Prof. Dr.med. Valdis PIRAGS Faculty
of Medicine
University of Latvia
Sarlotes iela 1a
Riga, LV 1001
Head of the Clinic of Internal Medicine,
P.Stradins University Hospital
Pilsonu iela 13
Riga, LV 1002
Phone: + 371 29237760, +371 7069307
Fax: + 371 7614168
E-mail: pirags@latnet.lv
Born: February 20, 1961, Jelgava, Latvia
Languages: Latvian, English, German, Russian
- Endocrinology and Diabetology
- Genome Databases
- Genetics of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases
- Pathogenesis of Diabetes and Diabetic Complications
- Medical Education
- Intracellular Signal Transduction
- Protein Kinase C (PKC)
Main Research:
Creation of the Unified Latvian Genome Database (2003-2009)
Protein kinase C activity and thrombogenesis in diabetic patients.
Microcirculation in diabetic patients.
Genetics of Graves'disease.
- Dr.med., magna cum laude, University of Ruhr, Bochum (Germany),
- Medical Academy of Latvia and University of Rostock (Germany), 1984-1990
- Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia , 1979-1984
- Associate Professor of Medicine at the Medical
Faculty at the University of Latvia, since 2001
- Head of the Clinic for Internal Medicine,
P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital, since 2000
- Head of Endocrinology Course, Associate Professor (docent), Medical Academy of Latvia,
- Director for Education and Research, P.Stradins University Hospital,
- Head of the Department of Medical Education, Medical Academy of Latvia,
- Research Fellow at the
Endocrinology Laboratory of the Ruhr-University, Bochum (Germany), 1993-1995
- Summer School of NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Developments in
Lipid - Protein Interactions and Receptor Function on the Island of Spetsai (Greece),
- Council of Europe fellowship at the Wilhelm-University of Westfalen,
Munster (Germany), 1992
- Junior Research Fellow, Latvian Institute of Clinical and Experimental
Medicine, 1990 -1992
Honours and Awards:
- Distiguished Research Award for the year 2003 in the science category
from the Kuwait Foundationfor tht Advancement of Sciences for the research article
published in the journal "Medical Principles and Practice", Vopl 12, No.1, 2003.
- Karl-Oberdisse-Prize 1996 (Young researchers award for the best medical
research results in the northwestern part of Germany), Germany, 1996
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Member, Editorial Board for medical journal Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology
& Diabetes (Germany), 2006 -
- Member of the EAS Advisory Committee, 2005 -
- President of the Baltic Atherosclerosis Society,
- Member of the Council of the Medical Faculty,
University of Latvia, 2004
- Review Editor for medical journal International
Diabetes Monitor, 2003
- Member of the Working Group on Research on Stored
Human Biological Materials
(CDBI-CO-GT2biomat), Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 2003
- Member of the Board, the Latvian
Medical Association, 2002
- Member of the ScanBalt (Nordic-Baltic Biotech
Network) Steering Group, 2002
- Member of the General Committee of the DIABETES EDUCATION STUDY GROUP
(DESG) of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 2001-2004
- Member, Editorial Board for medical journal Lietuvos Endokrinologija, 2000 -
- Editor-in-Chief, medical journal Aktualitates Diabetologija un
Endokrinologija, 2000 -
- Member, Editorial Board for Medical Teacher, an international journal of
education in the health sciences, United Kingdom, 1999 -
- President of the Latvian Association of Endocrinologists, 1998 -
- Member, the European Association for the
Study of Diabetes, 1997
- Member, American Diabetes Association, 1996-
Participation in 5th and 6th
Framework Programs funded by the European Commission:
National Member of the COGENE project
(Coordination of Genomes Research Across Europe),
funded under the Quality of Life programme of the FP5, 2002-2003
Team leader in the project ScanBalt
under the Quality of Life programme of the FP6, 2004
- Esonomic Transition in Baltic Countries. ScanBalt
Forum, Turku, Finland, 2004
- Antiplatelet Therapy in Diabetes. Symposium on
Practical Diabetology (in German), Wiesbaden, Germany 2003
- Ethical Aspects of the Latvian Genome Project. Council
of Europe Seminar 'From Genetics to Law', University of Tartu, Estonia 2003
- Current status of genetic research in Latvia. Inaugural
workshop of COGENE programme (funded by European Commission), Limassol, Cyprus;
October 2002
- The Latvian experience of biobanks. Medicon
Valley Bio Conference, Malmoe, Sweden; 2002
- Data protection in Latvian Genome Project. Central
European University, Budapest, Hungary; 2002
- Aims and Structure of the Latvian Genome Project. Medical
faculty "Charite" of the Humboldt University,
Berlin, Germany, 2002
- Correlation between dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia
in diabetic patients. Invited lecture. International Conference "Management
of Hyperlipidemia - Relevance for Baltic Countries", 1998, Tallinn, Estonia
- Activation of platelet protein kinase C in
response to hyperglycemia in vivo in diabetic patients. Invited lecture.
