Professor Maris KLAVINS Head of Environmental Science Department,
Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences,
University of Latvia
Raina bulv. 19
Riga, LV 1586
Phone: + 371 7 331766
Fax: + 371 7 332704
E-mail: mklavins@lanet.lv
Home address:
Skultes iela 2-46,
Riga LV 1026,
Phone: +371 2367063 |
Born: March 12, 1956, Riga,
- Environmental Chemistry:
- Humic substances in the environment;
- Pollution of aquatic environment;
- Trace element speciation forms in aquatic
- Geochemistry
- Aquatic Chemistry:
- Chemical composition of surface water bodies of
- Water analysis.
- History of Hanseatic Countries
My major research fields are in environmental
pollution and its chemical analysis, aquatic chemistry, geochemical analysis. I am
supervisor of 3 PhD students, author of numerous (146) scientific articles. In last few
years I am more involved in educational process and especially I am doing with the
problems of restructuring of higher education system in Latvia. I have participated in
International commission together with experts from Germany aimed on development of higher
education system in area of biology.
I has been leader of few programs related to the
educational issues mostly doing with environmental education , including also political
and social sciences.
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Chemistry), 1979
- Dr.chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR,
Ph.D. in Western countries), Moscow State University, 1985
- Dr.habil.chem., University of Latvia, 1994
- Post -graduate, University of Latvia, 1979-1982
- Engineer, Institute of Applied Biochemistry, 1982
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Applied
Biochemistry, 1984 -1986
- Head of the Sorbent Laboratory, Institute of
Applied Biochemistry, 1986 -1989
- Head of Hydrochemistry Group, Professor, Institute
of Biology, 1989 -1993
University of Latvia:
- Associate Professor, 1993-1995
- Professor, Head of Environmental Sciences
Department, 1995 -
- Dean, Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences,
1996 -
- Lund University, Sweden, Feb.-May, 1991
- Linkoping University, Sweden, March-May, 1992
- Georgetown University, USA, Oct., 1992
- Roskilde University, Denmark, Apr.-May, 1993
- Lund University, Sweden, Nov., 1993; May, 1994
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1997
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1999
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences, joint stock company "ITERA-LATVIA" and the
Education Foundation of Latvia Prize, 2003
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of Senate , University of Latvia, 1995 -
- Member of Senate, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
2001 -
- Member of Faculty Board, University of Latvia,
- President , Latvian Society of Biometeorology,
- Member, Council of Environmental Sciences,
- Member of Scientific Council, Institute of Biology, 1990-1996
- Member, Editorial Board for Proceedings of
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1996 -
- Member, Editorial Board for Reactive Polymers,1992-1994
- UNESCO Program "Man and
Biosphere"(vice-president of Latvian National Committee), 1995-
- International Society of Biometeorology (President
of Latvian National Chapter), 1994-
- International Society of Humic Substances, 1992 -
Conferences: organization -
- Chair of Organizing Committee for Methods in
Organic Synthesis, Riga, Latvia, 1985
- Member of Organizing Committee for:
Biochemical reagents, Olaine, Latvia, 1986
Biomonitoring Methods of Lakes, Salaspils, Latvia, 1989
Trends in the Nutrient Loads in the Baltic Sea, Salacgriva, Latvia,
International Environmental Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Area,
Roskilde, Denmark, 1995
- Chemical composition of surface waters of Latvia
and responses to changing nutrient levels. University of Georgetown (Athens,
USA), May 3, 2000.
University of Latvia:
- Environmental Pollution
- Ecotoxicology
- Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry
- Restoration of Polluted Environment
Recent/Representative Publications:
- L.D.Uzhinova, A.Zitsmanis, M.Klavins, N.A.Plate.
Synthesis of biospecific sorbents on the cellulosis for purification of albumine. - Vysokomol.
Soed., B, 1987, vol. 27, N 4, pp. 274-276 (in Russ.).
