Vitalijs ZELCHS
Dr. Vitalijs ZELCHS
Professor of Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology,
Chairman of Geomorphology and Geomatics
Department of Geography
Faculty of Geographical and
Earth Sciences
University of LatviaPostal address:
Office address:
19 Rainis Blvd.
Room 302
Riga, LV 1586
10 Alberta iela
Riga, Latvia
Phone: + 371 7 332 566
Fax: + 371 7 332 704
E-mail: Vitalijs.Zelchs@lu.lv |
Born: July 3, 1952, Briezhciema
pagasts, Balvu rajons, Latvia
- main field: Glacial
- other fields: Geomorphology
- current: Development
of Proglacial and Subglacial Palaeoenvironments, Depositional and Landforming Processes
During Weichselian Glaciation
Languages: Latvian, English, Russian
- Latvian State University of (Faculty of Geography), diploma -
geographer with distinction, 1970-1975
- M.Lomonosow Moscow State University (Faculty of Advanced Studies),
Landscape and Regional Geography, 1980
- MSc Geogr., University of Latvia, 1992
- Dr.geol., University of Latvia (Faculty of Geography), 1993
- Geologist, all-Union Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Riga,
- Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Geography, University of Latvia, 1975-1977
- Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Geography, University of Latvia, 1978-1992
- Docent, Faculty of Geography, University of Latvia, 1993-1998
- Dean of the Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of
Latvia, 1994-1997
- Visiting Professor and Researcher at the Geology Department of Western
Michigan University, Kalamazoo, USA, 1994
- TEMPUS PHARE Individual Mobility Grant Holder, Department of Geography,
University of Plymouth, UK, 1995
- Head of the Board of the Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences,
- Associate Professor of Glacial Geology, 1999-2001
- Chairman of the Geomorphology and Geomatics, Department of
Geography, University of Latvia, 1999-
- Professor of Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology, 2002-
Honors, Awards, Fellowships
- Corresponding Member of Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000-
- The PAGES, Conference Travel Grant, 2000
- Stipendium im Rahmen des Soderprogramms Osteuropa, Switzerland, 1994-1995
- TEMPUS PHARE Individual Mobility Grant, 1995
- Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Latvia Award, 1990
- SOROS Foundation-Latvia, Conference Travel Grant, 1995
Professional Activities and Memberships
- Corresponding Member of the The INQUA Commission on
Terrestrial Processes, Deposits, and History (TERPRO), 2007-
- Leader of the Peribaltic Working Group, International Association for Quaternary
Research (INQUA) TEPRO Commision, 2003-2007
- Vice-President, Commission on Glaciation of the International Association for Quaternary
Research (INQUA), 1999-2003
- Member of Advisory Board of Geology Series of Proceedings of Estonian Academy of
Sciences (since 2007 Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences), 1997-
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Journal on Geology of the
circum-Baltic States "Baltica", 2004-
Member of the Editorial Board of Akademiska
Dzive, 2008-
- Head of the Doctoral Board in Geology, University of Latvia, 2006 -
- Editor-in-chief of Series in Earth and Environmental Sciences of Acta Universitatis
Latviensis, 2002-
- Head of the Academic Committee of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Medicine at the
University of Latvia, 2001-2007
- Vice-Chairman of the Senate of the University of Latvia , 2000-
- Chairman, Latvian National INQUA (LatQUA) Committee, 1998-
- Chair, Latvian National INQUA Committee, 1998-
- Expert in Geology, Expert Committee for Biology, Earth
and Environmental Sciences, Latvian Council of Science, 1997- 2007
- Member, Tutorial Board of Study Programs in Geography, 1994-
- Member, Tutorial Board of Study Programs in Geology, 2000 -
- Full Member of the Geography Society of Latvia,
Number of communications to international scientific congresses, meetings and
symposiums - 70
Number of communications to national scientific meetings - 82
- Main Outlines of Geology of Latvia. Invited lecture. Geology
Department at Western Michigan University, April 25, 1994.
- Geological Investigations and Curriculum Development in Earth Sciences at
the University of Latvia. Geology Department at Western Michigan University, April
26, 1994.
- Curricula development in Geography, Geology and Environmental Science at
the Faculty of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Latvia. - University of
Plymouth, UK, May 5, 1995.
- The Physical Geography and Environment of Latvia. Invited lecture. - University
of Plymouth, UK, May 12, 1995.
