Born: August 12, 1935, Dobele, Latvia
- Fuel and Energy Complex Planning
- Energy Efficiency
- Heat Supplying Systems
- Gas Supplying Systems
- Energy Market
- Energy Audit and Monitoring in Buildings and Industry
- Energy Utilisation
Languages: Latvian, Russian, English
- University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1966
- Postgraduate, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1972-1979
- Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western
countries). Title of Thesis: Complex Methods for Utilization of Energy Resources in
Industry. Georgian Institute of Energetics and Hydrotechnical Buildings, 1984
- Dr.habil.sc.ing., Title of Thesis: Integrated Investigations of
Heat Supplying Systems: Energetical and Economical Efficiency, Ecology. Institute of
Physical Energetics, 1993
- Professor, Institute of Physical Energetics, 1994
- Head of Scientific Group, Institute of Physical Energetics,
Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1979-1986
- Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, Institute of Physical
Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1986-1993
- Manager of Postgraduate Studies and Diploma Design, 1991-pres.
- Professor, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1993-
- Head of Energy Efficiency Centre, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian
Academy of Sciences, 1994 -
Honours and Awards
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences and Public Joint stock company "Latvenergo"
Alfreds Vitols Prize for a series of papers Energy Market and the Baltic States:
Analysis of Development. Measures to Increase Energy Utilisation Efficiency in Public and
Dwelling Houses, 2003
- The Latvian Academy of Sciences , Joint Stock Company "Latvijas Gaze" and the
Latvian Foundation of Education Prize for a series of papers Complex
investigation of effective transportation, storage , and utilization of natural gas,
Professional Activities and Memberships:
- President, Latvian Member Committee/ World Energy Council (WEC), 2001
- Member, WEC Group Central and Eastern Europe, 1990
- Deputy Chairman, International Centre for Energy and Environment Policy ICEEP
(for Central and Eastern Europe Countries), 2001 -
- Member, Latvian Affiliate of International Association for Energy Economics - IAEE, 1990
- Member of Board, National Energy Confederation, 2001
- Member of Scientific Council of Institute of Physical Energetics LAS, 1993 -
Main Recent/Representative Publications (total number of publications
N.Zeltinsh, V.Tseyzinsh, P.Shipkovs, Yu.Ozolinsh. The Energy Systems in Latvia.-
In: Energy and Environment in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. (Ed. by Jorgan
Fenhann), RISU National Laboratory, Denmark, 1992, pp. 53-71 /ed.2/.
N.Zeltinsh and co-authors. Energy for Tomorrow's World -the Realities, the Real Options
and the Agenda for Achievement. - World Energy Council: Kogan Page Limited, London St.
MARTINS PRESS INC. New York, 1993, 320 pp.
V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh, Yu.Stripnieks. Energy Conservation Policy in Latvia and
Baltic Region for the Next Century. Proc. 18thInternational
Conference "Into the Twenty -First Century: Harmonising Energy Policy Environment and
Sustainable Economic Growth", Washington DC, USA, 1995, pp. 233-241.
V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh, A.Davis. Possibilities for Creating Future Global Fuel and Energy
Supply Systems in Baltic States. Proc. 16th Congress of World Energy
Council, Division 2 PS/SRD 2- 4. Social Aspects of Energy
Supply, Tokyo, Japan, 1995, pp. 49-55.
I.Puikevica - Puikevska, N.Zeltinsh. Latvian Energy Economy Sector in
Transition Period. In: Ecological Energy Conception of the Baltic
States in the Transition Period. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Environmental Engineering ZESZYT, (ISSN 0867 - 2172) 1996, Nr. 2, pp.61-96.
V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh, A. Davis. Integration of energy systems of Baltic States into the
North - European system for the sustainable energy supply development. Proc. 20th
Annual International Conference, Int. Ass. for Energy Economics, 1997, vol. II, New
Delhi, India, pp.561-570.
J.Kapala, N.Zeltins. A direct way of estimation of impurity emission from the coke
cooled by wet method. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 1997,
Nr. 6, pp.19-28.
V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh, V.Kreslinsh. Latvian and East-European market: towards the
EU Policy. - Proc. 21st International Conference of the IAEE
Experimenting with Free Markets: Lessons from the Last 20 Years and Prospects for
the Future, 1998, vol. 1, Quebec, Canada, pp.233-242.
