Born: September 5, 1940, Riga, Latvia
- Molecular pharmacology
- Peptide neuropharmacology, memory pharmacology
- Neurochemistry
- Design and search for peptidomimetics, neuroprotectants
- Laboratory animal science
- Bioethics
Brief Description of Main Research:
Present studies: Functional role of melanocortins
and their receptor-mediated behaviour.
Amino acid containing 1,4-dihydropyridines as neuroprotectors and memory improving
substances. Search for cell protectants in anti-HIV drug-induced cardio- , neuro-
and hepatopathies.
The early 90th : Immunopeptide thymopentin as a
novel neuroregulatory peptide
The 80th: Peptide and protein fragments and their
linear and cyclic analogues as neuroimmunomodulators
The 70th: peptides (angiotensin, bradykinin,
thyroliberin), their structure-activity relationships
1974-1990: Supervisor of screening programmes on
new drug studies at the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
The 60th: Studies on new N-cholinergic compounds,
myorelaxanty Dioxonium.
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- Medical Academy of Latvia (Faculty of General Medicine),
- Postgraduate studies (pharmacology), Latvian Institute of
Organic Synthesis, 1964-1967
- Dr.med. (Candidate of Science in former USSR; Ph.D. in
Western countries), Tartu University, Estonia, 1968
- Dr.habil.med. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Institute
of Pharmacology, Moscow, FSU, 1984
- Post doctoral studies/advanced courses:
- Psychopharmacology, Laboratory of Pharmacology,
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis,1968
- Vasoactive peptide pharmacology, Institute of Physiology, Bulgarian Academy of
Sciences, Sofia, 1978
- Stress pharmacology, Institute for Drug Research, Germany Academy of
Sciences, Berlin, 1984
- Memory pharmacology, Institute of
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovakian Academy of Science, Prague, 1990
- Peptide neurochemistry, Stockholm University, Sweden, 1992
- Professor, University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine,
1998 -
- Professor, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
(IOS), 1993 -
- Head, Laboratory of Pharmacology, IOS, 1987- 1998
- Head, Laboratory of Peptide Molecular Biology and Pharmacology, IOS, 1978-1987
- Senior Research Associate, IOS, 1974-1978
- Junior Research Associate, (IOS), 1968-1974
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- Active Member, Academia
Scientiarum et Artium Europaea (Salzburg, Austria), 2007
- Professor, 1993
- USSR State Prize: Research in Peptide and Protein
Bioregulatory Substances, 1981
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Presidium Prizes, 1969,
1970, 1977, 1984
- Biography in:
- International Biographic Dictionary, 24th ed., International
Biographic Centre, Cambridge, England, 1996,
- Men of Achievement, 17th ed., American Biographic Centre, NC, 1997,
- 5000 Personalities of the World, 6th ed., American Biographic
Institute, New York, 1998
- Who's Who in European Research and
Development,3ed., part II. Munich: K.G.Saur Verlag GmbH, 2003.
- Who is Who in Latvia, 2003/2004, Issue 4, Riga, p.551.
- Latvijas enciklopedija. Riga, 2005, vol. 3, p.403.
