Alberts SKUDRA*
Professor Alberts SKUDRA
Head of the Research Laboratory
of Micromechanics of Composite Materials
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Riga Technical University
Kalku iela 1
Riga, LV1658
LatviaPhone: +371 7089262
Fax: +371 7820094 |
Born: July 12, 1925, Riga, Latvia
Dead: January 6, 2003, Riga, Latvia
- Mechanics of Polymer Based Composite Materials and Structures
- Mechanics of Cement Based Composites
Languages: English, German, Latvian, Russian
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Civil Engineering), cum laude, 1951
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries ),
University of Latvia, 1956
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (Doctor of Science in former USSR), Institute of Mechanics, Moscow,
Russia, 1967
- Postgraduate, Institute of Civil Engineering, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1953-1956
- Senior Researcher and Head of Laboratory of Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete, Institute
of Civil Engineering, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1956-1963
- Head, Laboratory of Micromechanics of Composite Materials, Institute of Polymer
Mechanics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1963-1975
- Head, Department of Structural Analysis and Research Laboratory of Micromechanics of
Composite Materials, Riga Technical University, 1975-1994
- Professor, Department of Structural Analysis and Research Laboratory of Micromechanics
of Composite Materials, Riga Technical University, 1994 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1990-1992
- Full Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992
- State Emeritus Scientist, 1998
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences Fridrich Cander prize in mechanics for a series of
research Structural Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2000
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Editorial Advisory Board: Journal of Composite Materials, TECHNOMIC Publ.Co.,
- Editorial Board: Mechanics of Composite Materials, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1985 -
- Member, Latvian Council of Science Expert Coommission for Mechanics of Composite
Materials, 1990 -
- Chairman (1992-1997) and Member, Promotion Council in Civil Engineering, Riga Technical
University, 1992 -
- Strength of Materials, Riga Technical University, 1960 - 1975
- Structural Analysis, Riga Technical University, 1975 -
Representative Publications:
- J.Tarnopolsky, A.Skudra. Structural Strength and Deformability of Glass Fiber Reinforced
Plastics. Riga: Zinatne, 1966, 260 pp. (in Russian)
- A.Skudra, F.Bulavs, K.Rocens. Kriechen und Zeitstandverhalten Verstarkter Plaste.
Leipzig: VEB Dt.Verl.Grundstoffindustrie, 1975, 216 S.
- A.Skudra, F.Bulavs. Structural Theory of Reinforced Plastics. Riga: Zinatne, 1978, 192
pp. (in Russian)
- A.Skudra, F.Bulavs. Strength of Reinforced Plastics. Moscow: Himia, 1982, 213 pp. (in
- A.Skudra. Co-author and co-editor. Handbook of Composites. Vol.3. Failure Mechanics of
Composites. New-York: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1985, 441 pp.
- A.Skudra, F.Bulavs. Handbook of Composites. Vol.2. Structures and Design. New-York:
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1985, pp.393-463
- A.Skudra, F.Bulavs, M.Gurvich, A.Kruklinsh. Structural Analysis of Composite Beam
Systems. Lancaster-Basel: TECHNOMIC Publ.Co., 1991, 300 pp.
- A.M.Skudra, A.A.Skudra. Introduction to the Mechanics of Laminated Materials and
Constructions, 2000, Riga: RTU, 102 pp. (in Latvian).
- A.M.Skudra, A.A.Skudra, F.Bulavs, A,Kruklinsh. Shear strength of cement based composite
beams. - Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2001, vol.37, No 2, pp.227-234
- A.M.Skudra, A.A.Skudra. Stress state in laminated profiled beam. - Latvian Journal
of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2001, No 2, pp.41-45
Research Projects
Last update 09.01.2003