- V.P.Grachev, M.A.Zavalnyij, A.E.Gutmanis,
A.X.Zitsmanis, M.Klavins, L.L.Mironova, V.D.Popova. "Cytolar" micocarriers for
animal cell cultivation. - Voprosi Virusologii, 1985, N 6, pp. 721-725 (in Russ.).
- A.Roska, M.Klavins, S.Eiduka, A.Zitsmanis,
A.Veveris. High molecular catalysts in organic synthesis XII. Knoevenagel condensation
catalysis by polymer bound crown ethers. - Izv.AN Latv. SSR, Khim. Ser., 1986, N 5, pp.
625-631 (in Russ.).
- M.Klavins, A.Roska, A.Skujins, I.Baskhirova,
A.Zicmanis. Polymer bound catalysts in condensation reactions of carbonylcompounds with
CH-acids. - J.Appl. Chem., 1990, vol. 63, N 4, pp. 729-748 (in Russ.).
- V.Shesterev, V.Hizinsky, G.Curbanov, M.Klavins,
A.Mosojan, N.Grudina, A.Zitsmanis. Microcarriers for cell cultures. - In : Cultivation
of Animal and Human Cells, 1990, Moscow, pp. 90-109 (in Russ.).
- A.Roska, M.Klavins, A.Zicmanis. Polymer bound
crown-ethers. I. Synthesis and complexation of polybenzocrowns. - React. Polym., 1988,
vol. 9, pp. 59-66.
- A.Roska, M.Klavins, A.Zicmanis Polymer bound crown
ethers.II. Catalysis of Knoevenagel condensation. - React. Polym., 1988, vol. 9, pp.
- A.Zicmanis, M.Klavins, A.Skujins, I.Jakobsone.
Polymer bound azoles and azines- prospective acylation catalysts . - React. Polym.
1989, vol. 11, pp. 227-236.
- A.Zicmanis, A.Roska, M.Klavins, I.Baskhirova.
Polymer bound crown ethers. III. Effect of polymer matrix on the rate of crotonization. - React.
Polym., 1990, vol. 12, pp. 193-220.
- M.Klavins, U.Cinis. Humic substances in Latvian
inland waters. - Finnish Humus News, 1991, vol. 3, pp. 71-76.
- M.Klavins A study of Latvian inland water
pollution levels. - Environmental Toxicology and Health, Stockholm, 1991, pp. 139-167.
- M.Klavins, U.Cinis. Humic substances in Latvian
inland waters. - Finnish Humus News, 1991, vol.3, N 3, pp. 309-312.
- M.Klavins. Humic substances in surface waters:
Their isolation and structure. - Latv. Chem. J., 1993, N1, 83-95.
- C.Johansson, I.Valarie, M.Klavins, B.Allard,
H.Boren, A.Grimvall.The use of chemical degradation technique to study lignin derived
phenolic structure in humic matter. In: Humic Sbstances in the Global Environment and
Implications on Human Health.(eds N.Senesi, T.M.Miano),1994, Elsevier, pp. 234-239.
- M.Klavins, A.Briede, I.Klavina, V.Rodinov. Metals
in sediments of lakes in Latvia. - Environ. Internat., 1995, vol. 21, N 4, pp.
- M.Klavins, V.Rodinov, P.Cimdins, I.Klavina,
M.Purite, I.Druvietis. Well water quality in Latvia. - Internat. J. Environ. Studies,
1995, vol. 23, N 1, pp. 1-10.
- M.Klavins, V.Rodinovs, G.Vereskuns. Metals and
organochlorine compounds in fish from Latvian lakes. - Bull. Environm.Contam.
Toxicol., 1998, vol.60, N 4, pp. 538-546.
- M.Klavins, A.Briede, E.Parele, V.Rodionov,
I.Klavina. Metal accumulation in sediments and benthic invertebrates in lakes of Latvia. -
Chemosphere, 1998, vol. 36, N 15, pp. 3043-3053.
- M.Klavins. Humic substances in surface waters of
Latvia. - Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 1998, vol. 28, N 2, pp.