J.Kapala, J.Michna, Yu.Ekmanis, N.Zeltinsh. Research- based Ecological concept of
energy management for the Baltic States in transition period. - Latvian Journal of
Physics and Technical Sciences, 1998, Nr. 5, pp.3 -13.
A.Osh, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh. The role of new technologies for rehabilitation of heat
supply systems in Baltic countries. In: New Equilibrate in the Energy Markets:
The role of New Regions and Areas (Proc22nd IAEE Annual Intern. Conference), 1999,
vol.2, Rome, Italy, pp.390-398.
J.Kapala, V.Mikinis, U.Rudi, M.Caikovska, N.Zeltins. Actual Economic
and Energetic Problems of the Baltic countries. - Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 1999, Nr. 3, pp.3 -19.
A.Davis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh. North Europe Gas Prospects Latvian Underground Gas
Storage.- In: World Markets Series BUSINESS BRIEFING Global Gas & LNG Industry.
World Markets Research Centre. London, UK, June 1999, pp.68-70.
I.Puikevica-Puikevska, I.Viksna, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltins. Liberalisation of Latvian
Gas Sector and Outlook of North European Gas Market. Proc. 20th
Annual North American Conference of United States Associations for Energy Economics,
Orlando, Florid, USA, 1999, pp.415-423.
M.Chaikovska, A.Davis, N.Zeltinsh. LATVIA. - In: Emerging Energy Legislation
in Central & Eastern Europe: Market Orientation; International Compatibility; Business
Implications. World Energy Council. Report 1999, pp.95 - 104.
A.Davis, G.Freibergs, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh. Latvian Underground Gas Storage for
Developing Baltic and European Gas Supply System. - Proc. Regional Forum Central
and East European Energy Policies, Markets and Technologies for 21st
Century, World Energy Council Vilnius, Lithuania, 1999, pp.138 - 187.
A.Davis, G.Freibergs, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh. Technological Progress and
Development of Heat Energy Market. Proc. IAEE 1999 European energy conference
Technological progress and the energy challenges, Paris, France,1999,
pp.132 140.
M.Chaikovska, G.Shlihta, N.Zeltinsh, V.Mi?kinis, Ü.Rudi. Actual economic and
energetically problems of Baltic countries. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical
Sciences, 2000, Nr. 2, pp.10-22.
M.Chaikovska, I.Stuits, N.Zeltinsh. Hard Coal in the Balance of Energy Resources in
Latvia. In: Restructuring and privatisation of the coal industries in central and eastern
Europe and the CIS, World Energy Council, London, UK, 2000, pp.119-124.
V.Ginters, V.Kreslinsh, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh. The Diversity of Fuel in Energy
Production as Preconditions to Stabilise Energy Market. Proc.Regional WEC Energy
Forum FOREN 2000 Technologies for Liberalised Energy Market, Sect. IV
Regulatory environment to promote sustainable and efficient technologies, Neptun - Olimp,
Romania, 2000, pp.67-72.
M.Chaikovska, V.Mi?kinis, Ü.Rudi, G.Shlihta, N.Zeltins. Bericht aus den
Baltischen Republiken.10. Zittauer Seminarzur energiewirtschaftlichen Situation in den
Ländern Osteuropas, Zittau, Germany, 2000, 30 S.
A.Os, I.Puikevica-Puikevska, N.Zeltin. Aims and Expectation of
Desirable Introduction of Latvia in the EU. - In: Energy Conservation Policy. Special
issue dedicated to integration of Central and Eastern Europe Countries with EU, Polish
Academy of Sciences, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Zeszyt Nr.1, 2000, pp.41-53.
A.Osh, Y.Ekmanis, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh. Energy policy in Latvia. - International
Journal of Global energy Issues, Energy conservation policy in Central and Eastern
European countries, UNESCO, 2001, vol.16, Nos.1/2, pp.64-81.
J.Kapala, J.Michna, Y.Ekmanis, N.Zeltinsh. Still transition or a new situation in
energy conservation policy in Central and Eastern European countries? - International
Journal of Global energy Issues, Energy conservation policy in Central and Eastern
European countries, UNESCO, 2001, vol.16, Nos. 1/2/3, pp.242-251.
J.Ekmanis, D.Frormann, J.Kapala, J.Michna, N.Zeltins. Expedient researches on Energy and
Environment Policy in Central and Eastern Europe countries. - Latvian Journal of
Physics and Technical Sciences, 2001, Nr.5, pp.3-13.
