Born: June 14, 1936, Zvarde, Latvia
- Research in the regularities of microorganism growth and
metabolite biosynthesis
- Chemical engineering and bioengineering
- Conversion of the photosynthesized biomass for renewable
energy (bioethanol, pyrolysis products, etc.), bio-bleaching of cellulose
- Bioreactor design, process control, mixing in bioreactors,
mass transfer in gas-liquid-solid systems, designing and start-up of basic equipment for
classical biotechnology
- Anaerobic waste digestion with biogas production,
environmental biotechnology
- Food biotechnology
- Innovations: general problems, state of the art in Latvia,
facilitation of TT
Languages: Latvian, Russian, and English
- Latvia University of Agriculture (Faculty of Food
Technology), 1960
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR,
Ph.D. in Western countries ), Institute of Food Technology, Kiev, Ukraine,1968
- Dr.habil.sc.ing. (Doctor of Science in former
USSR), Institute of Food Technology, Kiev, Ukraine, 1975
Experience/ Affilation:
- Engineer and Head of Laboratory of Milgravis Ethanol and
fodder yeast factory, Ministry of Food Industry of Latvia, 1960-1964
- Head of Design Office, Institute of Microbiology, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1964- 1969
- Head, Laboratory of Bioengineerig, Institute of
Microbiology, 1969-1986
- Director, Institute of Wood Chemistry,Latvian Academy of
Sciences (Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry),1986-1993
- Head , Laboratory of Bioengineering, Institute of Wood
Chemistry, 1984-
- Chairman of Scientific Council, Institute of Wood
Chemistry, 1986-1997; Vice-chairman, 1997- 2001
- Vice-president, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1989-1992
- Director, Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology ,
University of Latvia (LU MBI), 1997-2005
- Professor, Faculty of Food Technology, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1994-
- Professor, Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia, 1996-2005, Assistant Professor, 2005 -
- Vice-president, Member of the Presidium, Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of Latvia, 2002 -
Honours and Awards:
- Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1982
- Full Member, Latvian Academy
of Sciences, 1987
- Full Member, Academy of
Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of Latvia, 1994
- Member, Academia Scientiarum et Artium
Europaea, 1992
- Full Member, Ukrainian Technological Academy, 1999
- Member, European Academy of
Sciences, (Section of Biological Sciences with the citation " for an
outstanding and lasting contribution to biological sciences, biotechnology and
education"), 2002
- Honorary Member of the International Biographical Centre
Resarch Council, Cambridge, England, 2003
- Professor (Biotechnology), USSR Supreme Certification
Committee, 1984
- The Latvian SSR State Prize, 1965,1980
- Merited Inventor of Latvian SSR, 1975
- The Prize of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and
joint-stock company "Aldaris" , 1999
- Honorary Diploma for significant research and pedagogical work, University of Latvia,
- Acknowledgement of the Latvian Employers Confederation for the co-operation with
enterpreneurs "For Innovations in Entrepreneurship", 2005
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- Editor-in-Chief for the journal Wood Chemistry,
- Member of Editorial Board for Proceedings of the Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1985- 2001
- Member, International Advisory Boards and International
Scientific Committies of several International Conferences (Prague 1993,1996,1998, 2000,
2002; Sofia 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2005; Cambridge 1994, Paris 1997; Shimkent-
Kazakhstan, 2001, Bamberg /Germany/, 2003, Badajoz/Spain/, 2004.
- Member of the International Scientific Advisory Commitee,
International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology "BioMicroWorld2005"
- Member (Chairman, 1993 -2002), Latvian
Council of Science Expert Committee ( Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Virology,
Biotechnology), 1993-
- Treasurer, Member of Senate, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Deputy Chairman of the Board , Latvian Academy of Sciences,
- Vice-Chair, Division of Chemical, Biological, and Medical
Sciences, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1998 -
- Member of the Presidium (1996 - ) and Head of the
Food Department (1976-2001), Academy of Agricultural
and Forestry Sciences of Latvia
- Advisor, FEMIRC-LATVIA, 1997-1999, IRC-LATVIA, 1999-
- Member of Promotion Council, Faculty of Biology,
University of Latvia (LU), 1997 -
- Chairman of Promotion Council, Faculty of Food
Technology, Latvia University of Agriculture, 1998 -
- Chairman of the State Examination Commission, Faculty of
Food Technology, Latvia University of Agriculture, 2001 -
- Senator, Member of the Strategy Commission of the Senate,
LU, 1997 - 2003
- Member of the Council, Faculty of Biology, LU, 1998 - 2005
- Member of the Council, Institute of Microbiology and
Biotechnology, LU, 1997 -
- Member of the Scientific Council, Institute of Wood
Chemistry, 1986 -
- Member of the Latvian Quality Council at the Marketing
Association, 1999 - 2002
- Member of the European Federation of Biotechnology, WP Bioreactor Performance, 1984-
- Member of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering,
WP Mixing, 1988-
- Member of the Research Board of Advisers, American Biographical Institute
- FP5 Expert N EE 19981A13914
- Member, Working Group for Development of the National Innovation Programme Project
(resolution N 240, 02.07.2001 Presidium of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of
- Trends in Biotechnology and Bioreactor Design. Invited
lecture. Bioprocess Engineering93, October 2-5, 1995, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Biotechnology and Biosafety in the Republic of Latvia.
