Janis OSIS
Born: April 6, 1929, Valmiera district, Kauguru pagasts, Latvia
Topological Modelling
- Modelling of Complex Systems
Object Modelling and UML
- Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design
- Applied Computer Science
- Mechatronic Systems
- Formal Methods of Software Engineering
Since 1965 the research field is Topological Modelling
with applications in Technical and Medical Diagnostics. Recent fields of interest are
Object-Oriented System Analysis, Modelling and Design. Topological
Functioning Model Support for Software Engineering.
Languages: Latvian, English, German,
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Mechanics) cum laude,
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR,
Ph.D. in Western countries), Kaunas Technological University (former Kaunas
Polytechnic Institute) , Lithuania, 1961.
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (Doctor of Science in former
USSR), Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga, Latvia, 1972.
- Assistant, Faculty of Mechanics, State University of
Latvia, 1956-1958
Riga Technical
- Lecturer, Faculty of Electroenergetics, 1958-1961
- Docent and Dean, Faculty of Automatics and Computer Engineering, 1963-1967
- Senior Researcher, Faculty of Automatics and Computer
Engineering, 1968-1969
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Automatics and Computer
Science, 1970-1978
- Professor and Head of Chair, Faculty of Automatics and
Computer Science, 1979-1993
- Professor and Director, Specialized Institute of Applied
Computer Science, 1994-2000
- Professor, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2001-
- Visiting Researcher, Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 1967
- Visiting Researcher, Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Universita
degli Studi di Padova, Italia, 1995
Honours and Awards:
- Diploma of Latvian Supreme Council, 1962
- Honorary Worker, Riga Technical University, 1992
- Honorary Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences, Joint Stock Company "DATI" and the Education
Foundation of Latvia Eizens Arina Prize for life-long contribution to computer sciences
and informatics, 2004 .
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member of the International Editorial Board, Journal Automatic Control and Computer
Sciences, Allerton Press, Inc. Riga, New York, 1967-
- Member of the International Editorial Board for the Journal Scientific Proceedings
of Riga Technical University, Series-Computer Science (5), 2000 -
- Member, Latvian Association of Scientists, 1988 -
- Member, Senate of Riga Technical University, 1990-1999
- Member of Auditing Commission, Riga Technical University, 1990 - 2000
- President of the Latvian National Organization of Automatics, 1992-1996
- Member of the Board Latvian National Organization of Automatics (LANO), 1992 - 2003
- Associated Member, International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 1992 -
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Committee on
Informatics, 1993-
- Chairman, Habilitation Council on Informatics, Riga Technical University, Latvia,
- Member, Habilitation and Promotion Council on Informatics, Riga Technical University,
Latvia, 1997-
- Member, Habilitation and Promotion Council on Computer Science, University of Latvia, 1992-
- Head of Master and Doctoral Studies, Chair of Applied Computer Science, Riga Technical
University, 1993
- Member, Council of Riga Information Technology Institute, 1993 -
- Member of Council, Faculty o Computer Science and Information Technology, 2001-
- Head of Continual Scientific Seminar: Data, Intellect, Technology, Formalization
(DITF), Institute of Applied Computer Systems, 2001
- Member of the European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST), 2003
- Automatic Control
- Technical Cybernetics
- Topological Modelling
- Programming Language ADA
- Object-Oriented System Analysis
- Problems of Hybrid System Analysis
- Embedded and Mechatronic Systems
- Technology of Software Development
- Advanced Topics of Applied Computer Science
- Methods and Development Trends of Applied Computer Science
- Advanced Aspects of Object-Oriented Software System Development
- Topological Models of System Functioning. University of Lincheping, Sweden, 1994
- Functional Description of Complex Systems Based on Topological Models. University of
Padua, Italy, 1995 and 2001.
- Topological Modelling for Knowledge Representation Analysis and Synthesis. Consiglio
Nacionale delle Ricerche, Instituto per Ricerche di Dinamica delli Sistemi e di
Bioingeneria - LADSEB- CNR, Padua, Italy, 1995.
Recent/Representative Publications:
J.Osis. Automatic Control and Regulation, 1969, Riga: Zvaigzne, 267pp. (in
J.Osis. The topological model of system functioning.- Automatics and Computer
Science, Riga, 1969, 6, pp.44-50 (in Russian).
J.Osis, J.Gelfandbein, Z.Markovich, N.Novozshilova. Diagnostics Based on Digraph Models
(with Examples from Automotive and Aviation Techniques), 1991, Moscow: Transport Publ.,
245pp. (in Russian).
J.Osis, J.Gelfandbein, Z.Markovich, N.Novozshilova. Classification System KLARA. - Automatic
Control and Computer Science, Riga, 1994, 2, pp.37-42.
J.Osis, E.Ginters et.al. Object oriented modelling and simulation using LATISS. -
Proc. of the 22nd Conference of the ASU. Clernont-Ferrand, France. July 1996.