International Symposium "Endothelium in Cardiovascular
Disease", May 15-16, 1998, Tartu, Estonia
- Activation of Platelet Protein Kinase C-beta2 in Response to Acute
Hyperglycemia in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Karl-Oberdisse-Prize winner lecture,
January 19, 1996
- Molecular Pathogenesis of Diabetic Complications. Invited lecture.
Finnish-Baltic-Polish Postgraduate Course on Diabetes, Paernu, Estonia, June 4, 1996
- Endocrine Spells, EFES Postgraduate Course on
Clinical Endocrinology, Barcelona, Spain, 2004
- Management of Dyslipidemia, EFES Postgraduate
Course on Clinical Endocrinology, Wroclaw, Poland, 2004
- Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes (Undergraduate course), Medical Academy of Latvia 1995-2001
- Advanced Course in Diabetology (Postgraduate course), P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital, 1997
- Advanced Course on Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal and Pituitary Diseases
(Postgraduate course),
P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital, 1997
Recent/Representative Publications:
V.Pirags, E.Grens. The Latvian Genome Project. -
In: J.Sandor (ed.). Society and Genetic Information. Codes and Laws in the Genetic Era.
Budapest - New York, CPS Books, Central European University Press, 2003, pp. 225-231
- V.Pirags. Nicotinamide and prevention of type 1
diabetes. - International Diabetes Monitor, 2005, vol. 17, N 2, pp. 22-24.
- J.A.Dormandy, ..., V.Pirags, T.Podar, et al.
Secondary prevention of macrovascular events in patyients with type 2 diabetes: a
randomised trial of pioglitazone. The proactive study. - Lancet, 2005, 366
(9493), pp. 1279-1289.
- V.Pirags, N.Bricina, V.Dzerve, I.Eisaka. Screening
for unknown diabetes in individuals with increased cardiovascular risk in Latvia. -
Baltic Journal of Endocrinology, 2005, N 1, pp. 11-16.
- P. Tretjakovs, U. Kalnins, A. Jurka, S. 'Steina,
R. Ritenberga, M. Marga, A. 'Stifts, V. Pirags. Naftidrofuryl, a serotonin 5-HT2 receptor
inhibitor, improves vasomotor responses in diabetics with atherosclerosis. - Seminars
in Cardiology 2004; vol. 10, N 2, pp.101-108
- T. Sjakste , J. Eglite , A. Sochnevs , M. Marga ,
V. Pirags , Y. Collan , N. Sjakste. Microsatellite genotyping of Chromosome 14q13.2-14q13
in the vicinity of proteasomal gene PSMA6 and association with Graves' disease in the
Latvian population.- Immunogenetics, 2004, vol. 56, pp. 238-243
- U.Dumpis, A.Balode, D.Vlgante, I.Narbute,
R.Valinteliene, V.Pirags, A.Martinsons, I.Vingre. Prevalence of Nosocomial Infection in
Two Latvian Hospitals. - Eurosuveillance, 2003, vol.8, N 3, pp. 73-78
- P.Tretjakovs, A.Jurka, A.Stifts, V.Pirags.