- M.Klavins, J.Serzane. Immobilisation of humic
substances. - Proc. Latv.Acad. Sci., B, 2000, vol. 54, N 5, pp. 256-261.
- M.Klavins, J.Serzane, L.Eglite. Methods for
analysis of aquatic humic substances. - Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry,
2000, vol. 29, pp. 187-203.
- M.Klavins, G.Springe, V.Rodionov, I.Druvietis,
E.Parele, A.Briede. Water Quality changes in relation to changing loading levels. - Vatten,
2000, vol. 56, pp. 39-47.
- M.Klavins, J.Serzane. Use of humic substances in
remediation of contaminated environments. - In: Bioremadiation of Contaminated Soils (Wise
R.A. et al, eds.), 2000, M.Dekker, pp. 217-236.
- M.Klavins, T.Juhna, L.Eglite. Removal of humic
substances during treatment of drinking water using sorbents. - Vatten, 2000,
vol. 56, pp. 79-83.
- M.Klavins, A.Briede, V.Rodionov, I.Kokorite,
E.Parele, I.Klavina. Heavy metals in rivers of Latvia. - Sci. Total. Environ.,
2000, vol. 262, pp. 175-183.
- M.Klavins, V.Rodionov, I.Kokorite, I.Klavina,
E.Apsite. Long-term and seasonal changes in chemical composition of surface waters in
Latvia. - Environ. Monitoring and Assesment, 2001, vol. 66, pp.
- M.Klavins. Environmental policy development in
countries in transition: case study in LAtvia. - In: Our Fragile World: Challenges and
Oportunities for Sustainable Development, UNESCO, Paris, 2001, pp. 1208-1226.
- M.Klavins, K.Babre. Micellar catalysis by humic
substances in reactions of alkaline colour fading and condensation. - Latv.J. Chem., 2001,
N1, pp.81-91.
- T.Juhna, M.Klavins.Water quality changes in Latvia
and Riga 1980-2000: possibilities and problems. - Ambio, 2001, vol;. 30, N 4/5,
pp. 306-314.
- M.Klavins, V.Rodionov. Chemical composition of
surface waters in Latvia - analysis of influencing factors. - Vatten, 2001, vol.
57, pp. 195-205.
- I.Rozenbaha, G.Odham, U.Jarnberg, T.Alsberg,
M.Klavins. Characterisation of humic substances by acid catalysed transesterification. -
Anal. Chim. Acta, 2002, vol. 452, pp. 105-114.
- T. Juhna, B. Gulbe, M. Klavins. Speciation of iron
in groundwater from areas of humic waters by an ion-exchange method. - Vatten,
2002, vol. 58, N 3, pp. 159-169.
- M.Klavins (2002) The concept of sustainability in
University Curricula in Latvia: a case study for countries in transition. - In: Teaching
Sustainability- Towards Curriculum Greening (Ed. W.L.Filho) Peter Lan Scientific
Publishers: Bern, 2002, pp. 533-547.
- M.Klavins, I.Kokorite. Long term changes of river
water discharge in Latvia. - Boreal Environ. Res., 2002, 32, pp. 567-591.
- M.Klavins, K.Babre .Decarboxylation and alkaline
colour fading reactions in presence of humic substances.- Chemosphere, 2002, vol.
49, N 6, pp. 685-689
- T.Juhna, M.Klavins, L.Eglite.Sorption of humic
substances on aquifer material at artifical recharge of groundwater. - Chemosphere,
2003, vol. 51, N 9, pp. 861-868.
- I.Kokorite, M.Klavins, V.Rodionovs. flows od DOC
from territory of Latvia and factors controlling it. - In: Jahrestagung 2003.
Wasserchemische Gesellschaft, Stade, Deutschland, pp. 227-231.
- M.Klavins, V.Rodionov, I.Druvietis. Aquatic
chemistry and humic substances in bog lakes in Latvia. - - Boreal Environ. Res.,
2003, 8, pp. 113-123.