J.Osis, P.Rusakov. Comparing of some object oriented programming languages. Proc. of
the 31st Spring International Conference "Modelling and Simulations of
Systems", Hradec nad Moravici, Czech Republic, April 28-30, 1997, vol.1,
J.Osis, O.Ivasiuta. Advanced Methodologies for Object-Oriented System Analysis. Proc.
of the 31st Spring International Conference "Modelling and Simulations of
Systems", Hradec nad Moravici, Czech Republic, April 28-30, 1997, pp.37-42.
J.Osis, L.Beghi. Topological Modelling of Biological Systems. Modelling and Control
in Biomedical systems, Oxford: Pergamon Elsevier Science, 1997, pp.337-342.
J. Osis. Development of Object-Oriented Methods for Hybrid System Analysis and Design.
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the ASU. Stara Lesna,
Slovakia, 1997, pp. 162-170.
J. Osis, U. Sukovskis, A. Teilans. Business Process Modeling and Simulation Based on
Topological Approach. Proceedings of the 9th European Simulation
Symposium and Exhibition, Passau, Germany, 1997, pp. 496-501.
J. Osis, M. Zilbers. Foundation of the Concept of Usage of Associative Algebra as formal
basis of Object-Oriented Database Management Systems. Modern Aspects of
Management Science, 1, RTU, Riga, 1997, pp. 175-183.
J.Osis, O.Ivasiuta, P.Rusakovs. Advances object-oriented modelling techniques for large
scale systems. - Proc. of the 8th IFAC (International Federation of
Automatic Control) Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications,
University of Patras, vol.2, Rio Patras, Greece, 1998, pp.816-821.
J.Osis, O.Ivasiuta. Comparison of advanced object-oriented modelling methods. - Proc.
of the 32nd Spring International Conference "Modelling and Simulations of
Systems"(MOSIS'98), Svaty Hostyn, Czech Republic, 1998, vol.1, pp.83-90.
J.Osis, P.Rusakovs. Description of complex systems with Ada'95, Java and C++. - Proc.
of the 32nd Spring International Conference "Modelling and Simulations of
Systems"(MOSIS'98), Svaty Hostyn, Czech Republic, 1998, vol.2, pp.99-106.
J.Osis, P.Rusakovs. Concurrency in the object-oriented approach: Ada'95 and Java. - Proc.of
the 33rd International conference "Modelling and Simulations of
Systems", (MOSIS'99), Roznov pod Radohostem, Czech Republic, 1999, V. ISM'99,
O.Ivasiuta, J.Osis. Methodics to comparing Software design methodologies. - Proc.of
the 33rd International conference "Modelling and Simulations of
Systems", (MOSIS'99), Roznov pod Radohostem, Czech Republic, 1999, V. ISM'99,
P.Legovini, J.Osis, A.Giacomini, L.Beghi. Anemia control in chronic renal failure. - Proceedings
4th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (including
Biological Systems), Pergamon-Elsevier Sci., 2000, pp.177-182
J.Osis. Brief survey of object-oriented approach. - Scientific Proc. Riga Technical
University. Computer Science. Applied Computer Systems, 2001, vol. 3, N 2, pp. 23-32.
G.Alksnis, J.Osis. Category theoryand computer science. - Scientific Proc. Riga
Technical University. Computer Science. Applied Computer Systems, 2001, vol. 3, N 2,
pp. 42-52.
J. Osis, J. Silins. Specifics of modelling of embedded systems. Scientific
Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Series Computer Science (5), vol.13,
Riga, RTU, 2002, pp. 173-180.
G. Alksnis, J. Osis. Formalization of Software Engineering by means of the theory of
Categories. Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Series
Computer Science (5), vol. 13, Riga, RTU, 2002, pp.157-163.
J. Osis. Extension of Software Development Process for Mechatronic and Embedded Systems.
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Computers and
Industrial Engineering, University of Limerick, Ireland, 11 13 August, 2003, pp.
305 310.
J. Osis. Topological Functioning Model Support for Software Engineering. Scientific
Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Series - Computer Science (5), Applied Computer
Systems, vol. 17, Riga, RTU, 2003, pp. 31 42.
J.Birgelis, J. Osis. Generalization of MDA un Software Synthesis. Scientific
Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Series - Computer Science (5), Applied Computer
Systems, vol. 22, Riga, RTU, 2005, pp. 217 228.
Research Projects:
- J.Osis (Head of Project). Topological Models and
Algorithms. Application to Medicine. Latvian Council of Science (1991-1993).
- J. Osis (Leading Researcher of Project). Intelligent System for Development of
Structured System Analysis Methods and Tools. Latvian Council of Science
- J.Osis (Head of Project). Development of Object-Oriented
Methods for Hybrid System Analysis, Design and Programming. Latvian Council of Science
- J.Osis (Head of Project). Topological
Model Based Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design for Mechatronic Systems. Latvian Council of Science ( 2001 - 2004).
- J.Osis (Head of Project). Formalization aspects of
software development for business and embedded systems in frame of MDA. Latvian
Council of Science ( 2005 - ).
But the creative principle resides in
mathematics. In a certain sense, I hold it true that pure thought can grasp reality, as
the ancients dreamed.
Albert Einstein
Last update 27.01.2006