- Geomorphological investigations in Latvia. - Baltic Conference on History
of Science, Riga, January 18, 1996.
- Research projects of specific and sensitive coastal areas in Latvia.
Invited lecture. -NorFA Network Specific and Sensitive Coastal environments
of the Baltic Sea opening meeting, Tallinn, March 8, 1997.
- Glaciotectonic structures and landforms as indicators of deglaciation in
Latvia. - Invited lecture. Conference and Field Excursion on Areal versus Frontal
Deglaciation of the Vistulian Ice Sheet. - Poznan, Adam Mickiewicz
University, Poland, September 21-25, 1998.
Structure and role of till in composition of drumlins and ribbed
moraines in Latvia. - Invited lecture. Symposium and Research course: Till genesis and
morphology, May 11-17, 2001. Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology,
Stockholm University.
- Main features of glaciotectonics in glacial lowlands and disintegration
of continuous cover of till. - Invited lecture. Symposium and Research course: Till
genesis and morphology, May 11-17, 2001. Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary
Geology, Stockholm University.
Study Courses
University of Latvia -
- Geomorphology, BSGeog, BSGeol, BSEnv study programs, 1990-
- Environmental Geomorphology, MSGeog, BSEnv study programs, 2000-
- Geology and Geomophology of Latvia, BSGeog, BSGeol study programs, 2003-
- Glacial Geology, MSGeog, MSGeol study programs, 2003-
- Quaternary Geology, BSGeo study program, 2007-
- Quaternary Geology, BSGeo study program, 2008-
Recent/Representative Publications
Total number of
Publications - 426:
Number of Scientific Publications -
Number of Educational Publications - 22
Other Publications
- 190
Rinterknecht V. R., Clark P. U., Raisbeck G. M., Yiou F., Bitinas A., Brook E.
J., Marks L., Zelcs V., Lunkka J.-P., Pavlovskaya I. E., Piotrowski J. A. and Raukas A.,
2006. The Last Deglaciation of the Southeastern Sector of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet.
Science, 311, 10 March 2006, 1449-1452.
- Saks T., Kalvans A., Zelcs V., 2007.
Structure and micromorphology of glacial and non-glacial deposits in coastal bluffs at
Sensala, Western Latvia. Baltica, 20(1-2), 19-27.
- Kalvans A., Saks T., Zelcs V., 2007. 2D analysis of apparent till micro fabrics in thin
sections: An example from Western Latvia. Quaternary International, 167-168,
Supplement 1. Abstracts the XVII INQUA Congress 2007, Australia, 28 July - 3 August
2007, 0293.
- Zelcs V., Saks T., Kalvans A., 2007. Towards revised Pleistocene stratigraphy of Western
Latvia, the Eastern Baltic. Quaternary International, 167-168, Supplement 1.
Abstracts the XVII INQUA Congress 2007, Australia, 28 July - 3 August 2007, 0656.
- Zelchs V., Markots A., 2004. Deglaciation history of Latvia. In: Ehlers J.,
Gibbard P. L. (eds.). Extent and Chronology of Glaciations, v.1 (Europe).
- V.Zelchs, A.Dreimanis, 1997. Morphology, internal structure and genesis of the Burtnieks
drumlin field, Northern Vidzeme, Latvia. J. Sedimentary Geology, 111, pp.
- A.Dreimanis, V.Zelchs, 1995. Pleistocene stratigraphy of Latvia. In: Glacial
Deposits in North-East Europe (J.Ehlers, S.Kozarski, Ph. Gibbard - eds.), 1995,
Rotterdam/Brookfeld:A.A.Balkema, pp. 105-113.
- V.Zelchs, A.Markots, 1999. The use of geological information for spatial planning.
Zalktis, Riga, 126 pp. (in Latvian).
Research Projects:
- Developing an Improved Event Chronology of the Late
Weichselian Deglaciation of the Inner Zone of the Southern Margin of the Scandinavian Ice
Sheet: Leader of the Project No. 2007/ZP-87, University of Latvia, 2007-2009.
