Latvia State Intitute of Fruit-GrowingGraudu iela 1
Dobele, LV 3701
Phone: (+371) 63722294
Fax: (+371) 63781718
E-mail: kaufmane@latnet.lv |
Born: October 14, 1956, Saldus, Latvia
- Breeding of plums and apricots
- Breeding and Cytoembriology of fruit crops
Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, English
University of Latvia, Faculty of Biology, 1980
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (USSR), Samokhvalovichi, Minsk, 1991
Dr.biol. , University of Latvia, Riga, 1993
Junior researcher at Dobele Horticultural Plant Experimental Breeding Station (then -
Laboratory of Horticulture, Latvian Research Institute of Agriculture and Agricultural
Economy), 1980 – 1985
Senior resarcher at Dobele Horticultural Plant Experimental Breeding Station, 1986 –
Leading scientist at Dobele Horticultural Plant Experimental Breeding Station, 1992 –
Director of Dobele Horticultural Plant Experimental Breeding Station, 1996-2006
Director of the Latvia State Intitute of Fruit-Growing, since May 18, 2006 -
Honors and Awards
- Corresponding Member, the Latvian Academy of Sciences, since 2007
- Diploma of Gratitude from the Prime Minister of Republic of
Latvia A.Kalvitis for innovative solutions in fruit science, 2006
- Republic of Latvia Cross of Honour 5th degree laureate, 2006
- Medal of merit „Medala par centibu” of the Latvian
Ministry of Agriculture for the work in behalf of Latvian agriculture, 2006
- Award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, „Itera Latvija” Ltd., Latvian Education
Foundation goal program For Education, Science and Culture, 2004
- Prize of the Latvian Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment competition „Sejejs 2004”, 2004
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Latvian Society of Geneticists and Breeders, 1981
- Latvian Fruit Growers Association, 1998
- EUFRIN - (European Fruit Research Institute Network), Representative of Latvia, 2002 –
- ISHS (International Society for Horticultural Science), 1994 -
- EUCARPIA (European Association for Research on Plant Breeding), 1994 -
- EC/PGR Prunus working group (Representative of Latvia), 2002 –
Co-author of plum cultivars ‘Minjona’, ‘Zemgale’, apricot cultivars
‘Daiga’, ‘Lasma’, ‘Velta’.
Recent/Representative Publications
- M.Skrivele, L.Ikase, E.Kaufmane u.c. Ilustrets auglu koku un ogulaju ðkirnu katalogs
(Illustrated Catalogue of Fruit and Berry Cultivars). Valsts Dobeles DSIS, Dobele, 1999,
323 lpp. (in
- M.Skrivele, E.Kaufmane. Auglkopiba (Fruit Growing). -In
: Latvijas lauksaimniecibas zinatniskie pamati ( ed.
V.Strikis), LLU, 1999, sadales 4.36-4.38, 5.42-5.47, 11.33-11.34, 17.17-17.18. (in Latvian)
- M.Skrivele, S.Strautina, E.Kaufmane u.c. Intensivas auglkopibas rokasgramata (Handbook
of Intensive Fruit Growing).
Valsts Dobeles DSIS, Dobele, 2000, 281 lpp. (in Latvian)
- J.Karklins, M.Skrivele, E.Kaufmane, L.Ikase. Plumju skirnes
(Plum Varieties:
Latvian Pomology, Part III). Riga, 2007, 203.lpp. (in
- E. Kaufmane. The cytoembryological characteristics of the development of plum
reproductive sphere (Doctor’s thesis), Samokhvalovichi, Belarus. , 1991, 20 pp., (in
- E.Kaufmane, K.Rumpunen. Preliminary cytoembryological studies on Chaenomeles
spp.- Tasks and Perspectives of Orchard - Plant Breeding . Collection of
Scientific Articles, Babtai,1995, pp.141 - 150.
- E. Kaufmane. Results of apricot breeding in Dobele. Problems of Fruit Breeding. - Collection
of Scientific Articles, Jelgava ,1996, pp. 19 - 24.
- E.Kaufmane . Apricot breeding for winterhardiness. - Horticulture and Vegetable
Growing, 1998, 17(3), Babtai. pp. 173-178.
- E. Kaufmane , D.Andersone. Preliminary results of stone fruit scion propagation on
clonal rootstocks.- Modern orchards: achievements and tendencies (Collections of
Scientific Articles): Babtai, Lithuania, 1997, pp. 53-63.
- M. Skrivele, E. Kaufmane, L. Ikase. 'Lase' and 'Minjona' – two new promising
Latvian plum varieties.
- Fruit Growing Today and Tomorrow, Dobele, 1999, pp .42-50.
- E. Kaufmane, D. Andersone. Preliminary investigations on fruit set and defective pistils
in Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) at Dobele HPBES. - Proceedings of
International Conference “Fruit Production and Fruit Breeding”, Polli, Estonia 12
– 13 September, 2000, pp.240-243.
- E.Kaufmane, K.Rumpunen. Sporogenesis and gametophyte development in Chaenomeles
japonica (Japanese quince). - Scientia Horticulturae , 2002, pp.
- E.Kaufmane, K.Rumpunen. Pollination, pollen tube growth and fertilisation in
Chaenomeles japonica (Japanese quince). - Scientia Horticulturae, 2002,
pp. 258-271.