Invited lecture. Central and Eastern European Conference for Regional and International
Cooperation on Safety in Biotechnology, 4-6 September, 1995, Keszthely, Hungary.
- Biological Treatment of Recycled Pulp Fibers. Invited
lecture. CHISA96. 12th International Congress of Chemical and Process
Engineering, 25-30 August, 1996, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Energy from Renovables.
Invited lecture. Forum "Forest and Energy",
Schwerdingen, Deutschland, January 17-20, 1998.
- Innovations and RTD Development: the Case of Latvia. Invited
lecture. CHISA'2000, Prague.
- Public-Private Partnership in Collaboration Chain - from
Elementary School to Innovative Marketing of Newly Created Intellectual Products. Invited
lecture, Katowice, May,2003. (Co-authors - K.Sedlenieks, Z.Ozola, A.Zilevica).
Full text - In: Public and Private Sector Partnerships: Sustainable
Success (Ed. L. Montanheiro, F. Kuznik, A. Ochojski), 2003, SHU Press, SHU City
Campus, Sheffield, England, UK, pp. 403-414.
University of Latvia, Latvia University of Agriculture:
- Biotechnology
- Environmntal Biotechnology
- Bioengineering
- Food Biotechnology
Recent/Representative Publications:
- Viesturs U.E., Kuznetsov A.M., Savenkov V.V. Fermentation
Systems, 1986, Riga: Zinatne Press, 368 pp. (in Russian).
- V.Dubrovskis, U.Viesturs. Anaerobic Digestion of
Agricultural Wastes, 1988, Riga: Zinatne Press, 204 pp. (in Russian).
- U.Viesturs, I.Smite, A.Zilevica. Biotehnologie:Agenti
Biotehnologici, Tehnolgii Aparatura, 1991, Bucuresti: Editura Ceres, 288 pp.(in
- U.E.Viesturs, A.M.Kuzniecow, W.W.Sawienkow. Biorektory:
Zasady obliczen i doboru, 1990, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, 350 pp.
(in Polish).
- Ruklisha M., Shvinka J., Viesturs U. Biotechnology of
Bacterial Synthesis. 1992, Riga: Zinatne Press, 367 pp. (in Russian).
- J.K.Staniskis, D.Levisauskas, R.Stimutis, U.E.Viesturs,
M.Kristapsons. Automation of biotechnological processes: Measurements, Optimisation and
Control. U.Viesturs (Ed.), 1992, Riga: Zinatne Press, 350 pp. (in Russian).
- A.Zilevica, D.Rinkuza, U.Viesturs. Microorganisms and
Viruses: Morphological, Physiological and Antigenic Properties, 1992, Riga: Zinatne
Press, 272 pp. (in Russian).
- Uldis E.Viesturs, Stoyan M.Tzonkov (Eds.). Bioprocess
Engineering, 2006, Sofia: Avangard Prima, 255 pp.
* * *
- M.A.Priede, J.J.Vanags, U.E.Viesturs, K.G.Tucker,
W.Bujalski, C.R.Thomas. Hydrodynamic, physiological and morphological characteristics of Fusarium
moniliforse in geometrically dissimilar stirred bioreactors. - Biotechnology and
Bioengineering, 1995, vol. 48, N3, pp. 266-277.
- M.Ruklisha, U.Viesturs, L.Labane. Growth control and ppGpp
synthesis in Brevibacterium flavum cells at various medium mixing rates and
aeration intensities. - Acta Biotechnologica, 1995, vol.15, N 1, pp. 41-48.