- Silver Medal, 20th Century Award for Achievement,
International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England, 1996
- Solomon Hiller Medal (Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Riga, Latvia), 1997
- Oswald Schmiedeberg Medal (Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia), 1998
- David H.Grindel Medal (Joint Stock Company GRINDEX, Riga, Latvia), 1998
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and the Public Joint-Stock Company "Grindex"
Prize, 2001
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- President, Latvian Society of Pharmacology , 1994-
- President (1993-2002), Vice-President(2002 - ),
Balt-LASA (Baltic Laboratory Animal Science Association)
- Board member, FELASA (Federation of European Laboratory
Animal Science Associations), 1993-2002
- Governing Board member, ICLAS (International Council for
Laboratory Animal Science), 1995-2003
- Member of the FELASA Working Group on Category B, 1998-2001
- Member of Senate, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1996-
- Deputy Chair, Division of Chemical and Biological Sciences,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1996-
- Chair, Ethics Committee for Laboratory Animal Use, Latvian Council of Science, 1994-
- Member (Chair,1998-2000) Ethics Committee at the Latvian Academy of Sciences and Latvian
Council of Science, 1998 -
- Member of the Central Medical Ethics Committee (at the Cabinet of Ministers, Latvia),
1998 -
- Expert, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee for
Medical Sciences, 1991-1993
- Member, Science Council of Latvian Institute of Organic
Synthesis, 1978-2000
- Member, Council of Promotion, University of Latvia: Biology,
1991- ; Medicine, 1998 -
- Member of Scientific Council, University of Latvia, 1999 - 1994
- Member, Council of the Study Programme for the Degree of Physician, at the Faculty of
Medicine, University of Latvia, 1998 -
- Member, Grindels Fraternity, 2000 -
- Member of the National Judging Committees of the Baltic Assembly Prizes for Literature,
the Arts and Science, 2004-
- Member of the national Judging Committee of the LOREAL Baltic stipendium
Women in Science ( UNESCO Latvian National Committee and Latvian Academy of
Sciences), 2004 -
- Member of Dome, Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia,
l998 -
- Chair, Council of Professors, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Latvia, 2001-
- Member, Epharnet (EU), 2000 - 2002
- Member of Programme Committee, Rudolph Buccheim Conference
(Tallinn, 1995)
- Chair of the Annual Balt-LASA Conferences, 1994 - 2003
- Member of Programme Committee, FELASA 6th Conference
(Basel, 1996)
- Member of Advisory Board, EPHAR Congress (Budapest, 1999)
- Member of Advisory Board, IUBMB (Vancouver, Canada), 2003
- Member, FELASA/ICLAS Committee for Courses in Animal
Science for researchers of the East-European countries: Category C ( Budapest,
Hungary,1998; Jurmala, Latvia, 1999 - local organiser), Category B (Riga, Latvia, 2002)
- Chair, 1st National Course Cat.C, Basic Laboratory Animal
Science, Riga, 1994
- Member, International Courses in Animal Science (1994, 1997
- Tartu, Estonia, 1996, 1999 - Trakai, Lithuania)
- Chair, International Conference "Trends in
Neuroprotecrtive Drugs: Design, Pharmacology, Clinics", Riga, May 29-June 1, 1997
- Chair, International Conference "Pharmacology in
Latvia:Stepping into the 21st Century", Riga, March 12-13, 2004
- Member of International Organizing Committeee, East-European Symposium Central and
Peripheral Neurotransmission, Varna, Bulgaria, Oct. 5-9, 2005.
- International collaboration in a framework of SOCRATES programme: University of
Helsinki, Finland (2001-2003), University of Florence, Italy (2001-2005), University of
Plovdiv, Bulgaria (2005-2007).
Editorial Boards:
- Advances in Neuroimmunology (Pergamon Press), 1991-1996
- Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Part B,
- Acta Medica Baltica, 1992- 1999
- Baltic Journal for Laboratory Animals, 1993-
Societies Membership:
- New York Academy of Sciences, 1995-
- European Neuropeptide Club, 1993-
- Latvian Society of Pharmacology, 1965-
- LASA ( Laboratory Animal Science Association), UK, Honoured
Member, 1994-1996
- IAT (International Animal Technology), UK, 1995- 1998
- Baltic Laboratory Animal Science Association, 1993-
- Representative in the IUPHAR, 1994-
Invited Lecturer:
- Novel Pathways in Neuroimmunological Regulations. Invited
lecture. Immunobiological Research Institute, New Jersey, USA, June, 1991
- Peptidergic Pathways in Neuroimmunoregulation. Stockholm
University, Dept.Neurochemistry, May 1992; Invited lecture, KABI, Stockholm,
May 1992
- Neuroregulatory Properties of Thymopentin. Invited lecture.