Alpha-lipoic acid therapy improves cutaneous vasomotor responses in type 2 diabetic
patients. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., 2003, vol. 57, N 6, pp. 209-214
- A.Jurka, G.Mazarevica, D.Tirzite, I.Krasnakova,
P.Tretjakovs, V.Pirags. Erythrocyte refractive index, erythrocyte membrane fluidity, and
plasma antioxidant status in diabetic patients. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci.,
2002, vol. 56, N 6, pp. 232-237
- A.Stifts, P.Tretjakovs, A.Martinsons, A.Jurka,
A.Petersons, A.Zvaigzne, V.Pirags. Both microalbuminuria in diabetic patients and
proteinuria in glomerulonephritic patients are closely related to generalised
microvascular abnormality. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., 2002, vol. 56, N 3,
- P.Tretjakovs, U.Kalnins, I.Dabina, A.Erglis,
I.Dinne, A.Jurka, G.Latkovskis, A.Zvaigzne, V.Pirags. Arachidonic acid metabolism and
nitric oxide production in platelet membranes of coronary artery disease patients with or
lacking associated diabetes. - Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci., 2002, vol. 56, N 3, pp.
- V.Pirags, P.Tretjakovs, A.Jurka (2001). Effect of
alpha-lipoic acid therapy on the vasomotor response in NIDDM patients with diabetic
peripheral neuropathy. - Jurnalul Roman de Diabet, Nutritie si Boli Metabolice,
2001, 2 (suppl. 3), pp. 16-23
- A.Zvaigzne, A.Bumbure, P.Tretjakovs, A.Lejnieks, V.Pirags.
Regulation of synthesis and activity of protein kinase C beta-1 in platelets of diabetic
patients after in vitro incubation. - In: Protein Modules in Cellular Signalling.
L.Heilmeyer, P.Friedrich (Eds.). NATO Science Series, 2001, vol. 318, IOS Press, pp.
- R.Assert, A.Bumbure, V.Pirags, H.Schatz, A.Pfeiffer.
Regulation of Protein Kinase C by Short Term Hyperglycemia in Human Platelets in vivo and
in vitro. - Diabetologia, 2001, vol. 44, pp.188-195.
- M.Marga, A.Denisova, A.Sochnevs, V.Pirags, NF Farid (). Two
HLA DRB1 Alleles Confer Independent Genetic Susceptibility to Graves' disease: The
Relevance of Cross-Population Studies. - Am. J. Med. Genetics,
2001, vol.102, pp.188-191.
- A.Zvaigzne, P.Tretjakovs, V.Pirags. Increased Synthesis of
Protein Kinase C-beta1 in Platelets of Diabetic Patients During in vitro Incubation. - Proc.
Latv. Acad. Sci., 2000, vol 54, N3, pp.68-72.
- V.Pirags. Diabetes and Coronary Heart Disease. Review of Recent Consensus Documents. - The
Baltic Atherosclerosis Journal, 1999, vol. 1, pp. 39-42 (in Estonian, Latvian and
- V.Pirags , A.Bumbure , G.Bartling , H.Schatz , A.Pfeiffer. Hyperreagibility of PKC-beta
to different stimuli in platelets of type 2 diabetic patients. - Diabetes,
1998, vol. 47 (suppl 1), p. 441 (in English).
- V.Pirags, R. Assert, K. Haupt, H. Schatz, A. Pfeiffer. Activation of
Human Platelet Protein Kinase C-beta2 in vivo in Response to Acute Hyperglycemia. - Exp.
Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes, 1996, vol. 104, pp. 431-440.
Research Projects:
- V.Pirags (Head of Project). Molecular and Genetic Characteristics of the
Nodular and Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases in Latvia. Latvian Council of
Science (2004 - ).
- V.Pirags (Head of Project). Alleles of the HLA DR, DQ and Other Genes
Predispositional to and Protective Against the Autoimmune Thyrotoxicosis
(Graves'Disease)for the Patients in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2003).
- V.Pirags (Head of Clinical part of Project). Relationship of the
ProteinKinase C beta Gene PRKCB1 to Diabetes mellitus. Latvian Council of Science
- V.Pirags (Head of Clinical part of Project). Analysis of the Hypotalamic
Melanocortin System Gene Polymorphisms in Relationship to the Disorders of Human Energy
Metabolism. Latvian Council of Science (2000-2001).
- V.Pirags (Head of Project). Predisposing and Protective Gene Alleles in
Patients with Graves'Disease. Latvian Council of Science (1999-2001).
- V.Pirags (Head of Project). The Role of Protein Kinse C in the
Pathogenesis of Diabetic Long-Term Complications. Latvian Council of Science
- V.Pirags (Head of Latvian part of project). Analysis of PKC Activity in
the Human Blood Cells. Volkswagen Stiftung (1996-1998).
Last update 07.03 .2007