- M.Leite,T.Eremeeva, A.Treimanis, V.Egle, T.Bykova,
L.Purina, U.Viesturs. The Effect of Xylanase Type Enzymes on the Different Layers of Birch
Wood ORGANOSOLV Pulp Fibre Walls. - Acta Biotechnologica, 1995, vol.15, N , pp.
- J.J.Vanags, M.A.Priede, U.E.Viesturs. Studies of the mixing
character and flow distribution in mycelial fermantation broth. - Acta Biotechnologica,
1995, vol. 15, N 4, pp.355-366.
- M.Ruklisha, U.Viesturs. Some biochemical responses of Brevibacterium
flavum upon substrate concentration and medium mixing intensity. - Chem. Biochem.
Eng. Q, 1996, vol. 10, N 1, pp.1-7.
- U.Viesturs, M.Leite, A.Treimanis, T.Eremeeva, A.Apsite,
M.Eismonte, P.Jansons. Production of cellulases and xylanases in Trichoderma viridae and
bioogical processing of lignocellulose and recycled paper fibers. - 17th Symposium on
Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. . -Spring 1996, USA. - Applied
Biochemistry and Biology, 1996, vol. 57/58, pp. 349-360.
- G.Dobele, N.Bogdanovich, G.Telisheva, U.Viesturs.
Application of sorbent obtained by pyrolysis of sewage sludge for biological treatment of
waste water. - 17th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. -Spring
1996, USA. - Applied Biochemistry and Biology, 1996, vol. 57/58, pp. 857-867.
- U.Viesturs, M.Leite. Physiological
and technico-engineering aspects of lignocellulose solid-state fermentation with
filamentous fungi. - In: Advances in Bioprocess Engineering (eds: E.Galindo and
O.T.Ramirez), 1996, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 81-86.
- U.Viesturs, M.Leite. Stirring in bioreactors and development of some new
biotechnologies. - Proc. Intern. Symposium and "Young Scientists" School on
Bioprocess Systems'98 (30 September-2 October, 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria), pp. I.1
- I. 29.
- A.Apsite, U.Viesturs, V.Steinberga, V.Toma. Morphology and antifungal action of the
genus Trichoderma cultivated in geometrically dissimilar bioreactors. - World J.
Microbiol.&Biotechnol., 1998, vol. 14, pp. 23-29.
- U.Viesturs, M.Leite, M.Eismonte, T.Eremeeva, A.Treimanis. Biological deinking technology
for the recycling of office waste papers. - Bioresource Technology, 1999, vol.
76, pp. 255-265.
- J.Vanags, U.Viesturs, I.Fort. Mixing intensity studies in a pilot plant stirred
bioreactor with an electromagnetic drive. - Biochem. Eng. J. , 1999, vol.3, pp.
- S.Strikauska, D.Zarina, A.Berzins, U.Viesturs. Degradation of ammonia by two stage
biofiltration system. - Environmental Engineering and Policy, 1999, vol. 1, N 3,
pp. 175-179.
- U.Viesturs, G.Telisheva, T.Dizhbite. Chemical processing of photosynthesized biomass for
industry and energy. - Bulgarian Chem. Commun., 1999, vol. 31, N 3/4, pp.
- G.Telysheva, G.Lebedeva, T.Dizhbite, N.Zaimenko, J.Ammosova, U.Viesturs.Use of silicon-
containing lignin products for in situ soil bioremidiation. - In: Bioremediation of
Contaminated Soils. Marcel Dekker.inc., New York, Basel, USA , 2000, pp. 699-724
- T.Eremeeva, T. Bikova, M.Eismonte, U.Viesturs, A.Treimanis. Fractionation and
molecular characteristics of cellulose during enzymatic hydrolysis. - Cellulose (Kluwer
Academic Publishers), 2001, vol. 8, N 1, pp. 69-79.
- A.Berzins, M.Rikmanis, M.Toma, U.Viesturs, S.Gonta. Cultivation of Zymomonas mobilis
113S at different regimes. - Acta Biotechnologica, 2001, vol.21, N 1, pp.
- A.Berzins, M.Toma, M.Rikmanis, U.Viesturs. Influence of micromixing on microorganisms
and products. - Acta Biotechnologica, 2001, vol. 21, N 2, pp. 155-170.
- J.Vanags, U.Viesturs. Local mixing intensity measurements for food industry and
biotechnology. - Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2001, vol. 39, N 1, pp.
- J.Vanags, U.Viesturs. Flexible process control application based on local mixing
intensity measurements. - In: Novel Processes and Control Technologies in the Food
Industry, F.Bozoglu et al (ed.), 2001, vol. 338, pp. 24-36.