Dr.Willmar Schwabe Arzneimittel, Karlsruhe, Germany, September, 1992
- Thymopentin: a Neuroregulatory Peptide. University of
Kuopio, Finland, March, 1993
- Novel Type of the CNS-modulating Dihydropyridines. University
of Kuopio, Finland, March, 1993
- Amino Acid Containing Dihydropyridines: Design and
Pharmacology. Karolinska Institute, Dept. Neurobiology, Stockholm, Sweden, October,
- Central Effects of Amino Acid Containing Dihydropyridines.
Invited lecture. University of Helsinki, Finland, December, 1996
- Neuropharmacology of the Amino Aacid-Containing Dihydropyridines. Royal Danish
School of Pharmacy, Copenhagen, Denmark, January, 1997
- Memory-Improving Properties of the Amino Acid-Containing Dihydropyridines. Institute
of Molecular Pharmacology, Berlin, Germany, October, 1997
- Melanocortins: Behaviour and Neurochemistry. Honorary lecture devoted to
Commemoration of Prof. G.Kingisepp 100th Anniversary, Tartu University, Estonia, June,
- Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotective Drugs. Honorary lecture on the official D.H.
Grindel's Medal award event, Joint Stock Company GRINDEX, Riga, Latvia, October, 1998
- Melanocortins as neuroregulators. Honorary lecture devoted to Commemoration of Prof.
H.Polucordas 80th anniversary, University of Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania, May,
- The fundamental role of melanocortins in brain
processes. NATO/FEBS International Summer School, August 18-30, 2002,
Island of Spetses, Greece.
- Melanocortins and their role in cell signaling processes. University
of Ljubljana (Slovenia), April 11, 2003.
- Bioetikas jautajumi 21.gadsimta [Bioethical Issues in the
21st century], Lecture at the Latvian Society of Genetics, Riga, Latvia,
January, 2003.
- Cerebrocrast, Glutapyrone, Their Analogues: New Properties and Cell Targets , Lecture
at the Joint Stock Company Grindex, Riga, Latvia, Nov.24, 2004.
- Neuroprotective Action of Novel Peptidomimetic Substances: Targets and Mechanisms.
Final Meeting of Working Group COST 13, Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium, September 24-27,
- Bioethics Commitees and Bioethics Education in Latvia, University of Turku,
November 11-12, Turku. Finland, Nov. 2004.
- Pharmacological Modelling to Search for Actions and Targets of Novel Compounds, Meeting
of Working Group COST 29 , March 18-19, Prague , Czech Republic, 2005
Academic Courses
- Experimental Pharmacology, 1980-1989
- Molecular Pharmacology, 1990 -
- Neurochemistry: Membrane and Hormone Biochemistry,
1990- 1997
- Cell Signalling Pathways, 1992-
- Basic Laboratory Animal Science. 1st National course, 1994
- New Trends in Neurosciences, Advanced course, 1994-1996
- Design and Use of New Drugs, Advanced course , 1996
- Cell Biology, 1998
- Pharmacology, 1998 -
Recent/Representative Publications
- Jansone B, Bergstrom L, Svirskis S, Lindblom J,
Klusa V, Wikberg JES. Opposite effects of g1- and g2-MSH on regulation of the dopaminergic
mesolimbic system in rats. - Neurosci. Lett., 2004, 361(1-3), pp. 68-71.
- Jansone B, Muceniece R, Klusa V, Svirskis S,
Duburs G, Wikberg JES. The non-peptide ligand cerebrocrast is a highly selective
melanocortin MC4 receptor agonist and inhibits feeding. - Proc.Latv.Acad.Sci, Section
B, 2004, 58, N3/4, pp. 103-108.
- Klusa V, Jansone B, Svirskis S, Rumaks J, Meceniece R. The fundamental role of
melanocortins in brain processes. In: Chemical Probes in Biology (Ed.M. Schneider) KLUWER
Academic Publishers, 2003, pp. 255-267.
- Klegeris A, Liutkevicius E,
Mikalauskiene G, Duburs G, McGeer PL, Klusa V. Anti-inflammatory effects of
cerebrocrast in a model of rat paw edema and on mononuclear THP-1 cells. - European J.
Pharmacology, 2002, 441: 203-208.