- M.Klavin, T.Frisk, A.Briede, V.Rodinov, I.Kokorite.
Ice regime in rivers of Latvia in relation to climatic variability and North
Atlantic oscillation. - In: Proceedings of the 4th Study conference on BALTEX,
Bornholm, 2004, pp. 176-179.
- M.Klavins, J.Sire (2004) Properties of peat humic substances form Latvia, depending on
their origin. - In: Wise Use of Peatlands Proceedings of 12 th
International Peat Congress, June, Tampere, Finland, pp. 629-635.
- M.Klavins, J.Sire, L.Eglite. Humic substances and their
potential use in agriculture. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci, B., 2004, vol.58, N 2, pp.
- A.Briede, M.Klavins, V.Rodinovs, L.Lizuma . Ice regime in
Latvian rivers. - Folia Geogr., 2004, vol. 12, pp. 49-56.
- M.Klavin, A.Briede, V.Rodinovs, L.Lizuma, T.Frisk .
Ice regime in rivers of Latvia in relation to climatic variability and North
Atlantic oscillation. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci, B., 2004,
vol. 58, N 3/4, pp.131-140.
- M.Klavins, V. Rodinovs, I.Druvietis. Nitrogen/phosphorus ratios for surface waters of
Latvia and trends of their changes. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci, B., 2005, vol. 59, N 1,
- M.Klavins, L.Eglite, A.Zicmanis. Immobilized humic substances as sorbents. - Chemosphere,
2006, vol. 62, N 9, pp. 1500-1506.
- M.Klavins, L.Eglite, J. Kreismanis, A.Zicmanis. Derivatives
of humic substances for their structural studies and application. - In: Proc.
13th Meeting of the IHSS "Humic substances - linking structure to functions "(ed.
F.H.Frimmel, G.Abbt-Braun), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2006, pp. 277-281.
- P.Cimdins, M.Klavins, V.Rodinov. Background
Ecological Monitoring, Riga: Vieda, 28 pp. (in Russ.)
- M.Klavins. Aquatic Humic Substances, 1992,
Riga: LU, 132 pp. (in Russ.)
- M.Klavins. Humic Sbstances in Inland Waters of
Latvia, 1993, Roskilde: RUC, 82 pp.
- M.Klavins, P.Cimdins. Economy and Environment in
Societies in Transition: Case Study in Latvia, 1994, Riga: LU, 78 pp.
- M.Klavins, A.Priksane . Ecotoxicology, 1995,
Riga:LU, 126 pp. (in Latvian).
- M.Klavins. Environmental Chemistry, 1996,
Riga:LU, 298 pp. (in Latvian).
- M.Klavins. Aquatic Humic Substances, 1998, Riga:
LU, 256 pp.
- M.Klavin, V.Rodinovs, I.Kokorite Aquatic
Chemistry of Surface Waters in Latvia, Riga: LU, 2002, 285 pp.
- T.Frisk, M. Klavins, V. Rodinov, I. Kokorite, A.
Briede. Long-term Changes of Hydrologic Regime and Aquatic Chemistry in Inland
Waters of Latvia. The Finnish Environment, Tampere:Pirkanmaa Regional Environment
Centre, 2002.
- M.Klavins, P.Cimdins. Water Quality and Its
Protection, 2004, Riga: LU, 208 pp. (in Latvian).
Some International Conference Papers -
- M.Klavins, A.Briede, E.Parele. Metal fluxes and
accumulation in bog lakes of Latvia. - In: Environmental Science and Vulnerable
Ecosystems. Abstracts of the 5th SETAC-Europe Congress, Copenhagen, 1995, p. 181.
- M.Klavins. Acidifying substances in air,
atmospheric precipitations and surface waters of Latvia. - In: Acid Reign, 95 Abstracts
of the 5th International Conference, Göteborg, 1995, p. 40.