J.Michna, D.Frormann, J.Barto?, M.Gnedoy, P.Kaleta, J.Kapala,
F.Krawczynski, G.Mészáros, V.Mikinis, J.Rousek, M.Rouytcheva, U.Rudi, V.Ruginá,
I.Viksna, N.Zeltins. - In: Energy Conservation Policy. Polish
Academy of Sciences, Institute of Environmental Engineering, 2001, Zeszyt Nr 1, 226 p. (in
English, German and Russian).
B.Petrovs, I.Viksna, N.Zeltinsh. Methodological and technical aspects of energy
liberalisation in Latvia. Proc.10th Forum: Croatian energy day
Energy sector liberalisation and Privatisation in Transition-Economy and EU
Countries: Experiences and Perspectives Zagreb, Croatia, 2001, pp.73-82.
J.Michna, J.Kapala, J.Ekmanis, D.Frormann, N.Zeltins, P.Kaleta. International
Centre for Energy and Environmental Policy (ICEEP) for Central and Eastern Europe
Countries. In: Energy Conservation Policy. Polish Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Environmental Eengineering. Zabrze, Düsseldorf, Riga., 2001, Zeszyt
Specjalny, 28 p. (in English, German and Russian).
J.Michna, D.Frormann, N.Zeltins, P.Kaleta. Present and future energy and
environmental policy problems in central and eastern European countries. - International
centre for energy and environmental policy, 2002, Bulletin No. 1, 24 p.
B.Petrov, I.Puikevica-Puikevska, N.Zeltinsh. Program of energy audit for residential
buildings. Proc. 9th Intern. Conference on Indoor Air Quality and
Climate Indoor Air 2002, Monterey, California, USA, 2002, 6 p.
K.Mikelsons, V.Zebergs, N.Zeltinsh N. European and World Experience for Creating Baltic
Liberalized Electricity Market. Proc. 22nd USAEE/IAEE North American
Conference Energy Markets in Turmoil: Making Sense of it All,
2002,Vancouver, BC, Canada, CD.
Akermanis A., Sarma U., Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. Present situation and trends
in reconstructing the heat supply systems in Latvia . - In: "Towards
local energy systems: revitalising district heating and co-generation in central and
eastern Europe", World Energy Council, 2003, pp. 41-56.
Davis A., Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2003) Energy saving policy and emissions
decreasing: Latvian experience // Proceedings of International Energy Conference Energy
Technologies for post Kyoto targets in the medium term, Risu National Laboratory,
Denmark, 2003, : pp. 375-384.
Mikelsons K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. Sustainable development problems of Latvian energy
sector //26th Annual Conference International Association for Energy
Economics New Challenges for energy decision makers, Prague, Czech Republic,
2003, CD: 7 pp.
Osh A., Zeltina, L. and Zeltinsh, N. Cooperation between the developed countries and the
Republic of Latvia in the field of energy: globalisation. - Int. J. Global Energy
Issues, 2003, Vol.19, No. 2/3, pp. 212-224.
Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. The Integration of Post
Transition Countries in European Free Energy Market // Proceedings of 23rd IAEE North
American Conference, Integrating the Energy Markets in North America: Issues &
Problems, Terms & Conditions Mexico, Mexico City, Camino Real Hotel, CD: 8 pp.
Petrov B., Puikevica Puikevska I., Zeltins N. Evaluation of potential
possibility of energy efficiency in dwelling . - HB 2003 Conference, Singapore,
2003, CD.
Stuits I., Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. Institutional support on energy and
environmental policy in Latvia. - Int. J. Risk Assessment & Management, 2003,
Vol. 4, No. 2/3, , UK, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN 1466-8297, pp. 167-191.
Davis A., Gedrovics M., Ekmanis Yu., Zeltins N. Trends in the Development
of the use of Natural Gas in Latvia in the EU Context . - Latvian Journal of Physics
and Technical Sciences, 2004, No 1, pp. 3-13.
Davis A., Gedrovics M., Ekmanis Yu., Zeltins N. Natural gas an instrument
for the improvement of energetic and environmental indicators. - Latvian Journal of
Physics and Technical Sciences , 2004, No 2, pp.3-14.
Davis A., Gedrovics M., Ekmanis Yu., Zeltins N. Complete utilisation of smoke fumes
produced from natural gas a source for decreasing fuel purchase costs and
emissions. - Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2004, No 3,
pp. 3-10.