- V.Klusa, S.Germane, M.Noldner, S.S. Chatterjee. Hypericum Extract and Hyperforin: memory
enhancing properties in rodents. - Pharmacopsychiatry, 2001, vol. 34, Suppl. 1,
pp. 61-69.
- V.Klusa, S.Germane, S.Svirskis, B.Opmane, J.E.S.Wikberg. The g2-MSH
peptide mediates central analgesic effect via GABA-ergic mechanism that is independent
from activation of melanocortin receptors. - Neuropeptides, 2001, vol.35, pp.
- J.Lindblom, B.Opmane, F.Mutulis, I.Mutule, R.Petrovska, V.Klusa, L.Bergstrom,
J.E.S. Wikberg. The MC4 receptor mediates a-MSH induced release of nucleus accumbens
dopamine. - Neuroreport, 2001, vol. 12, pp. 2155-2174.
- T.Semenova, I.Anoshkina, A.Fast, V.Klusa. Thyroliberin analogue reverses
disturbances of behaviour and brain biogenic mine levels in antenatally hypoxised rats. - Proc.
Latvian Acad. Sci., B, 2001, vol. 55, pp. 23-29.
- L.Klimaviciusa. V.Klusa, G.Duburs, A.Kalda, A.Zharkovsky. Neuroprotective activity of a
novel type of dihydropyridine derivatives in in vitro toxicity models. - In: Faculty
of Medicine Scientific Papers, (IV) (I), vol. 631 (M.Pilmane, ed.), Riga, 2001,
- B.Opmane, V.Klusa, S,Svirskis, L.Bergstrom, J.E.S. Wikberg. The influence of g1- and g2-MSH on the rat dopaminergic
mesolimbic system. - Ibid, pp. 75-85.
- T.Nevalainen, I.Dontas, A.Forslid, B.R.Howard, V.Klusa, H.P. Kasermann,
E.Melloni, K.Nebendahl, F.R.Stafleu, P.Vergara, J.Verstegen. FELASA recommendations for
the education and training of persons carrying out animal experiments (Category B). report
of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations Working Group on
Education of Persons Carrying out Animall Experiments (Category B) accepted by the FELASA
Boerd of Management. - Lab. Anim., 2000, vol. 34, N 3, pp.229-235.
- T.A.Devyatkina, L.I.Voloshina, V.E.Klusha. Cerebrocrast correction of reparative
osteogenesis on the background of chronic stress. - Fiziol. Zhurn., 2000, vol.
46, pp. 36-40 (in Ukrainian).
- V.Klusa, S.Svirskis, B.Opmane, R.E.Muceniece, J.E.S.Wikberg. Behavioural responses
of g-MSH peptides administered into the rat ventral tegmental
area.- Acta Physiol.Scand., 1999, vol.67, pp.99-104.
- E.Liutkevicius, A.Ulinskaite, R.Meskys, K.Kraujelis,
G.Duburs, V.Klusa. Influence of different types of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives of rat
plasma corticosterone levels. - Biomedical Letters, 1999, vol. 60, pp. 39-46.
- A.Krauze, S.Germane, O.Eberlins, V.Klusa, G.Duburs.
Derivatives of 3-cyano-6-phenyl-4-(3-pyridyl)pyridine-2(1H)-thione and their
neurotropic activity.- Eur. J. Med. Chem.,1999, vol. 34, pp. 301-310.
- V.Klusa, M.Kule, E.Silins, J.Priedkalns, A.Silins, J.Stradins. Scientist's Code of
Ethics. - 1998, Riga: Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvian Council of Science, 15
- V.Klusa, S.Svirskis, B.Opmane, A.Skujins, R.Muceniece, F.Mutulis, J.E.S. Wikberg, H.B
Schioth. Evaluation of behavioural effects of neural melanocortin receptor antagonists
injected ICV and intraVTA in rats. - Neuropeptides, 1998, vol. 32, pp. 573-580.
- I.Misane, V.Klusa, M.Dambrova, S.Germane, G.Duburs, E.Bisenieks, R.Rimoldini, S. Ogren.