- M.Klavins, E.Apsite, U.Cinis. Catalytic activity
of humic substances in condensation, hydrolysis and nitrozation reactions. - In:
Abstracts of the 5th Nordic symposium on humic substances in soil and water, Lund, 1995,
p. 45.
- M.Klavins, E.Apsite, P.Cimdins . Aquatic humic
substances from Latvia and their role in speciation and transport of xenobiotics. - In:
Abstracts of 24 Congress of International Association of Theoretical and Applied
Limnology, Sao-Paulo, 1995, p. 371.
- M.Klavins, P.Cimdins. Environmental problems and
nature protection in societies in transition: example of Latvia. - In: Abstracts of
EuroMAV V Conference, Kangerlussuaq, 1995, p. 13.
- P.Sundin, G.Vereskuns, M.Klavins, H.Mu, C.Wesen,
H.Björn, A.Göransson, G.Odham. Chlorinated fatty acids and persistent organic pollutants
in lipids of pike (Esox lucius) from Latvia and Sweden. - In: 6th Nordic Symposium on
Organic Pollutants. Abstracts. Smygehus, 1995, p. 7.
- M.Klavins. Economy and environment in societies in
transition. - In: Technological Civilization Impact on the Environment. Abstracts of
the International Symposium, Karlsruhe, 1996, p. 54.
- M.Klavins. Pollution of the surface waters of
Latvia. - In: Third International Symposium on Environmental Contamination in Central
and Eastern Europe. Abstracts of the International Symposium, Warsaw, 1996, p. 78.
- M.Klavins, E.Apsite Immobilization of humic
substances. - In: The Role of Humic Substances in the Ecosystem and in Environmental
Protection. 8th Meeting of the International Humic Substances Society, Wroclaw, 1996,
- M.Klavins, A.Roska, V.Gredins. Prognosticating of
ecosystems bio-function quality. - Int. Symp. Ecology and Technosphere - a View to the
Third Millenium, Riga, 1996, p. 14.
Recent Research Grants:
International -
- Load of Persistent Xenobiotics to the Riga Gulf
(subproject of Riga Gulf Project), together with Stockholm University and Lund
University, Sweden ( 1994-1998).
- Environmental Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Area, together
with Roskilde University, Denmark (1994-1996).
- Agricultural Impacts on the Water Quality, together
with USA National Research Council (1994-1996).
- Chlorinated Fatty Acids in Fish Lipids, together
with Lund University, Sweden 1995
- Water in Your Well, Eco-Latvia, USA (1993-1996).
- Environmental Chemistry at University of Latvia.
Stockholm University (1999-2000).
- Applied Organic Analytical Chemistry in Latvian
Higher Education. Uppsala University, Stockholm University (1999-2000)
- Integrated Approaches to Costal Eutrophication and
River Basin Management. NORFA ( Nordic network for PhD students) (1999-2003)
- Modelling Nutrient Loads and Response in River and
Estuary Systems. NATO-CCMS (1999-2003)
- European Aquatic Modelling Network. COST
- Long Term Changes of Surface Water Hydrological
Regime in Latvia and Finland. Vaisala Foundation, 2004.
- Education in Toxicology in the Baltic Countries. SIDA,
- Screening Methods for Water Data Information in
Support of the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive-SWIFT-WED, Contract N
502492 2004-2007.
National -
- Concentrations of Ca and Mg in Drinking Water of
Latvia. Society of Health Latvia (1993).
- Speciation of Nutrients and Organochlorines in
Inland Waters of Latvia. Latvian Council of Science ( 1994-1996).
- Humic Substances in Surface Waters and Soil of
Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (1994-1996).
- National System for Classification of Toxic
Substances. Ministry of Environmental Protection (1996).
- Dissolved Organic Matter as a Factor Regulating
Contaminant Fate in Surface Waters. Latvian Council of Science (2001-2004).
- Derivatives of Humic Substances for Green Chemistry. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 - ).
- Flows of Natural Dissolved Organic Matter in
Basins and Surface Waters of Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
Last update 29.08.2005