Uldis OSIS
Dr.oec. Uldis OSIS
President, Konsorts", Ltd
Olivu Str. 9,
Riga, LV-1004
Phone: +371 67216793
Fax: +371 67216771
E-mail: office@konsorts.lv |
Born: April 10, 1948, Riga, Latvia
- Economic Policy
- Macroeconomics
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- Leningrad State University (USSR), Faculty of Economics, 1978
- Construction Committee of the USSR, postgraduate course of Economic Research Institute
(Moscow), 1982-1986
- Dr.oec.
(Candidate of Economic Science in former USSR system), Economic Research
Institute (Moscow), 1986
- Course Certificate, Georgetown University, School of Foreign
Service (Washington, USA) (7 months), 1992
- Course Certificate, Joint Vienna Institute (Vienna, Austria) (2 weeks), 1995
Membership in professional bodies:
- Economists Association Latvia 2010
- Member of the Economics Council
Experience :
Principal, KONSORTS Ltd, Riga, Latvia, 1995 -
Advisor to Prime Minister (Advice on economic issues), Cabinet of Ministers of the
Republic of Latvia, 1995-1997
Member of Parliament (Saeima) of the Republic of Latvia, 1994-1995
Minister of Finance, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia, 1993-1994
First Deputy Minister of Finance, 1991-1993
Honours and Awards
Publications and Conferences: about 80
The latest ones:
Between Two Worlds ( Book). 2004.
- U.Osis, T.Kalnmaca, B.Dzerins, Z.Bindare. Potential trends in Latvia's economic
development joining or not joining European Union. - In: Latvia in Europe:
Visions of the Future, 2004, Riga: Baltic Center for Strategic Studies, Latvian
Academy of Sciences
- Backwash of financial crises in Russia. - Article in magazine Biznesa partneri,
September 1998
It is dangerous to haste development of the state artificially. - Article in
newspaper B&B, 12.05.1998
LATVENERGO at the cross-roads of the strategy. - Article in magazine Biznesa
partneri, April 1998
The past and the future of Latvias large-scale industry. - Article in
magazine Biznesa partneri, July 1997.
Latvia and European Union pros and cons. - Article in magazine Latvija un Eiropas Savieniba, June 1997.
Latvia and Lithuania: development problems of oil business. - Article in newspaper B&B,
Experience in project management:
- Service rendering for business plan development and attraction of financing for
reconstruction of JSC Kurzemes piens (1997)
- Shaping of managerial institutions foundation document projects and work-out of
economic basis thereof for development of Latvian oil transit corridor (1997)
- Development of basis for necessity and possibility to enlarge Baltic Transit bank
involvement in transit business (1997)
- Work-out of development program concept for privatized State SC Latvenergo
- Work-out of development concept for small ports of Latvia (1997)
- Development of research on Ventspils electricity consumers participation in
privatization of privatized State SC Latvenergo(1997)
- Preparation of materials and reports for conference on Latvia and Ventspils port:
long-range trade bridge between the east and the west in Huston (1998)
- Taking of coordination measures for oil and oil products transit facilitation
projects in frames of working plan, confirmed by Latvian transit facilitation working
group (1998)
- Development of conceptual basis for privatization of RIVEKO Ltd capital
shares owned by State SC Riga Trade Port (1998)
- Service rendering in assessment of entrepreneurship regulating acts at Riga Trade Free
Port (1998)
- Work-out of development strategies proposals for privatized State SC
Latvenergo (1998)
- Development of business model for privatized State JSC Latvenergo (1998)
- Development of application concept for real estate in Ventspils owned by JSC
Kurzemes piens (1998);
- Work- out of development strategies for LatRosTrans Ltd (199);
- Drawing of contract project between Russian Fuel and power industry ministry and
Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Latvia on coordination of oil and oil
products transportation (1999)
- Work out of final materials on small ports development concept for review in
Cabinet of Ministers (1999)
- Assessment of privatized State SC Latvenergo shareholders meeting,
council and board decision taking and coordination order (1999)
- Taking of popularization measures for Latvian transit corridor (1999)
- Work-out of development concept for privatized State SC Latvenergo (1999 -
- Business plan development for foundation of ethanol fuel manufacture (1999)
- Concept development on Production and application of bio fuel in Latvia
- Development of proposals for policy of the Republic of Latvia in power sector (1999)
- Preparation of documents provided for transit work group of European Power Charta (1999)
- Assessment of foundation variants for Riga Trade Free Port (1999)
- Concept development on reforming State SC Riga Trade port into service and
development company (2000)
- Proposals development for Baltic energy group foundation (2000)
- Financial and juridical consultations by preparation and implementation of ethanol fuel
manufacture foundation project (2000)
- Taking of coordination measures for oil and oil products transit facilitation
projects in frames of working plan for the year 2001, confirmed by Latvian transit
facilitation working group (2001)
- Financing proposals development and service rendering in attraction of financing
for JSC Kaija (2001)
- Service rendering in sponsors choice for Police Olympic center project, meeting
requirements for acquiring state guarantee (2001)
- Consultations in further development and implementation of fiscal policy at Sate SC
Latvenergo (2001)
- Service rendering in choice of most beneficial designer and construction contractor for
implementation of Police Olympic center project, meeting requirements for acquiring state
guarantee (2001)
- Service rendering in sponsors choice for Roya port reconstruction, meeting
requirements for acquiring state guarantee (2002)
- Service rendering in sponsors choice for pharmacy manufacture foundation project,
meeting requirements for acquiring state guarantee (2002)
- Development and submission of detailed research of privatized JSC Grindex
- Work-out and submission of privatized JSC Grindex development strategy
- Financial and juridical consultations in working out and implementation process
of privatized JSC Grindex development strategy (2002)
- Financial and juridical consultations in creation of factory project and attraction of
financing for air vehicle A-209 M (2003)
- Business plan development for air vehicle A-209 M factory project creation (2003)
- Business plan development for creation of ferry line (2003)
- Preparation of motivation documents for application, necessary to attract ISPA/EU
structural funds for project on Reconstruction of accommodation roads at Ventspils
port terminal (2003)
Last update 25.01.2008