- Glacial geology at the Baltic Sea bluffs between Sensala and Pavilosta, and the vicinity
of Ziemupe, western Kurzeme, Latvia. Head of the Project No. 2006/1-229717, University
of Latvia, 2006
- Development of Proglacial and Subglacial Palaeoenvironments, Depositional and
Landforming Processes During Weichselian Glaciation in Latvia. Head of the Project
No. 05.1498, Latvian Council of Science , 2005-2008
- International field symposium on Quaternary Geology and Modern Terrestrial Processes in
western Latvia, September 12-17, 2004. Head, INQUA TEPRO Commission project No. 0417, 2004
- Developing an improved chronology of the southern margin of the Scandianvian ice sheet. Co-Principal
Investigator of Collaborative Research Project funded by US-National Science Foundation,
- Correlation of the Weichselian Glacial Events in the Peribaltic Region: Subglacial
Processes, Sediments and Landforms with Special Reference to Ice Movement Dynamics and
Directions. National Coordinator of the INQUA Peribaltic Working Group Project,
- Central European Glaciotectonic Mapping Project (CEGMP). National Coordinator of the
INQUA Geospatial Analysis of Glacial Environment (GAGE) Working Group Project, 1995-2003
- Ice Flow Directions during Late Weichselian Glaciation of Latvia. Head of the Project
No. 04.0417, Latvian Council of Science, 2004
- Glacial Dynamics during the Last Glaciation. Head of the Project No. 01.0300, Latvian
Council of Science, 2001-2003
- Glaciotectonic Map of Latvia. Head of the Project No. 96.0299, Latvian Council of
Science, 1997-2000
- Raw Material Sector. District Planning in Latvia. Pilot Study in Kuldiga District.
Consulting geologist, Report no. 30602-007, Denmark Environmental Agency/COWI, 1998
- Glaciotectonic Database Project of Latvia. Head of the Project No. 93.329, Latvian
Council of Science, 1994-1996
- Landscape Structural Units of Latvia as Part Bioindicative Integration. Coordinator of
sub-Project No. 90.325.01(628), Latvian Council of Science, 1991-1993.
Organization and Management of International Meetings, Workshops
and Excursions
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International
Field Symposium on the Quaternary of Western Lithuania: from the Pleistocene glaciations
to the evolution of the Baltic Sea, May 27 June 02, 2007, Plateliai, Lithuania.
- Member of the Program Committee of the International Field Symposium on Late Pleistocene
Glacigenic Deposits in the Central Part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, Kola Peninsula,
Russia, September 11-15, 2006.
- Member of the Program Committee, the International Field Symposium on Late Pleistocene
Glacigenic Deposits in the Central Part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, September 11-15,
- Head of the Organizing Committee, the International Field Symposium on Quaternary
Geology and Modern Terrestrial Processes in Western Latvia, September 12-17, 2004.
- Member of the Program Committee of the 6th International Drumlin Symposium of the INQUA
Commision on Glaciation, June 17-23, 2001, Nicholas Copernicus University, Poland.
- Head of the Organizing Committee, the INQUA Commission on Glaciations, Peribaltic Group
and Friends of Baltic Quaternary field Symposium on Glacial Processes and Quaternary
Environment, Latvia, May 25-31, 1998.
- Member of the Organizing Committee, the XIV INQUA Congress in Berlin, August 3-10,1995.
Postcongress Excursion C-3, Baltic Traverse, August 11-20, 1995.
- Member of the Organizing Committee, Pleistocene Stratigraphy, Ice Marginal Formations
and Deglaciation of the Baltic States. Scientific Excursion of Peribaltic Group IGCP 253
Termination of the Pleistocene, June 14-19, 1993.
- Head of the Organizing Committee, Glaciotectonic Processes, Sediments, Landforms and
Their Influence on the Present Geological Situation // Baltic Regional Summer Field
Meeting of Geologists and Geomorphologists. North and Central Vidzeme, Latvia, July 27-
August 01, 1992.
- Head of the Organizing Committee, Glacial Lithomorphogenesis, Paleogeography of
Quaternary Epoch, Present Exodynamic Processes and Their Paleoecological Aspects // Winter
Seminar Geomorphologists and Geologists of the Baltic States, Belarus and European part of
Russia. Jurmala, Latvia, March 18-21, 1991.
Other experience
- Organization and Management of Study Programs in Geography, Geology and
Environmental Science, 1994-1997.
- Organization and Management of the field course in Geography of Latvia
for BS G. and BS in Earth Science undergraduate students from the Plymouth University, UK,
September, 1996 -1998.
- Organization and Management of the field course in Quaternary Geology and
Glacial Geomorphology in Latvia for research students from the Bern University,
Switzerland, May 25-June 5, 1997.
Last update 27.03.2008.