- E.Kaufmane, V. Trajkovski, G. Lacis, L.Ikase. Evaluation and characterisation of
plum genetic resources in Sweden and Latvia. - Acta Horticulturae. Proc. VII
International symposium on plum and prune genetics, breeding and pomology, Plowdiv and
Dryanovo, Bulgaria, 2002, pp. 207-215.
- D.Andersone, E.Kaufmane (2003). Flowering and Fruit Set in Japanese Quince (Chaenomeles
japonica). - In: Japanese Quince Potential Fruit Crop for Northern Europe (Edited
by K.Rumpunen, Dep. of Crop Science, Balsgard), pp.29-36.
- E. Kaufmane, G.Lacis. Studies on selection of apricots and peaches with good fruit
quality and winter hardiness in Latvia. - Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant
Research, Proceeding of International Workshop on “Protection of genetic resources of
pomological plants and selection of genitors with traits valuable for sustainable fruit
production”, 2004, pp. 321-330.
- E. Kaufmane, M.Skrivele, E.Rubauskis. The influence of different rootstocks on the
growth and yield of plum cultivars. - Acta Horticulturae – Proceedings of the 8th
International Symposium on Plum and Prune ; Genetics, Breeding and Pomology, 2007,
pp. 387-391.
- E. Kaufmane, M.Skrivele, E. Rubauskis, L. Ikase. The yield and fruit quality of
two plum cultivars on different rootstocks. - Scientific works of the Lithuanian
Institute of Horticulture, 2007, 27(3), pp.10-15.
- G. Lacis , E. Kaufmane , I. Rashal , V.Trajkovski , A.F.Iezzoni . Identification of
self-incompatibility (S) alleles in Latvian and Swedish sweet cherry genetic
resources collections by PCR based typing. - Euphytica, 2008,
160, pp.155-163.
Research Projects
E. Kaufmane (Head of Project). Breeding of Horticultural Plants. Latvian Council of
Science (1991 – 2004).
E. Kaufmane (Head of Project). Selection of Biochemically Valuable Berry Cultivars for
Functional Food production. (Market-orientated research for the Latvian Ministry of
Education and Science) (1998 – 2000.
M. Skrivele (Head of Project); E. Kaufmane (Participant). Development and
Implementation of a Competitive and Profitable System of Horticulture (in Latvia) (1997 -
E.Kaufmane (Head of Project) Development of Fruit and berry products Rich in
Antioksidants for the Differentiation of the Latvian Market. (Market-orientated research
for the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science) ( 2002 - 2004).
M.Skrivele. (Head of Project), E. Kaufmane (Participant). Development of
Farm Models Specialized in Fruit Growing for the Kurzeme region. (Market-orientated
research for the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science) (2002 - 2003).
E. Kaufmane (Head of Project). Selection and Propagation of Fruit Varieties Suitable for
the Production of Healthy Products Strengthening the immune System. (Market-orientated
research for the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science) (2000 - 2002).
E. Kaufmane (Head of Project). Evaluation of Quality Factors for the Consumption
Stimulation of Latvian-grown Fruit and Berry Production. (Market-orientated research for
the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science) (2004 - 2006).
E. Kaufmane (Head of Project). Securing of the Scientific Infrastrusture for The
Performing of Agrobiotechnological Research in Fruit and Berry Storage and Processing, and
in The Obtaining and Testing of Virus-free Propagation Material of Fruit and Berry Crops.
Subsidized project of The Latvian Ministry of Agriculture (2006).
E. Kaufmane (Head of Project). Breeding of Varieties for Integrated Fruit Production and
their Technological Research. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - 2007).
D.Karklina (Head of Programme), E.Kaufmane – (Head of Project).
Innovative Technologies for the Obtaining of High-value, Safe and Healthy Food Products
from Genetically, Physiologically and Biochemically Various Plant and Animal Material. State
Research Programme (2006 - 2009).
M.Skrivele (Head of Project), E.Kaufmane (Participant). Specification of
Environment-friendly Growing Technologies in Fruit and Berry Orchards in Different Soil
and Climatic Conditions. Subsidized project of The Latvian Ministry of Agriculture (2007
- 2011).
International -
- V. Trajkovski /Sweden/ (Head of Project); E. Kaufmane (Participant) – Japanese quince
(Chaenomeles japonica) – a new European fruit crop for production of novel
juice, flavour and fibre. – EU Framework 4 Project (1998 – 2001)
- V. Trajkovski / Sweden / (Head of Project); E. Kaufmane (Participant) –
Characterization and evaluation of Prunus genetic resources (1999 - 2000).
- V. Trajkovski / Sweden / (Head of Project), E.Kaufmane, D.Seglina (Participants). Investigations of the genetic
resources of some horticultural and herbal crops for functional food production (1999 -
- E. Kaufmane (Head of Project). Modernisation of the Fruit and Berry Processing Centre
and Storage Facilities. ERDF National program “Support for the modernization of
scientific infrastructure at the State research institutions” project Nr.21 (2004 -
- E. Kaufmane (Head of Project). Development of the Latvian Tree Plant Genetic Resources
Data Bank. ERDF National program" Support to applied research at the State
research institutions" project (2006 - 2008).
- B.Duffy /Switzerland/ (Head of Project), E.Kaufmane,
S.Ruisa, I.Morocko (Participants) Bacterial Diseases of Stone Fruits and Nuts. COST
Action 873 (2006 - 2010).
Ornamental gardening
Choir singing (The first author’s plum cultivar ‘Minjona’ was named for the
Last update 11.06.2008