Atypical neuromodulatory profile of glutapyrone, a representative of a novel
"class" of amino acid-containing dipeptide-mimicking 1,4-dihydropyridine (DHP)
compounds in vitro and in vivo studies. - Eur. Neuropharmacology, 1998, vol. 8, pp.
- V.Klusa, G.Jakobsone. Good scientific practice in the use of laboratory animals. - Proc.
Latv. Acad.Sci., Ser.B, 1998, vol. 52, pp. 203-204.
- A.Velena, A.Skujins, S.Svirskis, E.Bisenieks, J.Uldrikis, J.Poikans, G.Duburs, V.Klus.
Modification of swelling-contraction-aggregation processes in rat muscle mitochondria by
the 1,4-dihydropyridines, cerebrocrast and glutapyrone, themselves and in the presence of
azidothymidine. - Cell Biochemistry and Function, 1997, vol. 15, pp. 211-220.
- J.Poikans, E.Bisenieks, J.Uldrikis, V.Klusa, S.Germane,
A.Kemme, G.Duburs. Octahydro derivatives of a novel heterocyclic system
benzo[f][1,2]diazepino[5,4,3-c,d]indoles. - Heterocyclic Communications, 1997,
vol. 3, pp.73-78.
- H.B.Schioth, V.Chajjlani, R.Muceniece, V.Klusa, J.E.S.Wikberg. Major pharmacological
distinction of the ACTH receptor from other melanocortin receptors. - Life Sci.,
1996, vol. 59, pp.797-801.
- V.Klusa, S.Germane. Alcoholized maternal rat offspring: a
model for testing the physical and psychoemotional neurodeficit. - Scand.J.Lab.Animal
Sci., 1996, vol. 23, pp. 403-409.
- V.Klusa, R.Vitolina, M.Dambrova, Z.Atare, R.Mezapuke, D.Meirena, E.Bisenieks, G.Duburs, A.Azzi. The
effects of glutapyrone, a glutamate-containing 1,4-dihydropyridine, on the cardiovascular
system, smooth muscle contraction, and protein kinase C activities. - Proc.Latv.Acad.Sci.,
B. ,1996, vol. 50, pp.108-113.
- V.Klusa. Cerebrocrast, neuroprotectant, cognition enhancer. - Drugs of the Future, 1995,
vol. 20, pp.135-138.
- M.N.Karpova, S.K.Germane, G.Cebers, O.Iu.Pankov, Klusa V.E., G.Ia.Duburs, E.A.Bisenieks.
The anticonvulsant properties of glutapyrone - a new type of derivative of amino
acid-containing 1,4-dihydropyridines.- Bull. Eksp. Biol. Med., 1993, vol. 116, N
9, pp. 283-286. (in Russian).
- V.Klusa, R.A.Kiivet, R.Muceniece, I.Liepa, J.Harro, S.Svirskis, A.Andermanis, L.Rago.
Thymopentin antagonizes stress-induced changes of GABA/benzodiazepine receptor complex. - Regul.
Pept, 1990, vol.27, N 3, pp. 355-365.
- L.Klimaviciusa, V.Klusa, G.Duburs, A. Kaasik, A.Kalda, A.Zharkovsky. Neuroprotective
(oxygen-glucose deprivation model) and neurotrophic effects of different
1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives in cerebellar granule cells. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci.,
Part B, 2005, N 5 (640), pp. 20-30.
- A.Krauze, R.Vitolina, V.Garaliene, L.Sile, V.Klusa, G.Duburs.
5-(1-Pyridinio)-4,5-trans-1,4,5,6-tetrahydropyridine-2-thiolates -- new group of potential
cardiotonic drugs. - Eur.J.Med.Chem., 2005, vol. 40, N 11, pp. 1163-1167.
- V.Klusa, J.Pupure, S.Isajevs, J.Rumaks, et al. Protection of azidothymidine-induced
cardiopathology in mice by mildronate, a mitochondria-targeted drug.- Basic &
Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2006, vol. 99, pp. 323-328.
