Born: September 27, 1937, Riga, Latvia
- Organ Transplantation
- Kidney Transplantation
- Organ Procurement and Preservation
- Ethical, Social, Legal and Religious Aspects of Transplantation
- Immunosuppression
- Hemodialysis
Languages: English, German, Latvian, Russian.
- Medical Institute, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 1954-1956
- Medical Academy of Latvia, Riga, 1956-1960
- Medical Academy of Latvia, postgraduate course in surgery,
- Dr.med. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western
countries), Medical Academy of Latvia, 1967
- Dr habil.med. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Medical Academy
of Latvia, 1972
Medical Academy of Latvia (Riga Stradins University) -
- Senior Researcher, Experimental Laboratory of Surgery, 1967-1974
- Head, Experimental Laboratory of Surgery, 1974-1976
- Head, Laboratory of Kidney Transplantation, 1976-
- Professor of Surgery, 1980-
- Professor of Transplantology, 1998 -
- Head of Latvian Transplantation Department, 1976-
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1997
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000
- Member, New York Academy of Sciences, 1996
- Latvian SSR State Prize, 1980
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- President , Latvian Kidney Foundation, 1989
- President, Latvian Association of Transplantology, 1992 -
- Member, International Transplantation Society, 1996 -
- Member, Society of Organ Sharing, 1995 -
- Member, European Society of Organ Transplantation, 1989 -
- Member, European Association of Dialysis, Transplantation and
Nephrology, 1991-
- Member, Editorial Board for Annals of Transplantation,
Warsaw, 1996 -
- Member of Organising Committee, Baltic Meeting of Nephrology,
- Vice-president (past president), BALTTRANSPLANT Organisation, 1994
- Member, Central and Eastern European Advisory Board in CRF
- Treatment the Renal Anaemia with Erytropoietin. Invited Lecture. Vilnius,
1992, Congress of Lithuanian Physicians.
- New Trends in Immunosupression. Lectures in Latvian Ass. of
Nephrology, 1994,1995.
- Tolerance in Transplantology. Latv. Ass. of Transplantology,
- 25 years of hemodialyses and kidney transplantations in Latvia. Invited Lecture. Riga,
April 16, 1998, Conference: 25 years since first kidney transplantation in Latvia.
Organ Transplantation, Medical Academy of Latvia, 1995-1997.
Recent/Representative Publications:
- R.Rosental, D.Krivulis. Extracorporeal Blood Purification , 1990,
Riga:Zvaigzne, 270 pp. ( in Latvian).
- I.Ilyinsky, R.Rosental. Kidney Transplant Pathology, 1990,
Riga:Zvaigzne, 170 pp. (in Russian).
- R.Rosental, I.Ilyinsky, J.Bitsan. Clinical and morphological
monitoring in kidney transplantation. - In: Transplant Monitoring, 1992, Berlin, Wien,
Zagreb: Lengerich, pp. 115-116.
- R.Rosental, G.Vabel. Protection of dead body and transplantation
of organs in Latvia. - X World Congress on Medical Law, Jerusalem, Proc. Report, vol.C,
pp. 36-41.
- R.Rosental, L.Zezina, A.Spudass. Administration of recombinant
erythropoietin in medical rehabilitation program of dialysis patients. - Acta Medica
Baltica, 1/1994, vol. I, pp.100-102.
- R.Rosental, J. Bicans, V. Shevelev. Impact of the Presumed Consent
Law in Kidney Procurement in Latvia. - Transplant Proc. , 1996, vol. 28, N I, p. 371.
- D. Babarykin., D. Amerika, R. Rosental et al. Effect of Sandimun-
Neoral on the level of bivalent cations in erythrocytes of kidney transplant recipients. -
Ann. Transplantation, 1996, vol. I, N 2, pp. 23-26.
- R. Rosental., J. Bicans, V. Shevelev et al. Organ and tissue
transplantation in Latvia. - Ann. Transplantation, 1996, vol. I, N 3, pp. 57-59.