- T.Eremeeva, M.Leite, T.Bikova, A.Treimanis, U.Viesturs. Application of
size-exclusion chromatography to enzymatic bleaching of wood pulp. - In: Cellulosic
Pulps, Fibres and Materials, J.F.Kennedy (ed.), Woodhead Publishing Ltd.,
Cambridge, England, 2001, pp. 55-60.
- M.Bekers, M.Marauska, J.Lukevics, M.Grube, A.Vigants, D.Karklina,
L.Skudra, U.Viesturs. Oats and fat-free milk based functional food product. - Food
Biotechnology, 2001, vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-12.
- R.Karklins, J.Lemba, U.Viesturs. Biotechnology for organic acids
production. - G.I.T. Laboratory Journal, 2001, vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 281-283.
- M.Bekers, R.Linde, D.Upite, E.Kaminska, U.Viesturs. Sugar beet juice
fermentation by Zymomonas mobilis attached to stainless steel wire spheres. -
Acta Biotechnologica, 2001, vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 89-96.
- U.Viesturs. Education - Research- Innovation - Some problems of
innovation issues for countries in transition. - Conf. "Baltic Dynamics
2001" (http://www.lza.lv/viesturs/innov1.htm)
- U.Viesturs, A.Silins. Innovation - the driving force of the ERDTI
system's development. - Conf. "Baltic Dynamics 2001" (http://www.lza.lv/viesturs/inn-2.htm)
- M.A.Priede, J.J.Vanags, U.E.Viesturs. Performance of Aspergillus niger
cultivation in geometrically dissimilar bioreactors evaluated on the basis of
morphological analyses, 2002, vol. 40, N 1, pp. 57-66.
- U.Viesturs, A.Zilevica, J.Stabulnieks. Biotechnology: from research to
the market. 2003. (http://www.innovation.lv/irc/Publikacijas/5/Default.htm)
- U.Viesturs, A.Zilevica. Creation of a knowlwdge-based innovative society:
public - private partnerships. 2003. 9th International Conference
Public and Private Partnerships: Sustainable Success, 28-31 May, 2003,
Katowice, Poland. (http://www.innovation.lv/irc/Publikacijas/6/KatowiceInternet.pdf)
- J.Vanags, U.Viesturs. Local mixing control in a laboratory bioreactor with an
electromagnetic drive. - 11th European Conference on Mixing,15-17 October 2003, Bamberg,
Germany, pp. 293-298.
- M..Toma, U.Kalnenieks, A.Berzins, M.Rikmanis, U.Viesturs. The effect of mixing on
glucose fermentation by Zymomonas mobilis continuous culture.- Process
Biochemistry, 2003, vol. 38, pp.1347-1350.
- U.Viesturs, D.Zarina, S.Strikauska, A.Berzins. Utilisation of food woodworking
production by-products by composting. - Electronic J. Bioautomation (Bulgaria),
2004, vol. 1, pp. 83-98.
- T.Dizhbite, G.Telisheva, V.Jurkjane, U.Viesturs. Characterization of the radical
scavenging activity of lignins - natural antioxidants. - Bioresource Technology,
2004, vol. 95, pp. 309-317.
- U.Viesturs, A.Zilevica, J.Stabulnieks. Lettonie: de la recherche à l'application. - Biofutur,
2005, N 257, pp. 41-45.
- M.Priede, U.Viesturs. Effect of pulsing mixing inerruptions on the Aspergillus niger
morphology and citric acid production. - Chemical and Biochemical Engineering,
2005, vol. 19, N 4, p. 359-366.
- M.Priede, U.Viesturs. Effect of the inoculum spore concentration and medium pH on the Aspergillus
niger morphology. - Proc. LAU, 2005, vol. 13, N 308, pp. 77-84.
- Dz.Zarina, U.Viesturs, S.Strikauska. Effect of inoculum on the survival of pathogenic
agents in different composts. - In: Modern Multidisciplinary Applied
Microbiology. Exploiting Microbes and Their Interactions /Ed.- Antonio
Mendez-Vilas/, Wiley-VCH. Book ISBN 3-527-31611-6, 2006, pp. 737-744.
- J.Vanags, U.Viesturs, M.Vishkins. The flexible and user friendly fermentation processes
controller. - Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, ISSN 0132-4160, 2006, vol. 2, pp.