- V.Klusa, L.Klimaviciusa, G.Duburs, J.Poikans, A.Zharkovsky. Anti-neurotoxic effects of
tauropyrone, taurine analogue. - Adv.Exp. Med. Biol., 2006, N 583, pp. 499-508.
- S.Isajevs, J.Pupure, V.Gordjushina, A.Kratovska, I.Taivans,
L.Viksna, I.Kalvin, V.Klusa. Mildronate protects cardiotoxicity caused by
stavudine and lamivudine. - Proc. Latvian Academy of Sciences, Part B, 2007, Vol.
6, No. 1/2 (648/649), pp. 26-32.
- L.Klimaviciusa, A.Kalda, A.Kaasik, A.Zharkovsky,
E.Bisenieks, J.Uldrikis, G.Duburs, and V. Klusa. Neuroprotective activity of
1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives: structure determinants. - Proc. Latvian Academy of
Sciences, Part B, 2007, Vol. 61, No. 1/2 (648/649), pp. 33-37.
- Klimaviciusa
L, Klusa V, Duburs G, Kaasik A, Kalda A, Zharkovsky A. Distinct effects of
atypical 1,4-dihydropyridines on 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium-induced toxicity. - Cell
Biochem Funct. 2007, 25(1), pp.15-21.
- Klimaviciusa
L, Safiulina D, Kaasik A, Klu?a V, Zharkovsky A. The effects of glutamate receptor
antagonists on cerebellar granule cell survival and development. - Neurotoxicology.
2007 Sep 29; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 17981335 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Research Projects
Head of the Latvian Part of the Project Molecular targeting and drug design in
neurological and bacterial diseases, EU COST D34, 2005-2008.
Head: "New Strategies in the Prevention of Anti-HIV Therapy-induced Neuro- and
Myopathies". Latvian Council of Science grant (2005- ).
Head of the Latvian Part of the Project Design for Sustainable and/or Green
Biologically Important Agents, EU COST D29, 2004-2007.
Head of the Latvian Part of Project. Novel Peptidomimetic Type Substances
with Neuroprotective Properties. EU COST D13, 2001-2004.
EU MedNatNet
Head of the Latvian Part of Project. Novel
Peptidomimetic Type Substances with Neuroprotective Properties. EU COST, 2001-2003.
Head, University of Latvia grants 2004/LU3 and 2005/7-LU Studies on
melanocortinergic signalling mechanisms of drug dependence- inducing substances,
Head: "Melanocortins as regulators of drug dependence-induced alterations in
behavioural and neurochemical processes". Latvian Council of Science grant
Head: Amino acids-containing peptidomimetics: studies on the mechanisms of
neurotrophic and antineurotoxic action. Latvian Council of Science grant
Head: Pharmacological studies on melanocortin receptor subtypes. Howard
Hughes Medical Institute (USA) grant (1995-2000).
Contributor: Studies on glutapyrone, an new neuroprotective and antiarrhythmic
drug (Market-oriented project), Latvian Ministry of Education and Science
Head: Novel cognition enhancing compounds: studies on behaviour and intracellular
processes. Latvian Council of Science grant (1994-1996).
Head: Studies on regulatory mechanisms of the nerve and myocardial cell
functioning in hypoxia, stress, aging, and a search for the endogenous and exogenous
regulators/protectors. Latvian Council of Science grant (1991-1993).
Head : (Latvian Part of Project). Pathology of the nervous system in HIV
infection. EU PECO grant (1993-1995).
Head: (Latvian Part of Projects): Peptide-mimicking substances: role of the
"free" and "crypto" amino acids in memory improving activity. KIRT
(Research collaboration between Karolinska Institute and Baltic countries) grant (1994);
Neuroactive amino acid containing peptidoimetics: focus on the neurotransmitter
mechanisms. KIRT grant (1995, 1996).
Head of Regional Projects: Neuropeptides and Vasoactive
peptides. Multilateral programmes INTERMOZG and INTERVISCERA,
resp. (1978-1990).
Other information:
Married, one son Andris, two grand-children (Linda and Karlis)
Last update 27-12-2007 14:26:20