- D. Babarykin., I. Adamsone, R. Rosental et al. Transfer of
patients with kidney graft to Sandimmun- Neoral normalises the calcium level in
erythrocytes. - Transplant. Proc., 1996, vol. 28, N 6, pp. 1343-1344.
- I. Adamsone, D. Babarykin, D. Amerika, J.Bicans, R.
Rosental, E.Pettersson. Influence of different CyA formulations and calcium channel
blocker Phenyhidine regimens on intracelliilar (erythrocyte) calcium level after kidney
transplantation. - Transplant. Proc. 1997, vol. 29, pp. 3141-3142.
- R. Rosental, I. Adamsone, D. Babarykin, D. Amerika,
E.Pettersson. Does the switch from Sandimmun to Sandimmun Neoral reduce patient need for
Phenihydine? - Transplant International, 1998, vol.11, Suppl. 1, pp. 337-339.
- R. Rosental. Ethical aspects of organ transplantation from living donors. - Proc.
Latv. Acad. Sci., B, 1999, vol. 53, pp. 133-139.
- D.Babarykin, I.Adamsone, D.Amerika, I.Folkmane, R. Rosental. Disorders of calcium
metabolism at various times after renal transplantation. - Ann. Transplantation,
1999, vol. 4, pp. 46-53.
- I.Folkmane, S.Chapenko, D.Amerika, J.Bicans, M.Murovska, R.Rosentals.
Beta-herpesvirus activation after kidney transplantation with mycophenolate mofetil-based
maintenance immunosuppression. Transplantation Proceedings, 2001, vol.33, N
3, pp. 2384-2385.
- S.Chapenko, I.Folkmane, V.Tomsone, S.Kozireva, J.Bicans, D.Amerika,
R.Rozentals, M.Murovska. Infection of ß-herpesviruses (CMV,
HHV-6, HHV-7): Role in postrenal transplantation complications. -Transplantation
Proceedings, 2001, vol.33, N 4, pp. 2463-2464.
- I.Folkmane, J.Bicans, S.Chapenko, M.Murovska, R.Rosentals. The results of
kidney transplantation with different immunosuppressive regiments. Transplantation
Proceedings, 2002, vol.34, pp. 558-559.
- R.Rosental, J.Bicans, V.Shevelev, S.Trushkov, D.Amerika. Kidney
transplantation from hepatitis C virus positive donors. Transplantation
Proceedings, 2002, vol.34, p. 2581.
- R.Rosental, L.Michule. Anaemia in chronic renal failure.
Blood-sparingmedicine and surgery: an essential aspect of a safe andwell-organized
transfusion service. - Proc. ESTM Residential Course, Riga, Latvia, 5-9 July
2004, pp. 13-27. ( Eds.: V.Kretschmer, L.Sharipo, G.Nemceva, U.Rossi).
- I.Adamsone, D.Babarykin, R.Rosental. Malnutrition-inflammation complex
syndrome contributes to rHuEPO response among ESRD patients. - Acta Medica Lithuanica,
2004, vol. 11, N 2, pp. 7-17.
Research Projects:
- R. Rosental ( Head of Project ). Kidney Transplantation in Aged
Patients. Latvian Council of Science ( 1991-1993).
- R. Rosental (Head of Project). Influence of Different
Immunosuppressive Protocols and Pharmacological Intervention on Long Term Graft Survival. Latvian
Council of Science (1994-1996).
- R. Rosental ( Head of Project ). Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism
after Kidney Transplantation in Different Immunosuppresive Protocols. Latvian Council
of Science (1997-2000).
- R. Rosental ( Head of Project ). Influence of Immunosuppressive
Therapy on Post-Transplant Infection. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2003).
- R. Rosental ( Head of Project ). Immune and nonimmune Risk Factors
for Chronic Renal Allograft Disfunction. Latvian Council of Science (2004
Last update 26.09.2007