- M.Rikmanis, A.Berzins, U.Viesturs. Excess turbulence as a cause of turbohypobiosis in
cultivation of microorganisms. - Central European J. Biology, 2007, vol. 2, N 4,
pp. 481-501.
- U.Viesturs. Development and automation of microrurbulence intensifying systems and
biosynthesis conditions in bioreactors. - Bioautomation, 2007,
vol. 7, pp. 1-8. (ISSN 1312-451X)
- J.Vanags, M.Rychtera, S.Ferzik, M.Vishkins, U.Viesturs. Oxygen and temperature
control during the cultivation of microorganisms using substrate feeding. - Eng. Life
Sci., 2007, vol.7, N 3, pp. 247-252.
Research Projects and Programmes:
International, FP5 / FP6 -
- U.Viesturs (Participant; Coordinator of Latvian Part of
Project - G.Telisheva, Latvian Institute of Wood Chemistry). Development of Methods for
the Remediation of Pesticides. - PESTICIDE, EC Contract No.
ICA2-CT-2000-10002. FP5 R&D project.
- U.Viesturs (Participant; Coordinator of Latvian Part of
Project - J.Vanags). Process Control Based on the Information about Local Mixing. - Lockmix
IND, Contract No. G1ST-CT-2000-00085
- U.Viesturs (Participant; Coordinator of Latvian Part of
Project - J.Stabulnieks). IRC-Latvia
- U.Viesturs (Participant; Coordinator of Latvian Part of
Project - G.Telisheva). In-vessel Biological Degradation of Wood Powder from the Furniture
Industry. - WODOCOMP (RTD performer), FP5 CRAFT project.
- U.Viesturs (Participant; Coordinator - prof. M.V.Magni,
Italy, Perugia University). Biotechnology University Formation for Enterprises
Development. Erasmus-Socrates Project, Agr.No.
- U.Viesturs (Participant; Coordinator - prof. M.V.Magni,
Italy, Perugia University). BIOTECHnology Thematic NETwork. Erasmus-Socrates Project.
Agr.No. 10051-CP-3-02-1-IT-ERASMUS-TN.
- U.Viesturs (Participant; Coordinator - B.Andersons).
WOODPRO "Integration of the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry in the European
Research Area". Contract N QLK5-CT-2002-30360 (2003-2006).
Domestic -
- U.Viesturs (Head of Project). Development of Microturbulence-intensyfying
Constructions and Regimes and Biosyntheses Automation for Improvement of the Dispersion
Degree and Productivity in Bioreactors with Multiphase Operation Medium. Latvian
Council of Science (2005 -).
- U.Viesturs (Head of Project). Biotechnological Methods in
the Modification and Functionalization of Wood Components. Latvian Council of Science
(2005 - ).
- U.Viesturs (Head of Project). Effect of the Oscillations of
Hydrodynamic Factors on Biosynthesis Processes and the Advancement of their Control
Systems by Local Mixing and Rheological Criteria. Latvian Council of Science (2001
-2004). Implementation: http://www.internet.lv/btc/;
- U.Viesturs (Head of Project). Biotechnology of Enzymatic
Bleaching and Modification of Cellulose. Latvian Council of Science (2001 -2004).
- U.Viesturs (Head of Programme). New Materials of Wood and
Plant Origine. Latvian Council of Science
(1995 - ).
- U.Viesturs (Head of Project). The Enzyme Biotechnology for
Cellulose Fiber Biobleaching, Deinking and Modification. Latvian Council of Science
- U.Viesturs (Head of Project). The Theoretical Background
for Bioprocess Control by Mixing Intensity Characteristics. Latvian Council of Science
- U.Viesturs (Head of Project). Liquid-cells Interaction
Phenomena under Different Mixing Conditions in Bioreactors . Latvian Council of Science
- U.Viesturs (Head of Project). Biotechnology in Wood Pulp
Bleaching: Use of Extracellular Xylanases, Cellulases and of Mycelial Fungi. Latvian
Council of Science (1994-1996).
- U.Viesturs (Co-ordinator). Development and Application of
Innovative Principles of Pasteurization Equipment. Contract N 27-01/01-74
- U.Viesturs (Head of Project). Biotechnological methods in
the modification and functionalization of wood components. Latvian Council of Science (2004-2008).
- U.Viesturs (Head of Project). Development and
automation of microturbulence intensifying constructions and biosynthesis regimes for
improvement of the dispersion degree and productivity in bioreactors with multiphase
operation medium. Latvian Council of Science (2004-2008).
Last update 19.12.2007