineer and Head of Special Design Bureau, Radioastrophysical Observatory,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1963-1980
- Construction Master, Baltic Railway Construction Trust, 1960-1963.
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- Award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Joint-Stock Company
"Latvijas Gaisa Satiksme" and the Educational Foundation of Latvia, 2001
- Member, Committee on Radio Astronomy Frequencies (CRAF) of the European Science
- Member, Latvian National Committee of Mechanics, 1992
- Fellow (1965 - ), Member of the Board (1990-1996), Latvian Astronomical Society
- Expert, EC Specific Research Programmes, 1999 - 2005
- Nominator of the Japan Price, 2001-
- LV representative to the FP6 Programme Committee for Research Infrastructure, 2002-2004
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Editorial Advisory Board for Journal Baltic Astronomy, 1992-1995
- International Scientific Advisory Council, VIRAC, 1996 - 2004
- Member of the Board of the large scale mirror antennas of the former USSR, 1997- 2004
- Organising two international conferences on mirror antennae constructions, 1986, 1990
- Member, Council of Engure Lake Natural Park, 1998
- Participation/reporting in international scientific conferences:
- 1st
European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering, Brussels, 1992
- World Congress on Optimal Design of Structural Systems, Rio de Janeiro, 1993
- 3rd World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Tokyo, 1994
- International Conference on Cosmic Particle Physics, Moscow, 1994
- EPMESC V Conference, Macao, 1995
- 27th Russian Conference on Radioastronomy; St.Petersburg, 1997
- Fourth Conference of the VIRAC Scientific Advisory Council, Riga, 2002
- The 9th World Multi-Conference on Systematics, Cybernetics and Informatics;
Orlando, USA, 2005
Recent/Representative Publications:
- V.S.Polyak, E.J.Bervalds. Precise Construction of Mirror Radiotelescopes: Creation
Experience, Analysis and Synthesis Problems. 1990, Riga: Zinatne, 526 p. (in Russian).
- E.Bervalds, J.Kaulinsh. Numerical variational method for the synthesis of load bearing
building constructions. - Proceeding of the First European Conference on Numerical
Methods in Engineering, 7-11 September 1992, Brussels, Belgium, pp.789-793.
- E.Bervalds. Topological transformations and design of structural systems. - Proceedings
of the World Congress on Optimal Design of Structural Systems, August 2-6, 1993, Rio
de Janeiro, vol.1, pp.153-160.
- E.Bervalds, J.Kaulinsh. A computational Algorithm of the stiffest Spatial Bar System on
the Earth. - Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Computational Mechanics
August 1-5, 1994, Chiba, Japan, pp.1313-1315.
- E.Bervalds, J.Kaulinsh. An effective Algorithm and Software Engineering Tool for the
Synthesis of Structural Systems Using Small Computers. - Proceedings of the Fifth
EPMESC Conference, August 1-4, 1995, Macao, vol.2, pp.1049-1054.
- E.Bervalds, G.Ozolinsh, Z.Sika, G.Balodis. Investigations into the main parameters of
the VIRAC 32-metre antenna. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences,
1997, No2, pp.48-59.
- E.Bervalds, K.Berzins. Energetical properties of the topological invariants of real
space. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1998, N 6.,
- E.Bervalds, G.Ozolins, Z.Sika, D.Bezrukov, M.Abele, A.Pavenis. The VIRAC 32-metre
- E.Bervalds, K.Berzins, I.Shmelds. On a scale-free k-point approximation of the
large-scale structure of Universe. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences,
2000, No5, pp. 28-34.
- E.Bervalds, G.Ozolins. Prospect of investigations into the methanol masers at Ventspils
Intenational Radio Astronomy Centre. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, 2001, No3, pp.39-44.
- A.A.Berezhnoy, E.Bervalds, O.B. Khavroshkin, et al. Meteroid impacts and the
selenoseismic radio emission. - Baltic Astronomy, 2002, vol. 11, N 3.
- E.Bervalds. Ecology and mechanical synthesis of Noosphere. Latvian Journal of
Physics and Technical Sciences, 2003, No 3, pp. 21-27.
- E.Bervalds. Existence of the phi-relationship within a regular hexagonal tessellation.
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2007, 2, pp.57- 58.
Research Projects:
- E.Bervalds (Head of Project). Theory and Practice of the Mechanical Synthesis of the
Artificial Macromedium. Latvian Council of Science
- E.Bervalds (Head of Project). The Topological Aspect of the Mechanical Synthesis of
Artificial Macromedium. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
- E.Bervalds (Head of Project). A Common Mechanical Synthesis Principle of the Natural and
Artificial Macromedium. Latvian Council of Science (1997-2000).
- E.Bervalds (Head of Project). Feasibility Study on Technical and Scientific Performance
of the Ventspils 32m and 16m Steerable Parabolic Antennae. Latvian Council of Science
- E.Bervalds (Head of Project). Feasibility Study on Technical and Scientific Performance
of the Ventspils 32m and 16m Steerable Parabolic Antennae and Ensuring of the First
Observing Programmes. Ministry of Education and
- E.Bervalds (Head of Project). Investigations of the RT-16 for the Remote Sensing
Necessity. Latvian Council of Science (1999-2000).
- E.Bervalds (Head of Project). Preparation and Implementation of Observations of the
Methanol Maser Sources, using RT-32. Latvian Council of Science (2001-2004).
- E.Bervalds (Head of Project) Determination of the Mechanical Properties of the Large
Scale Structure of Universe Using Numerical Simulation. Latvian Council of Science
- E.Bervalds (Manager and Coordinator of Project) Conversion of a Former Military
Infrastructure to Facilitate Economic Development and Tourism in a Cross-border Region. PHARE
Special Actions in Favour of the Baltic Sea Region Small Project Funds project
LE9913.02/0004 (2001-2002)
- E.Bervalds (Head of Project). Improving and Testing the RT-32 Receiving , Recording and
Processing Systems by Performing Observations of Methanol Masers at 12,2 GHz Frequency,
Including within EVN (2005).
- E.Bervalds (Head of Project). Topological and Mechanical Analysis of Different Large
Scale Structures of Universe Using Numerical Simulations and Observations Data (2005 -
Last update 05-11-2007 12:37:18