Melko A., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. Energy efficiency managing problems in
post-transition countries // Proc. 3rd European Congress on Economics and
Management of Energy in Industry, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004, CD.
Mikelsons K., Davis A., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. Latvian underground gas storage
facilities for the development of a safe gas and power supply system of North European gas
. - IRAEE International Conference on "Energy & Security in the Changing
World", Teheran, Iran, 2004, CD.
Mikelsons K., Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. A New Era in the
Energy Market Management for the Central & East European Post-Transition Countries . -
The 24th annual North American Conference of IAEE/USAEE, July
8-10, 2004, Washington DC, Capital Hilton Hotel, 2004, CD
Brendow K., Delic M., Elleriis J. Silvennoinen A., Sigmond G., Zeltins N. et al.
Regulating District Heating and Cogeneration in Central and Eastern Europe. - A
Report of the World Energy Council: 2004, 142 pp.
Mikelsons K., Davis A., Ekmanis Y., Zebergs V. and Zeltins N. A Long-Term Forecast
for the Development of the Latvian Energy Sector Due to Its Integration into the Baltic
and North European Region. - 19th WEC Congress, Sydney, Australia,
2004, Abstracts: pp. 108-109.
Ribickis L., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. Energetical and power electronics researches
in Latvia . - 11th International Power Electronics and
Motions Control Conference, Proceedings of EPE-PEMC 2004 Conference Riga, Latvia,
2004, Vol. 4 of 7: 4-479 4-482.
Yuris Ekmanis, Jerzy Michna, Andrzej Stania, Namejs Zeltins. Uncertainty in energy
conservation policy. - Foundation for Energy and Environmental Policy, 6 Wolnosci , 41-700 Ruda Slaska , Poland, ISSN 0867-2172,
ZESZYT NR 4/2004: 38 p.
Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2005) Latvian Energy Outlook . - Development
agency for Ruda Slaska INWESTOR, ISDN 0867-2172, ZESZYT NR 5/2005: 26 pp.
Adrians Davis, Inga Puikevica Puikevska, Viktors Zebergs and
Namejs Zeltins. Energy Efficiency Problems in Post-Transition Countries. - IAEE
conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2005, CD.
Mikelsons K., Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2005) Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy Problems in the New EU Countries. - The 25th annual
North American Conference of IAEE/USAEE, Omni Interlocken Resort, Denver, CO, USA, CD.
Jan Solinski, Marek Jaczewski, Tomasz Golec, Temenuga
Manoilova, Ylo Rudi, Gintaras Adzgauskas, Namejs Zeltins, Viktors Zebergs, Natan
Bernot. Energy sector of the Central and East European countries - present
situation and outlook to 2030. - Institute of Power Engineering Center of
Excellence , Warsaw, Poland, 2005, 52 pp.
B.Petrovs, V.Zebergs, Zeltins V. Improvement of the efficiency of energy use in
buildings: methods for estimation and modeling. - Latvian Journal of Physics and
Technical Sciences, 2006, N 5, pp.46- .
Zebergs V., Zeltins N., Krams Z. Silantjeva I., Grackova L. Dependence of energy
efficiency and GG emissions on the energy structure ad fluctuations in consumption.-
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2007, N 3,p.
Recent Research Projects
Centre of Excellence "Integration Centre for Central Europe for Research in
Energy Supply from FossilFuels and Renewable Sources (CENERG). Energy Institute,
Poland, Warszawa (2001-2005).
Analysis of Policy Instruments and Identification Tools for the Implementation of
rational Energy Use and Renewable Energy Sources in EU Candidate Countries. EC FR 5
(Project Acronym - EPA, Proposal No. NNES 2001-00421), (2001 - )
N.Zeltins (Head of Project) Strategy of Energy Efficiency and Saving for Development
of Latvian Fuel and Energy Complex. Latvian Council of
Science (2001 2004)
N.Zeltins (Head of Part of Project) Integration of the Technologies for
Rational Use to Ensure Sustainable Development of Energy Sector in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2002 )
N.Zeltins (Head of Project). Methodological Research in the Efficiency of Energy
Economy for Steady Development of the National Economy of Latvia Using Innovative
Technologies. Latvian Council of Science (2004
N.Zeltins (Head of sub-Programme). Integration of the
Technologies for Rational Use of Energy to Ensure Sustainable Development of the Energy
Sector in Latvia (Programme Director - J. Ekmanis). Latvian
Council of Science ( 2002 2005)
Last update 10.09.2007